Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 262 Angel Leng shows his might

[Enter the dark plane and start the Galaxy Power Super Gene Engine! ]

[Open the operation interface to analyze the target! ]

[Confirm the command: Invade the target gene system! ]

[Target analysis: The target belongs to the Shenhe body life...]

[Estimated invasion difficulty...]

[The target energy value is detected to be 100%... The estimated invasion difficulty is 50%...]

[Recalculating the estimated invasion difficulty... The estimated invasion difficulty is 10%...]

[Accept the command: Solve the target gene architecture...]

[Import the technical data of the Shen body...]

[Import the gene architecture algorithm...]

[Accept the command: Solve the third generation Shen body gene architecture...]

[The target gene architecture is extremely stable... Solving difficulty is 90%...]

[Solving target: Internal equipment Styx version black hole engine... The core computing speed is 60 frequency...]

[Add angel gene strike function...]

[Additional advanced concept rewriting function...]

[Additional redefinition of space structure function...]

[Additional advanced void ability attack function...]

[Additional black hole calculation manufacturing function...]

[Start anti-void calculation, anti-kinetic energy, anti-void...]

[Import life energy algorithm, suppress target biological energy...]

[Import dark energy space algorithm, suppress target dark energy...]

[Create void isolation barrier...]

[Block the flow of time and space in the barrier...]

[Void isolation barrier concept setting, incomprehensible...]

Angel Leng's series of operations were as fast as lightning, mainly because her current computing power was much stronger than when she received the computing blessing of Queen Kesha.

More importantly, the anti-void ability of the Galaxy Force is fatal to all void engines. Special attack is more powerful than heaven, and it can directly kill gods!

Hua Ye, Ruoning, and Snow all felt suppressed by the anti-void ability and became extremely weak.

"What is this? I feel so tired!"

"Ruoning, didn't you say that your apprentice is not as powerful as my void engine? Bullshit, this is more powerful than me!"

Hua Ye scolded Ruoning weakly but angrily.


Ruoning frowned, not daring to believe what he saw.

"Is it still the time to worry about this? Hurry up and think of a solution!"

Hua Ye was speechless and said hysterically.

The angel looked at Hua Ye and the others coldly.

[Accepting the command: Analyze the target's core structure, analyzing]

[Analysis failed...]

[The target is continuing to resist...]

[Use void energy bombing! ]

Angel Leng immediately chose void energy bombing Hua Ye.

Originally, it should have been dark energy bombing, but dark energy bombing is of course not as good as void energy bombing.

[Execute void energy bombing... one bomb...]

Hua Ye felt on the spot that some terrifying energy instantly destroyed his third-generation divine body and paralyzed his black hole engine.

The surging and terrifying void energy was destroying Hua Ye's body crazily and devouring his energy!

"Karl!!! Save me!!!"

"Karl! Kahl! Kahl!"

Hua Ye felt great fear, he was about to die.

[Second bomb! ]

Crazy void energy output, a strange and powerful wave was expanding crazily in seconds.

The second void energy bombardment came!

Ruo Ning was also hit by a void energy bombardment. She couldn't believe that her apprentice was so powerful now!

Is the Tiandao civilization crazy, giving such a powerful void engine to their stupid apprentice?

Or, they just don't care, this level of void engine is just a piece of cake for them?

But that's not right, those heavenly soldiers and gods don't have void engines.

Ruo Ning's seven orifices and whole body are emitting black and purple light, that is the remaining void energy eroding and destroying her divine body. If she is not a fourth-generation divine body, she will fall to the ground and wail like Hua Ye.

However, the automatic aggregation function of the fourth generation of divine body can maximize the erosion and destruction of void energy without any waste.

Although Hua Ye became incomplete, the void energy of the bombardment had dissipated in the air because of his incomplete divine body. Ruoning's divine body automatically aggregated, and all the void energy was left on the atoms of her divine body structure, which was equivalent to absorbing the void energy into her body.

"Leng, I am your master!"

Ruoning struggled to say to Angel Leng.


Angel Leng looked at Ruoning steadily, and then sighed.

"You are no longer my master."

She did not intend to let Ruoning go. If she continued to live, it would only cause greater danger to the angel civilization, because she knew the angel civilization too well.

She was already the guardian angel of the Tiandao civilization, and with such a powerful super gene, Angel Leng's mentality had changed.

The main reason was that Luther did not seem to just want to play with her, otherwise how to explain the Galaxy Power·Lightning God·Leng?

In public and private, Angel Leng would get rid of Ruoning and Hua Ye.

But at this moment, Angel Leng suddenly felt something breaking into his void barrier.

This is impossible!

According to the data, the void barrier and dark energy space cannot be directly invaded, and the solution must be completed.

But Angel Leng did not get any hint of being solved.

Especially the anti-void ability of the Galaxy Force, which can make any calculation of the void ability, except Angel Leng and other Galaxy Forces, become a paradox or a logical error!

[Turn on the anti-void ability and stop all void algorithms! ]

Angel Leng could only use the anti-void ability of the Galaxy Force in a hurry.

Then a purple skull swallowed Hua Ye, Ruoning, Snow Sumali and others before the second void energy bombardment, and then the second void energy bombardment collided with the purple skull, causing ripples in the space.

The power of this ripple even made Angel Leng and others retreat hundreds of meters. The majestic void energy instantly stirred the surroundings, and the extremely terrifying void fluctuations destroyed everything around.

"Don't try to run!"

Angel Leng raised his hand and constructed a new void barrier, which fell from the sky and covered the purple skull. As a result, the skull instantly moved and disappeared in space.

This made Angel Leng's eyes widen. The other party actually ignored the anti-void ability suppression in the void barrier?

How is this possible!

Lena said she didn't understand it at all. She saw Angel Leng floating up, and then the arrogant Hua Ye and Ruoning were crippled and injured.

Lena didn't understand, but she was shocked.

She realized that an invisible gap seemed to have opened up between her and the Lieyang civilization.

She couldn't even understand the battle between the two sides!

Because Angel Leng had just stopped all void calculations, the void cage that imprisoned Pan Zhen was finally unlocked, and Pan Zhen rolled out of the void cage in a mess.

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