Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 691 Absorption

Hal recognized his identity at a glance - Luther, the Galaxy Supervisor.

Humans have been discussing Luther, the Galaxy Supervisor's judgment on the earth for several days and nights, so it is not surprising that Hal knows him.

"Great, Supervisor!"

Hal said excitedly.

"Can you deal with the parallax monster?"

Luther smiled and nodded.

"Of course."

"That's why I came."

His voice was gentle and firm, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

The parallax monster also discovered Luther's elusive existence. It was a little surprised that it had not sensed this powerful existence before.

It originally thought that its ability was enough to make all creatures on the earth feel fear and despair, but it didn't expect that someone could ignore its power. This elusive existence made it feel a little surprised and uneasy.

It tried to use its ability to sense Luther's heart, but no matter how hard it tried, it could not touch any emotions deep in Luther's heart.

How is this possible?

Everything will have fear, this is the source of the power of the parallax monster.

How could there be a being with no fear in his heart?

However, the facts are right in front of us.

Luther is to Parallax Monster like sunlight to shadow, completely untouchable.

He is like a shadowless existence, no matter how hard Parallax Monster tries, it can't leave any trace on him.

Would you be afraid of something that is completely harmless to you?

What source of fear, that's all Luther's leftovers.

And for Parallax Monster, its power comes from people's fear.

As long as people feel fear, it can gain endless power.

However, when it faces an existence with no fear in its heart, its power becomes useless. Just as sunlight cannot illuminate shadows, Parallax Monster cannot touch Luther's heart.

"No, this is impossible!"

The voice of Parallax Monster echoed in the universe, full of astonishment and confusion. Its empty and deep eyes reflected an unbelievable image-an existence that should have been swallowed by fear, but now stood in front of it like a rock, not affected by the golden fear energy at all.

It, the Parallax Monster, is a cosmic creature that feeds on fear and uses fear as a weapon. It claims to be the incarnation of fear, a terrifying existence that everyone in the universe knows.

The Parallax Monster began to tremble violently, and its huge body seemed to be about to explode, constantly condensing energy.

The golden light flickered on its body surface, which was the energy of fear, and it was the power that could trigger the deepest fear in the hearts of all creatures in the universe.

It aimed at Luther, the seemingly ordinary but extraordinary existence. Thousands of tentacles stretched out like swords, each carrying enough fear energy to destroy the planet.

And the huge mouth opened to the limit, as if it was going to swallow the entire universe.

"Fear, come!"

The voice of the Parallax Monster echoed in the universe like thunder, and the golden fear energy surged out like a torrent, bombarding Luther.

However, Luther just smiled slightly, as if all this was within his expectations.

"What a beautiful color."

Luther exclaimed softly, his voice full of appreciation and admiration.

So why is fear golden? It is so fashionable. Luther's favorites are the Yellow Lantern Corps, the Blue Lantern Corps, and the Black Lantern Corps, because these colors are so cool, dazzling, and handsome.

Hal couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this. Are you still appreciating colors at this time?

Do you know how terrible the attack of the parallax monster is!

However, what happened next surprised him. I saw that the powerful golden fear energy disappeared without a trace as if it was swallowed by an invisible force after approaching Luther to a certain range.

This scene stunned Hal and the parallax monster.

"What happened?" Hal couldn't help asking, with a tremor in his voice.

"It's very simple. I absorbed his attack."

Luther said calmly, as if everything was under his control.


Hal's eyes widened. He couldn't believe his ears.

The attack of the parallax monster, that is an attack that can trigger the deepest fear in the heart, how could it be absorbed?

It can scare people to death. Even members of the Green Lantern Corps dare not face this kind of attack easily.

However, Luther absorbed it lightly?

The Parallax Monster was also stunned. It had been traveling the universe for so many years, but this was the first time it encountered an existence that could absorb its fear energy. Its eyes were full of fear and disbelief. It began to frantically extract the fear in people's hearts, trying to make up for the lost energy and strengthen itself.

However, no matter how much fear energy it extracted, these energies would disappear without a trace after approaching Luther. The Parallax Monster was angry. It let out a deafening roar, and thousands of tentacles and its huge mouthparts attacked Luther at the same time.

The golden energy rays poured down like a storm, trying to drown Luther in the ocean of fear. However, these attacks were like nothing to Luther. He stood there, letting the golden energy rays hit him, and then smiled as he watched the energy disappear without a trace after approaching him.

This scene was incredible to both Parallax Monster and Hal.

They couldn't imagine that there was a being that could so easily resist the attack of Parallax Monster and even absorb its energy.

"How... how is this possible?"

The voice of Parallax Monster was full of fear and despair. It couldn't accept this fact. It thought it was one of the most powerful beings in the universe and no one could resist its attack.

However, there was a being that could absorb its fear energy and stand in front of it unscathed. This made it feel unprecedented fear and powerlessness.

Luther looked at the terrified look of Parallax Monster and smiled faintly and said: "Fear is not invincible, it is just an emotion. And emotions can be controlled and used."

After saying this, Luther stretched out his palm, and a small black hole appeared in the palm of his hand.

The black hole began to rotate slowly, then got bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge black hole. The black hole exuded a deep and mysterious breath, as if it could swallow everything.

As the black hole rotated, all the golden fear energy released by Parallax Monster was sucked in. This energy disappears without a trace in the black hole, as if it had never existed.

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