Konoha's Infinite Clone

Chapter 558 Welcome to Utopia and Belt Reproduction

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This moment, the scene of the previous memory quickly reappeared in my mind, and I took the one-piece glasses again!

"problem occurs?"

The Kay of Side has been prepared to open eight armor, but until he still doesn't know what happened.

When he was sleeping, the ability felt that the Chakra became disordered. After wokene, he held a cautious attitude to call it, but when he did not wake up, he missed an abnormality.

It is in an unknown urban, and it is not so dead at all, so the Cai's machine is separated and will wake up.

After the wake, he seems to see the ghosts, the reason is just ...

Kaishun came to see the line and saw a monolithic glasses that was thrown on the ground.

Just a monolithic glasses that is still ordinary? !

"problem occurs……"

It's also a moment, and he immediately went to "go! We must leave the Utopia as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

Kai I nodded, he sank, what happened, what happened to make a three tolerance?

Even in the case of knowing that I have an eight-door armor, I can't say anything to escape. !

"Don't take the door, jump directly from the window."

I also take a deep breath, get rid of the previous shadow, he put it on the coat, watching the rain raining that is still pouring outside, the inner heart is also dispersed in the rain of violent .

Before he walked to the window, he opened it, looked at the dark world, and the strange small town street was not guarded in the middle of the night. The outside world was a flavor, only occasionally, the sun was illuminated. It can also feel the construction of civilization.

When I was just wanting to jump out, I suddenly suddenly, he quickly turned it, and the monolithic glasses who have been thrown out before, then put it in the pocket.

After all of this, he looked at Kai's jumping down, and his hand stretched a summoned ate 'purple hidden.

He launched his mind with rain from the window, and suddenly the water element began to deformed, and the Map of Utopia was formed without a moment.

This is the ability of his avatar 'purple hidden', although there is no role in the frontal battle, but in this case, it can send a big use.

The end result is that he is unexpected, and even reached the extent to which he is panic.

"how come?!"

He looked at the rain on the ground. The rain that originally formed a Utopian map started a crazy chaotic dance, countless water droplets, and a few complete maps were formed in a short time!

"Is it ... Is the Utopia changed at all?!"

I also bite the lips, at this moment, he simply revokes the readings. The purple hob disappeared. He stepped on the water, and the last scene formed by it was broken, and then he did not hesitate to jump from the window. .

The heavy rain of the pour is hit by the body, and it has also looked at Kai, which has been wet, whispered

"There is a problem in this city, we don't turn around, always go straight."

"it is good!"

Kai nodded, he took a deep breath, and the next moment, the armor was opened, and it was the seventh door.

The air around Chakra excitement rose the temperature, the rain is in his body, but it is evaporated in the next second.

Kay was pulled, and the next moment was fully explosing. The limit speed in the seventh door was almost instantly away from the iris.

At the moment of Kay, I used a wind, because they were a hidden, so that the way to do is a hidden, and once the whole force runs to break through the sound barrier.

So in order to prevent the roar of the sound explosion, he controlled the wind in advance, and the movement of Kai Run is minimized!

But the strange things happened, no matter how Kay run, no matter how fast his speed is, you can't see the edge of the city!

"Wait! Stop!"

In the wind of the wind, I also screamed.

Kay stopped, he asked in two years, "What happened?"

I have turned my body and I look at the left, and my voice has trembles.

"Isn't that the iris hotel ?!"

what? ! ! !

Kai said an instant turning, in the dark world in the moonlight, Kai is almost discovered by his eyesight ...

It seems that there are already many years old. In the rush of heavy rain, the race of the wind, this is a feeling of being a kind of vicissitudes.

Rumbler ...

Another lightning, illuminating this city ...

Kaiju looked up, found that the four big words of 'Iris Lodge Hotel' on the outer wall of the building!

Iris Flower Hostel! ! !

This is the place where they have previously stayed!

They come back again! !

How can it be? ! !

What is it for so long in this storm? !

"what on earth is it?!"

Kai was shocked, and he felt a wonderful silk.

Who is it? Or what exits what exists in the dark, do you make them?

At this time, then they were heard when they came, and the sound of the mouth blowing from the Cui West came out again from the hotel.

It is still that kind of sadness, still is that kind of madness, as if the world is crying, as if people are crying in despair.

Even if the world that was brushed by heavy rain can also simplicate the tunes of this sadness, it seems that the two are in different times, and one is like a violent.

Rumbler ...

Rumbler ...

I suddenly came back in the sky, and the continuous lightning spread from the sky, and the great force from nature will render the black dark clouds with a piece of blue purple.

"this is……"

In the Utopia who echoes the blue purple sky, the two people are also close to the back, and they are not credible to watch the people around ...

The corners of the lightning shines, the streets, houses of the house, the window in the house ...

Some people are watching them! ! !

