"To be honest, a person as strong as me, even if he doesn't have superpowers, it doesn't matter, right?"

After a pause, his head moved again with the magnifying glass...

Superpower incense or incense...

But this time the area was relatively wide, and he was quickly discovered by others.

"What are you doing here?" Liu Zaishi asked.

"Brother, come and take a look, this is so fun~" Kim Jae-ho said with a smile.

"Yes?" Liu Zaishi said that he was also interested, and also took pictures together.

The two fools moved along with the magnifying glass and looked very happy.

While playing, Liu Zaishi asked while playing: "What is your superpower?" "

"As long as I touch the name tag, I will die." Kim Jae-ho said with a smile, "No need to tear it. "

Liu Zaishi: ?!

"Scared, huh? If you are afraid, hurry up, I can only use it once, I will use it for Brother Jiuguo. Kim Jae-ho threatened lightly.

"Hahaha~ really, fake, right?"

"Or try it~" Kim Jae-ho immediately touched his name tag.

"Oh hey ~" Liu Zaishi was shocked and immediately dodged his attack.

"You keep playing, I'll go first."

"I'll see you soon."

Yoo Jae-seok left, looked at him suspiciously from a distance, and felt very strange to see that Kim Jae-ho was still playing a game casually.

"It's strange, I don't know if it's true, no, he must be doing a mission!" How else was it so long there. "

Kim Jae-ho has been playing happily there, which has aroused Yoo Jae-seok's suspicion, which is not very fun to be honest, but Kim Jae-ho looks very interested.

It was as if deliberately making people feel that he was interested in this.

"His superpowers may also be fake, as if he wants to drive me away and annoy me."

Seeing that Liu Zaishi had been staring at himself, Jin Zaihao pretended to be tired of playing, and immediately slipped away.

"The heart is empty, the heart is empty! Saw that I kept watching and pretended to leave! Liu Zaishi said with a smile, feeling that he had seen through.

Now that he knew such a big thing, he quickly ran back.

"The superpowers gather here first." Liu Zaishi shouted.

"Ah, how handsome, superpower." Li Guangzhu walked over very happily and was very satisfied with this title.

After seeing everyone gathered together, Liu Zaishi also began to say: "Let's discuss and discuss, we all don't know our respective abilities, nor do we know who to attack, who must be the leader." "

"Just now I saw Kim Jae-ho, he seems to be doing a task."

"Oh?!" Everyone was surprised, "No wonder he has been alone all the time and does not come to us." "

Liu Zaishi's words aroused a thousand waves with one stone, and immediately the crowd was turbulent.

"Oh, you can't let him do the task!"

"And he is still the strongest in the previous session, can't let him two times in a row!"

"So is he finished?" Li Guangzhu was excited, he had already seen this movement.

Liu Zaishi's words aroused everyone's hatred and jealousy, they didn't know if what Liu Zaishi said was true, but it didn't matter, it would definitely be right to eliminate Kim Jae-ho first.

If he is the strongest for one term, he will be so screaming, if he is allowed to be two consecutive terms, then he will have to go!

Song Jihyo also coaxed together, after all, she knew that if Kim Jae-ho completed the task, his ability might be very strong.

He has already been, this time, let her come.

Everyone thought so, and a consensus was reached at once, and there was no need for Liu Zaishi to say more, these people were idle anyway, so they decided to catch Kim Jae-ho first.

"Let's hurry up!" Haha can't wait.

"He's over there!" Jin Zhiguo immediately said it, and soon, he snapped.

Everyone was happy to listen to it, and dared to ask first when they were discussing it just now.


"That's it." Liu Zaishi said, "We are led by those who are capable, join forces to fight against Kim Jae-ho, first he is eliminated, and we stand up together!" "

Then everyone put their hands together, there were so many of them, they had never reached a consensus so quickly.

Jin Zhiguo walked in front and commanded, and everyone followed and killed.

Kim Jae-ho doesn't realize what he's going to face, and he's looking for an opportunity to go back to the mission.

But it wasn't good that he didn't see anyone all the time, so he went directly to the crowd, and he always knew where everyone was.

"Yo~" Kim Jae-ho made a loud gesture of goodwill as soon as he saw someone.

But he never expected that when he saw him on the other side, not only did he not return the salute, but he immediately turned around and shouted: "Kim Jae-ho is here!! "

Kim Jae-ho: ???

Then he heard one cry after another.

"Where is it!"

"Here! He's here! "

Kim Jae-ho felt wrong, turned his head and ran.

"Ouch... What a thing! "

I saw the oncoming approach, and three people immediately shouted and rushed to their side!

Where did Kim Jae-ho see this battle, frightened, ran away with all his strength, and questioned the world as he ran, what did he do wrong?

