Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 7 Ordinary Kryptonians have their limits

The reason why he wanted to start a company was to sell Super Soldier No. 1 compound.

In addition to making money, Luther also plans to use this human enhancement technology to cover up his own power.

After all, there is DC Comics in the Marvel world, but here, DC Comics are real comics, not the DC Universe.

His abilities are highly similar to Superman, so people may think that he is a Kryptonian or something.

Although there is no kryptonite in this world, there is magic in this world, and I don’t know if there will be a red sun.

Even if there is no red sun, it is not impossible for humans to study and analyze.

For example, Tony Stark, the man cursed by knowledge, and Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard, this is a guy who can do whatever he wants, and is constantly using black technology to make it incredible.

What if they study the spectrum of the red sun and give themselves a shot?

Therefore, Luther took precautions and developed human body enhancement technology. He planned to say in the future that he was using the most advanced human body enhancement technology developed, and what he sold to others was just obsolete old products.

This is what America's companies do, and America's government and officials are used to it and it's commonplace.

Almost all the advanced technologies and high-end products in this country are purchased from capitalist companies, such as famous brands such as Boeing and General Electric. Under the inducement of interests and money, companies in this country are Very active in developing advanced technologies to make profits.

But they will not sell the best things to America. This is actually a very easy-to-understand truth.

If they sell the best technology from the beginning, wouldn't the backward technology or defective products produced during the development process be equivalent to waste and have no value?

This is unacceptable to capitalists who believe that maximizing profits is the only qualified capitalist.

They planned to sell the stones to make money, so how could they let these defective products go?

Of course, we need to package it, give a concept, leave an idea, and set expectations, and then sell these backward things to squeeze out all their value.

It's like selling one generation of products while developing fourth or even fifth generation products.

When Luther did this, other than making people jealous and thinking that he was too outrageous and had so much to hide, no one would think that he was a natural mutant or alien.

There are many mutants in the Marvel world. They are not mutants. These mutants usually suddenly awaken superpowers or something. There are also mutations caused by the research on super soldier technology. Grab a lot of them, Marvel A lot of villains come from this.

In other words, they are a race.

Luther has too many abilities. Mutants and aliens usually only have one ability, or at most two or three abilities.

And he has heat vision, super strength, freeze breath, super speed, super defense, flight, etc. It doesn't look like he was created by mutation.

They would naturally think that Luther was probably a fan of Superman and had used technology to synthesize and transform himself, so his abilities were so similar.

Of course, he is not in a hurry to reveal his superpowers yet.

"Tony Stark also placed an order with us..."

Luther looked at the information thoughtfully. He was learning programming recently and planned to build an artificial intelligence like Jarvis to help him handle the affairs of Emperor Company. He didn't need Jarvis's source code, so maybe There is a possibility that Tony Stark could use the possible backdoor or vulnerability to invade.

Tony Stark is very interested in Compound No. 1, a human enhancement technology that seems to have no side effects so far. America is very cautious and uses part of it for research and part of it for injections into willing American soldiers.

By the way, Tony Stark also condemned Monarch's sale of Compound No. 1 to local armed groups in Afghanistan, believing that Luther was funding America's enemies.

It's a pity that the self-proclaimed righteous man didn't know that all kinds of advanced weapons of his company had been smuggled and sold to Afghanistan. Otherwise, I don't know if he could be so arrogant.

Luther has long been mentally prepared for the pressure from public opinion. Part of it is the temptation of capitalists, and part of it is the behavior of keyboard warriors who claim to be righteous. However, for Luther, he only needs to make money, regardless of reputation.

He is now staying in a room designed by himself, which can maximize the intensity and exposure of sunlight.

Kryptonians have upper limits. Not all Kryptonians are super and can transcend the limitations of their own genes.

Luther speculated that he only needed to keep bathing in the sun for such a long time, and all his cells would soon be saturated, and by then he would be unable to continue to become stronger.

But that's not necessarily the case. Maybe the long exposure can allow him to evolve slowly?

"Ordinary Kryptonians have their limits, so I have to figure out how to turn myself into a Doomsday that won't lose control!"

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