Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 6 Nick Fury

The Imperial Company is just a company launched by America to hide from others.

Nick Fury is not a good person, and there is no way a Level 10 agent can be a good person.

He also knows that there is no way to ban arms smuggling, but he is just too lazy to pay attention to the arms smuggling of small weapons. If arms smuggling of strategic value and significance like Stark Industries, Nick Fury will definitely pursue it to the end.

The problem is that Luther cleverly defined Super Soldier Compound No. 1 as a "health product" rather than a weapon.

The definition of health care products is huge, and even if it is recognized by the pharmaceutical field, Nick Fury will not be able to do anything to it.

Everyone knows America's medical system, but not just anyone can plug into it.

"It seems these guys want to make war fortune."

From the perspective of the medical system and America's attitude, Nick Fury thought this was America's new way to make money, just like sending CIA agents to provoke conflicts and disputes, cultivating and arming terrorists, etc.

If there is a war, America can make money.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that this time it would become a human enhancement technology. These guys really don’t think it’s a big deal!

So Nick Fury planned to warn America that he would not allow such mass-produced human enhancement technology to enter the market.

He could allow the Big Five to possess them because they already had the most lethal and deterrent weapons, so it didn't matter if they had one more.

But small countries cannot do that. If a small country gets this thing, it will definitely lead to constant wars and conflicts.

Nick Fury plans to put people in. This situation in the Imperial Company must be controlled!

"Based on growth rate and sales, BOSS, the valuation of our Imperial Company has exceeded 50 billion!"

Luther's secretary is an authentic British person, a top student who graduated from the Department of Financial Management, but has no work experience. After all, if she has work experience for the position she is applying for, it means that the problem with her previous job is either Her problems are either her former company's problems.

No matter which problem it is, there is something troublesome.

And Michelle has done a good job so far. Luther can also understand those complicated formula models, saving Michelle the need to translate them.

"Emperor Corporation will not participate in securities transactions..."

Luther said calmly.

Therefore, calculating the valuation is meaningless. Luther does not intend to sell shares and stocks, so he naturally does not care about the price at which he will sell them.

"I understand, BOSS."

Michelle couldn't understand why Luther refused to expand the scale of Imperial Company. Wouldn't it be a good thing for someone to invest? That way the development would be faster.

Of course, she also has selfish motives and wants to get some shares of Emperor Company. After all, everyone can see now that Emperor Company has a huge and unfathomable background, and it has monopolized the market!

A business that is guaranteed to make a profit, just like shares of Stark Industries.

If you join the company before it goes public, the company may issue shares to employees when it goes public.

If the stock goes up after the company goes public, you will make money.

You can also get dividends from company stock.

According to Michelle's calculations, if divided into one million shares, each share would be worth at least a thousand dollars!

But after Michelle thought about it, she felt that Luther might be a very controlling person.

While listing brings huge profits to the bosses, it also puts forward many regulatory requirements, exposing the company as a whole to the public eye. If the boss puts forward some illegal or non-compliant requirements, employees can confidently list the company. Regulation does not allow this to be used as an excuse to refuse.

Luther was a well-deserved genius, and he was very handsome. He was very different from the Chinese people she had seen in school.

This difference is not only reflected in Luther's "poetry and calligraphy" now, but also in his unparalleled self-confidence after becoming a Kryptonian. His temperament exudes from the inside out, and his every move is full of power.

Luther could only be regarded as a handsome boy among ordinary people. His appearance was like that of an ordinary person among handsome boys. After a year of subtle optimization and transformation by the Kryptonians, he can now be said to be very handsome and unforgettable.

Michelle prides herself on seeing many charming beauties, elegant gentlemen, and elegant sportsmen, but this is the first time she has seen one like Luther.

She felt that the men she had seen before could not be considered men, and it was difficult not to be attracted by him, but Luther seemed to be only averagely interested in her.

"We have completed the billion-dollar order from the American government, but there are still more orders, BOSS, and we need to expand production."

Michelle continued.

The order of one billion is for one hundred Super Soldier Compound No. 1. Michelle knew that Emperor Company produced Compound No. 1, all of which came from Luther’s underground base. She thought she could expand the production, otherwise she would wait for Luther to manufacture and synthesize it. If so, it would be too time consuming.

"Production will ramp up soon."

Luther nodded. He had already hypnotized several scientific researchers and asked them to produce the No. 1 compound day and night according to the formula.

The contract is about to be signed. If you haven’t invested yet, invest quickly and you can make a fortune.

I signed a contract today, but I don’t know when the status will change.

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