As he ran, he shouted, "Yay! Don't catch me first! Eliminate Jin Zhiguo first! "

Of course, he was caught soon and didn't run far, but at the critical moment, Kim Jae-ho directly grabbed Ji Seok-jin, and the two held hands.

"Don't come here, come here and I'll tear him!"

"You tear it! You tear! Chi Shizhen not only did not resist, but also began to mock.

Kim Jae-ho grabbed the hostage and was directly dumbfounded, isn't this the trick I used? How did you start using it too?

Everyone was also happy to comment on this scene and did not interfere.

But seeing Chi Shizhen like this, he also felt amazing, and both people said that they quickly tore their own, could it be that their abilities are all related to famous brands?

It is also very strange that this kind of thing happened in front of my eyes.

But Kim Jae-ho will not be soft, he remembers now, Ji Shijin's ability seems to have many lives.

He directly took advantage of Chi Shizhen's careless surprise attack to tear off Chi Shizhen's name tag, and then fled while everyone cared about Chi Shizhen.

Everyone just wants to tear off a person, and they don't care if Kim Jae-ho runs or not, anyway, if he runs, he will be captured again, and with the ability of Jin Zhiguo, no one can run.

People are more concerned about another thing now.

"And! He also has a name tag! "Li Guangzhu made a big discovery.

"It turns out to be this ability! No wonder! Liu Zaishi said.

Everyone saw the two name tags still pasted behind Chi Shizhen, and they were very surprised, it turned out that this was the reason why he was arrogant!

No, you have three lives, and it's not your capital!

Chi Shizhen's performance is more like asking everyone to tear him.

"What? Yes! "Ji Shi Zhen is uncomfortable, although he said so, but he is just to bluff Kim Jae-ho, he has always been wary of Kim Jae-ho, and he never expected to be attacked by Kim Jae-ho.

This guy is really fast!

I feel that the fastest in RM is him.

Of course, there are also reasons for his waves.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the radio actually sounded the voice of Chi Shizhen's elimination.

"What is it? Aren't there two more lives? "Haha, confused.

"Ah, it's really..." Chi Shizhen walked to the prison with a look of remorse, as if he had really been eliminated.

Because the amount of information is a bit large, everyone is confused, and they don't know how to deal with it for a while, but they just look at each other and feel that they can't understand many things.

Chi Shi Zhen's confidence, Chi Shi Zhen obviously has a famous brand but was eliminated.

Jin Zhiguo's ability is very common, there is no big deal, it cannot be regarded as a superpower, it can only be said to be technology.

So everyone doesn't have a strong sense of déjà vu.

Chi Shizhen is the first ability that everyone sees.

Everyone thought thoughtfully, analyzing their positions and interests.

Li Guangzhu suddenly realized the importance of ability, and had to hurry to find ability.

That's right! Kim Jae-ho!

"Ah, hurry up and chase after Jae-ho, otherwise he will go on a mission again."

"Let's go, he's over there." Jin Zhiguo said with a smile.

Everyone also smiled, Kim Junguo's ability is really useful in this regard, Kim Jae-ho is too miserable.

This time, Kim Jae-ho directly did not pretend, and ran back directly to take pictures.

With the skill of Jin Zhiguo, it is useless how far he runs, and the only way to break the game is to obtain superpowers in ten consecutive shots.

At that time, the worst thing is to make a wish such as a power outage for one hour in Jin Zhiguo's headphones, which directly restricts him.

However, this is killing a thousand enemies and self-inflicting eight hundred.

The limit of superpower is exchanged for one, and it directly cheapens others.

But what he didn't expect was that even if it was such an opportunity, Jin Zhiguo did not give him.

When he did it for the eighth time, Jin Zhiguo arrived with his allies.

As you can imagine, Chi Shizhen did not waste too much of their time.

Kim Jae-ho immediately fled, but it was too late.

Several people who ran faster than him surrounded him.

"Hey, hey, hey~"

Everyone was not in a hurry to tear him, just surrounded him, and then slowly shrunk.

Kim Jae-ho rushed directly to the words haha, haha felt that his self-esteem was a little hurt, why should he?!

He immediately defended, and his defense was also very good, so Kim Jae-ho would have no way to take him for a while, but others had a way to take him.

Several people directly controlled him on the ground, and then Liu Zaishi grabbed his name tag.

Kim Jae-ho seized the last opportunity and struggled and shouted: "No! Don't tear me! And Brother Ultimate Kingdom! Let's tear Brother Jiuguo first and then tear me! What else would you do! "

When Kim Jae-ho was halfway through speaking, Kim Junguo directly covered his mouth and shouted: "Tear it up!" "

Liu Zaishi tore Kim Jae-ho off.

Kim Jae-ho was directly paralyzed.

"What is this?! I didn't do any tasks! I haven't used my abilities yet! I still danced! I'm also..." Kim Jae-ho said more desperately.

What the hell is he trying so hard for.

