Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 261: Anti-Void Battle Black Hole Engine

Hua Ye condensed the high-frequency void energy without saying a word. He knew that he had little knowledge, so he completely listened to Ruoning's opinion at this time.

A purple-black ball of light instantly spread from Hua Ye's hand.

The Heavenly God of War struck out a sword at the same time.

The terrifying god-killing power is enough to easily destroy the third-generation divine body. Even the fourth-generation divine body will withstand a very difficult-to-suppress blow, second only to the void energy strike.

The result of the collision between the two sides was that the God-killing power was suppressed by the high-frequency void energy.

If it were the Taotie King Xihou, he would naturally not be able to do this. This is entirely because Hua Ye's black hole engine is too high-frequency, and it can condense into high-frequency void energy.

Even the equally powerful God-killing power cannot offset it.

Unless it is the God-killing power of the fourth-generation divine body, the powerful genetic engine will make the God-killing power undergo a qualitative change, which is enough to compete with and offset the high-frequency void energy.

The surrounding Heavenly Gods of War were affected.

Being hit by high-frequency void energy interfered with his own genetic engine.

Angel Leng received a prompt from his own genetic engine at this time.

[High-frequency void energy fluctuations have been detected. Will the void barrier be deployed? 】

Void barrier?

Upon hearing this, Angel Leng roughly understood that it was a shield technology against void energy, and it should be a program branch of the Galaxy Power super gene installed on her by Luther.

Angel Leng hasn't had time to study the Galaxy Power super gene and develop and use gene functions, so he can only follow the prompts of the gene engine.

"Expand the Void Barrier!"

The angel gave a cold command, and suddenly a golden box fell from the sky, covering everyone present inside.

[A void energy strike has been detected. Do you want to remove the void energy impact? 】

[Removing the influence of void energy...10%...50%...100%! Void energy effects are cleared! 】

The void energy blow was cleared away almost like a countdown, and the God of War, Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Generals, and Reina all returned to normal.

The angel's eyes lit up coldly.

What a powerful genetic engine!

This was her first time to experience the power of this powerful genetic engine.

Is this the power of the galaxy that the queen calls?

"What's going on? My king's void energy..."

Hua Ye's eyes widened. He originally thought he could solve it easily. After all, when a high-frequency void energy hit, all the opponents fell down and became extremely weak.

As a result, suddenly his void energy was gone, and everyone on the other side recovered.

"What is this thing?"

Hua Ye quickly asked Ruoning and Snow, there was nothing he could do, these were the only two people around him who knew.

Snow looked at the golden frame thoughtfully and uncertainly, and said nothing for a moment, because he felt that the guess was too ridiculous, impossible, absolutely impossible!

"There is no such thing as an attack against void energy. There is a high probability that my stupid apprentice has a void engine!"

Ruoning stared at Angel Leng with bright eyes and said.

"She also has a void engine?"

Hua Ye said in surprise, feeling suddenly uneasy inside.

After all, Hua Ye has personally experienced how powerful the void engine is.

"What are you afraid of? Your black hole engine is Karl's highest masterpiece. That guy, the Taotie King Xihou, also has a void engine, but he can be easily suppressed by your void engine."

When Ruoning saw Hua Ye like this, she knew that he was timid again.

"That's different. The opposite side is the Heavenly Civilization. Who knows what Luther's turtle-sun's void engine will be like."

Hua Ye confidently defended his cowardice.

"Even if my silly apprentice is lucky enough to become Luther's guardian angel, Luther still can't give her the best void engine!"

Ruoning said with great certainty.

"So, the only gap between you and her is the gap in knowledge. When it comes to the void engine, you definitely have the advantage!"

"And my knowledge is definitely better than that of my stupid apprentice!"

Hua Ye was a little moved when he saw Angel Leng. He was only interested in female angels and looked down upon beauties from other civilizations. The heroic Angel Leng reminded him of the first Kesha.

If you can conquer Angel Leng and work with Ruoning, wouldn't you be master and disciple...

Ruoning knew from the look on Hua Ye's face that he didn't mean anything good, but it was just that little thing, and Ruoning didn't care.

Old angels like her are the ones who don't care about this kind of thing the least. After all, the ancient Heavenly Palace has experienced that kind of time.

Ruoning once took Kesha's place and was tortured by Hua Ye in every possible way.

Angel Leng quickly browsed his genetic engine at this time.

The Galaxy Power Super Gene Engine has no secrets to Angel Leng, and the various program branches are clear at a glance.

In addition, now that she has enough computing power, Angel Leng feels that her brain has been developed even more.

All these allowed Angel Leng to quickly master the basic functions of Galaxy Power.

First of all, this void barrier is used to clear away all void energy attacks. Of course, it also depends on the frequency of the void engine and the frequency of its own gene engine, as well as the computing power and energy support of both parties.

The second is the core function of Galaxy Power-anti-void ability!

At this time, Hua Ye followed Ruoning's instructions and used his own black hole engine to detect Angel Leng's void engine.

As mentioned before, the behavior of this low-frequency void engine detecting the high-frequency void engine is equivalent to giving the other party a port for direct intrusion.

However, both Hua Ye and Ruoning were confident that they were the ones with the high frequency, so they carried out the test unscrupulously.

[Void invasion detected, do you want to activate the anti-void capability? 】

The Galaxy Power Gene Engine reacted instantly.


Angel Leng had a thought, and the Galaxy Power Gene Engine activated its anti-void capability.

Hua Ye almost felt that in the blink of an eye, he was disconnected just after the invasion.

"What's going on, Ruoning, it seems that I can't invade your apprentice."

Hua Ye said in confusion.

"Impossible. Have you used the algorithm I gave you?"

Ruoning was startled.

"I don't even know how to use algorithms!"

Hua Ye immediately shouted unconvinced.

Enough is enough, you all despise me for not having read a book, and now you are questioning me for not even knowing how to use an algorithm.

"That's impossible, try again!"

As soon as Ruoning finished speaking, Angel Leng's counterattack came.

[Terminate the target algorithm! 】

Hua Ye's void energy fluctuations suddenly disappeared.

"No more, Ruoning! Is there something wrong with your algorithm?"

Hua Ye said suspiciously.

Angel Leng had already floated up, with his feet floating in mid-air off the ground.

[Analysis target...]

[Analysis target: third generation Styx version of the divine body, second generation angel divine body]

[Import the Galaxy Power database...]

[Constructing the three-generation divine body structural strike function...]

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