The door of the Iris, Tiexi is evenly standing, and she does not doping any expression in her exquisite face;

On the other house, the window at the second floor, a man wearing black clothes opened the window, looking at them on the second floor;

At the corner of the street, I walked out a girl who was 11 or two, she hugged the doll, she was still turning her head on her head, but she still saw two people;

More and more people, there are people with more and more people, they look at their own and Kay, have been a little numbness to the scalp of the two people.

This is simply a reappearance of the dream!

I also thought of in the dream of the Iris, that's it is also the same, this kind of eye, this pressure!

Then, as the dream of his dream, Cui Si took out a single film in his pocket.

All of them are the case, and all the corners of the city, all people in any location not noticed at any location, then pulled a monolithic glasses in the same time, and then worn on the right eye.

At this moment, everyone has opened the same moment. Everyone's voice is not large, but so many people come together, and the sound is still overruking rain.

In the dark world, in the world, there is only a chorus declaration in the world.

"Welcome to Utopia ..."


"It is the first generation of wood leaves, I can find our position ..."

Daiwa Temporary Base, the long door looks at the other side of the killer, and she said.

"So, what is it for use?"

There is no problem around the column, and there is no problem to answer the long door, but said casually.

"Are you a whirlpool?"

"..." The long door is silent for a moment, then nodded "Yes, my parents are dead in the battle of the leaves and rain."

There is a cruel topic between the post, "War, is really a cruel topic ..."

"Is it interested to end the war together?"

"End war?" The long door is soaked, "it is impossible, do you still have the essence of the world so long? I want to have no war, only a big war, forced them. I can cook. "

"So ... let the endurance uniform?" The column persuaded "is no longer divided into various countries, but as the end of the six cactors, only one voice is only one voice."


The long door whisped to these two words, then said "Why do you ask me? Even if your strength, even if the wooden leaves can be done easily."

"It is not unified by the wood, I want is a joint rather than conquest, so the new regime must have power to restrict. Otherwise, the absolute right will only enroll absolute corruption!"


I nodded in the dark, he didn't think of the idea of ​​the initial generation of the first generation.

There are really few people in this world, very few people can get rid of the binding of human individuals.

Normal people have the power of rushing the whole world, if you want to unify the endure, you will usually make your country's own villages as the lead.

It can get rid of the identity of the identity, but you can't create a wooden Ye Yin Village.

"What do you want to say ..."

Even in the heart, it has fallen in the heart, it is still the same as the long door.

"I want to invite you to join the new joint government, representing the whole talent."

There is a hands-on-handed hands and slowly say that "I know that some people in the organization are the S-class wanted criminals of their respective villages.

"..." The long door is slow, and "knowing that the organization is not a highly concentrated organization, and this matter is serious, I have to discuss with members for a while, and then I will give you a reply."

"I have no problem ..." The column shrugged and then said.

"Then it is the second question ..."

"Second?" The long gate frowned

"Stone noodles, map ... You should understand what I mean?" The column slowly opened his mouth, his voice was very light, but the sound is like frowning in the long crush.

He is slight, and Shen Sheng said

"The original stone mask is in the wooden leaves ..."

He is long and relieved, and finally nodded after a little time.

"Okay, I agree with the woods!"


Outside the wooden leaf, Kakasi is resting on a tree.

In the battle with Dior, he became a child, and later recovered under the treasure.

After recovery, he received a task.

That is the five-generation water shadow representing the fog of the wooden leaves.

Although it is generally not dangerous to take the strength of the beauty, Caassi itself represents the attitude of the wood.

Of course, there is nothing on this road. After all, everyone is in rebuilding the home, who will come to a wooden elite to endure and foggy water?

Only at this moment, on the way to come after delivery, Kasi, who is resting, suddenly seen the space in front of the space ...

This familiar pupil fluctuator allows him to mention the spirit in an instant!

This is Shen Wei!

Today, I only have one person outside of him, and I can use the might!

Yuxi wave belt! !

In Kakasi shocked and expected, the soil did not wear the vortex mask returned from another world. He lowered, looked at the shocked Kaki said.

"Kakasi, we will not see it for more than ten years?"

"... strictly, I have already felt your power soon."

Kakasi smiles

At the time of the game, Kasi received a helping assistance in the oil lamp. At that time, I felt the power of the belt.

"It's a hunna." With the soil whispers "The original genius ninja, the strongest flag wood Carti in the same period, can only rely on my strength?"

"The Shenwei is indeed an incomparable pupil." Carti is not able to say

With the territory, I watched Kakasi, and then turned it, the next moment, the space of his thirteen, and a black power swallowed his space around him, and the darkness became bigger and bigger, with virtual tear The dark cavity is extremely similar.

At the same time of distort space, the earth said

"If you want to become stronger, you will come ..."

Kakasi did not reply to the first time, but asked "Lin? He is okay?"


With the soil, there is no expression, and there is no talk, and I have been laughing.

"You know, you know ..."

Darkness expansion, has always changed to the space that can be sent? The space is stopped.

Kakasi didn't hesitate, he took a deep breath, and then did not speak again, and the tradition is in the 'black chamber'.

A feeling of through the world, as if the rules of the world are different, cross your eyes, find yourself in a closed laboratory!

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