Haha they laughed and chased, this moment is afraid that they are the happiest moment today.

One after another, some people heard the news to join, and finally everyone was chasing Kim Jae-ho.

Encirclement and suppression of Kim Jae-ho!!

Some people did not run fast but shouted loudly, and the sense of participation was very full, and the staff in the audience laughed and watched them chase Kim Jae-ho.

Full flood!

But Kim Jae-ho is Kim Jae-ho after all, the old escape master.

After rushing into the maze, he threw everyone's attention with the complicated terrain, then rushed to a corner, opened a small door that didn't know what it was, and hid inside.

Such a tricky place, so he can think of hiding it, fortunately he is not Li Guangzhu or Jin Zhiguo, so he can still hide it.

He quickly closed the door and then closed it.

The place seemed to be a locker for some work things, just in a good position to accommodate him.

In fact, it was firefighting, but he didn't know.

Such weather, actually made the sweat run out, I don't know if it's because of exercise or fright, maybe both.

He tries not to touch too much, shrinks himself into a ball, and then the next moment, the dark world ushers in light.

The door opened, and Kim Junguo's head poked in, with the most polite smile he felt.

"What are you doing here?"

Kim Jae-ho pulled out an ugly smile: "Such a coincidence, brother!" Come in and sit down~"

"No need, it's more convenient for you to come out."

Kim Jae-ho is directly desperate, how the hell did these people find themselves?!

Kim Jae-ho crawled out of the small compartment in a daze, convinced that if he didn't come out voluntarily, he would be dragged out by some strong arm.

There is a saying that the good man does not suffer the immediate loss, so Jin Haohan decided to give a hand first.

Of course, as I slowly climbed out, my brain kept spinning wildly, trying to think of a way to get out.

As soon as it came out, the air was good, but the atmosphere was very breathtaking.

Everyone was looking at themselves with a smile outside, and that kind of malicious smile made Kim Jae-ho shudder.

"Brother, what is this for?" Kim Jae-ho laughed.

"Zaihao, I heard that you are doing a mission?" Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

"Who said that, what do I do the task for?" Isn't it a superpower special? Kim Jae-ho said.

"So what are your superpowers?" Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"Why did I tell you, you didn't tell me." Kim Jae-ho said.

"Brother, just tear him up!" Li Guangzhu said.

"Come on! I see who dares to tear me, come! Kim Jae-ho directly turned around and exposed his back.

"Come, die together!"

"What is this?" Lee Kwang-joo and Haha looked at each other, which was bluffed by Kim Jae-ho.

Jin Zhiguo glanced at Song Zhixiao, and Song Zhixiao returned a look, and Jin Zhiguo understood.

Not so long ago.

Under Kim Zhiguo's questioning, Song Zhixiao, who was a little more stressed, also decided to release a little kind message.

"I can't tell you mine, but I'll tell you what you want to know."

Jin Zhiguo thought about it, this is a word in the words!

In an instant, he knew what Song Zhixiao's ability was.

Know everyone's superpowers!

This is an intelligence master!

Song Zhixiao is the same auxiliary skill as him!

"Can Chi Shizhen's name be torn off?" Kim Junguo just wants to know this now.

It was because he was not sure whether Chi Shizhen could tear it that he had such a thing as now.

In the face of Jin Zhiguo's question, Song Zhixiao didn't say anything, just smiled evilly, although he didn't say anything, but it was like saying everything.

Kim Junguo also smiled in response, he understood.

Chi Shizhen, danger!

And now, Jin Zhiguo glanced at Song Zhixiao, and he also understood that the communication between smart people and smart people does not require too many actions and too many words, just a look.

Therefore, Kim Junguo now also knows that Kim Jae-ho can be torn.

"How did you find me, and so fast?" Kim Jae-ho only couldn't figure this out.

Kim Junguo nodded his ears, and Kim Jae-ho also remembered.

"Yay! That's cheating! How else can I play like this?! "

Looking at Kim Jae-ho's collapse, everyone laughed.

I haven't seen it, it's amazing~

Although this is the despair that everyone will face in the future, at this stage, everyone is in alliance, so this ability is honored.

"Tear it!" Haha directly coaxed, he has been thinking that Jin Zaihao has lived for too long.

"Then you will tear it! Here you go! Kim Jae-ho walked directly with his back to him.

"What?" Haha immediately backed down.

Because I don't know what Kim Jae-ho's ability is, everyone dares not act rashly.

And Kim Ji-guk and Song Ji-hyo are about to move, which shows that Kim Jae-ho won't be able to drag it out for long.

Just as Haha retreated, Kim Jae-ho suddenly ran.

It turned out that scaring haha was only the first step, his real purpose was to escape, and he never gave up.

He felt like he could still struggle.

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