"Zai-ho, I'm sorry." Liu Zaishi patted his shoulder comfortingly, "Anyway, you have already been a once, so take a good rest this time." "

"Okay." Kim Jae-ho got up, "Then brother, I will go first, and you will come quickly." "

"Hahaha, it's funny, I'm not going, I'm when I arrive to declare my victory." Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"Thank you brother, this is enough for me to laugh at you in prison." Kim Jae-ho left a word and was taken away.

Liu Zaishi was disgusted.

After eliminating Kim Jae-ho, everyone went their separate ways and the alliance disbanded.

The weaker Haha and Li Guangzhu took the opportunity to slip away, after all, it is not a good thing to stay.

Stayed for so long all to see Kim Jae-ho eliminated, cool so for a while, cool to the point of course left.


Kim Jae-ho never thought that he was the first to be eliminated, and in the end, there were four people on him, and it was useless to struggle.

Very uncomfortable.

The task was done in vain.

Then the superpower of the cow beep has not been used.

For this, the production team was also crying and laughing, I didn't expect Kim Jae-ho to be eliminated so quickly, and he was eliminated without even getting superpowers, which is very funny.

Jin Zhiguo's ability is still too powerful, mainly because the crowd is turbulent, and everyone actually allied at the first time.

In the past, the alliance was all about dealing with Kim Jiguo, and this alliance is against Kim Jae-ho like today, and it is also the first time.

Not to mention that there is still Jin Zhiguo in the alliance, which can be said to have given Kim Jae-ho enough face.

It can only be said that the plan cannot catch up with the changes, and the only chance is to see if Haha can save Kim Jae-ho.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to appear in this ability.

But it doesn't matter, the program effect has been full, and the scene of so many people chasing a person noisily is too vast, and there is a taste of the battlefield.

This is the battle of the strongest!

However, it is also a miracle that the strongest of the previous session was the first to be eliminated.

Kim Jae-ho came to the prison and saw Ji Seok-jin alone, smiling at him.

"Oh, what's going on with you?"

"What's going on?" Kim Jae-ho, a regular visitor to prison, naturally found his place and sat down.

"What are your superpowers?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"I don't know! I have to finish the task before I can use it! I'm not done yet! Kim complained.

Chi Shizhen laughed, it was too miserable that the task was not completed.

"It turns out that you are really doing a task, I thought you lied to us again."

"I knew it must be Brother Zaishi!"

It can be imagined that everyone doesn't care if Liu Zaishi is lying to them, they just need to attack Kim Jae-ho from the head.

"Brother, what are you still doing here? Don't you still have two name cards? Kim Jae-ho asked.

"Hide here, it's not in a hurry anyway." Chi Shizhen said with a smile.

"Brother, you're really bad." Kim Jae-ho laughed, "Wait here for them to run out." "


"Then why did you want me to tear you up, just to come to prison early?"

"I only test you, in fact, the same person can't tear my name tag twice." Chi Shizhen said.

"Yay! So what are you doing so arrogantly? Aren't you invincible when you hide directly until there are only three people left? Kim Jae-ho said.

"yes!" Chi Shizhen said, "But isn't that unpleasant? "

"Also, hiding is not your style, the first to go to prison is."

"What are you talking about? Then again, why do you want to tear me apart with so many people? Chi Shizhen wanted to know this.

"Because you're the weakest."

"Ah, you are really, how can I be the weakest, isn't the weakest haha?"

"No, it's you."

"It's funny, this time I'm going to show you the strongest."

"Then you come on."

Kim Jae-ho: "But seriously, the strongest is really difficult, fortunately I became an issue." "

"What's it like?" Chi Shizhen asked.

"Very good, I hope that the strongest this time is Brother End-country, so that the first session is Kim Jae-ho, the second is Kim End-country, there are more noodles!"

"What about the second session is Chi Shizhen?"

"Then this strongest person will have to draw double quotation marks."

"What, I'm also very strong, okay?" Chi Shizhen smiled.

"Brother, you are really humorous, the strongest is obviously Brother Chenguo, this time he is holding headphones, it is simply invincible."

At this time, someone was shouting the name of Invincible.

"Jin Zhiguo come out!" Li Guangzhu shouted.

Jin Zhiguo rushed directly in front of him and braked sharply, with a look of "Little brother, are you calling me?" " look.

Li Guangzhu was immediately startled, immediately put the pen on the card in his hand, and shouted in panic: "Wait a minute!" Elder brother! "

The shouting was loud again, and I didn't dare to come.

"Guangzhu, what are you doing? Looking for something? Liu Zaishi said with a smile.

"I've found it!" Li Guangzhu was proud.

Song Zhixiao reminded: "Danger, first snatch the ballpoint pen over." "

Li Guangzhu's smile disappeared.

"Is it something similar to Death Note?" Liu Zaishi asked.

Li Guangzhu felt a sigh in his heart, how did these people know?

His ability is called Death Note.

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