After Dojima Silver left, Liu Han washed alone in the large communal bath for a while, and only returned to the room after the fatigue was eliminated.

After returning to the room, Liu Han rested, he was ready to sleep first, and then get up at 4 o’clock in the morning, except for the time to get up, more than an hour of preparation time was completely enough for him.

The preparation he is talking about here is just preparing the ingredients to be cooked, not what kind of cooking is still thinking about like others.

However, in order to prevent himself from falling asleep, he set the alarm clock of the big hotel and the alarm clock of his mobile phone to 4 o’clock in the morning.

After taking a hot shower, Liu Han quickly fell asleep, and while the others were busy in the kitchen, he was the only one who rested comfortably in the room, and among these people naturally wrapped the tenth seat of Erina, although she was talented, but she also had to try cooking in advance.

However, Liu Han did not have this need at all, he had long known the development of the plot, and he tried the dishes to be made many times in advance, and used “super smell” to improve himself, which has reached the level of “two-star” rating.

The second day, that is, the fourth day of accommodation and training, soon came, Liu Han was woken up by the alarm clock on the bedside table, still unhurriedly got up slowly, and then after washing, he casually found something to eat, then went to the food warehouse, and began to select the ingredients he needed to prepare.

However, when choosing ingredients, there are many other people who are also taking this step, but most of them have obvious dark circles, and they don’t rest well or don’t rest for a whole night.

After feeling sorry for these people for a second, Liu Han loaded all the ingredients he needed into the dining car, and then randomly found a trial kitchen and began to officially start making his own cooking.

Liu Han’s cuisine does not have too many cumbersome steps and is relatively simple to make, but to maintain the deliciousness on this simple basis, that is the most precious thing.

Because he has been prepared for a long time, I don’t know how many times he has done it in the kitchen of Polestar Liao, so Liu Han’s speed is also very fast, and at the same time, he has a “super sense of smell” as a “security check”, and each dish ensures its quality.

It took about half an hour, and Liu Han had already prepared nearly a hundred servings, and only stopped after feeling that it was almost the same.

Of course, these nearly 100 dishes are not the final form, only the final roasting, and then simple seasoning can be completed.

That’s right, it’s impossible to leave it cold now, it will definitely affect the taste of the dish, and when the review is officially announced, it will be time to carry out the final cooking steps.

After doing it, Liu Han stretched out a lazy waist, simply found a chair in the kitchen, and rested. I don’t know how long I took a nap, but he didn’t wake up until the voice of Gindo Dojima came over the radio in the trial kitchen.

“Good morning everyone, the time is 5.You have 20 minutes to find the designated self-aided restaurant and choose a location for the review. The review started punctually at 6 o’clock. Inform the crowd on the radio.

There is not just one cafeteria, but ~F has six cafeterias to choose from. Liu Han was randomly assigned to the E venue, facing the self-service desk at the gate.

Obviously, this location is very high, and as soon as the guests come in, they can see the dishes on his side of the buffet.

After spending about ten minutes, Liu Han put the ingredients, tableware, and dishes that he had prepared in advance, and only the last step to complete at the buffet desk, and then began to look around.

I haven’t paid attention just now, but after taking a closer look, I found that there were actually a lot of old acquaintances.

Mito Yumei in the far corner away from him, and then next to her was actually Alice Jiri, in addition to many members of the molecular cuisine research society.

“Yo, I didn’t expect to be assigned a buffet hall with them, this is interesting!” Okay, but I’m going to get to the final steps. ”

Liu Han said and began to check again whether the equipment was complete and whether the materials were sufficient. After the inspection, he looked at the time, and it was only more than ten minutes before the formal review.

“So, let’s get to the finishing touches too… Let the dishes you made as a child be presented in full in this gourmet world! Liu Han muttered and put about twenty fruit-like fruits into the oven.

As the temperature of the oven continues to heat up, a fragrance has begun to spread. However, since others are also preparing their own dishes, although some people smell this fragrance, they have not bothered to ask.

Nonsense, they can’t take care of their own cooking, and many people’s thoughts are to prepare as much as possible before 6 o’clock starts.

The time soon came to 6 o’clock sharp, and Dojima Gin’s voice came on time on the radio: “The time is up, once again explain the criteria for qualification.” The first is for suppliers and front-line experts to judge whether the creativity of your dish is approved by them.

Another qualifying criterion I mentioned yesterday evening, the goal of reaching 200 copies within 2 hours from now. Meet the above two conditions to be considered qualified! ”

After saying this, the unprepared or unconfident trainees in the cafeteria secretly cried out again.

Too harsh!

But experienced students have already seen the purpose of this round of assessment. The diversity of diners involves men, women and children, just like the scene in the morning in a restaurant, which can be said to be a subject similar to real combat.

“Then, let’s invite the ‘judges’ to enter first!”

With Dojima Gin’s words, the door of the self-service hall opened, and in front of them were a few children about ten years old, followed by young and old, men and women.

“These are the food suppliers who have a partnership with Far Moon Resort, and their families. Then there is our Far Moon Resort, and we will also send colleagues from the cooking department and service department to join the review, and they will conduct a thorough review of your cuisine fairly, so I officially announce the start of the review, please start enjoying breakfast! Dojima Silver announced on the radio.

Looking at the various guests who had already flocked in front of him, Liu Han put the first batch of dishes on the buffet counter with heat-insulating gloves.

“So, let’s get started.” Liu’s self-created cuisine ‘first shot! ”


(To be continued.) )_

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