Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 692: Hal is tricked

As the fear energy was continuously absorbed by the black hole, the once terrifying power of the Parallax Monster began to gradually dissipate.

The huge body that originally covered the sky and the sun was now like a deflated ball. The tentacles began to shrink, and the skin lost its original luster and became dull.

"No, no, let me go!"

The voice of the Parallax Monster was trembling and shrill, as if it was the last ray of hope struggling in despair. But the black hole ignored its plea and continued to devour every ray of fear energy mercilessly.

"Let me go!"

Its voice became weaker and weaker until the last golden fear energy was completely sucked away by the black hole, and the Parallax Monster completely lost the ability to resist.

Its body shrank sharply, and finally turned into a dry little blue man wearing tattered armor.

This little blue man was one of the cosmic guardians of the Green Lantern Corps. He once tried to challenge the power of the Parallax Monster, hoping to be able to control this powerful energy.

However, he failed, and his soul was taken away by the Parallax Monster, becoming a monster that only emits fear energy.

The Guardians of the Universe originated from the planet Maltus. They are the earliest intelligent life forms in the universe, and they had advanced technology and civilization a long time ago.

Oa believes that emotions will hinder development, so they abandoned emotions many years ago. If a member develops emotions, they will remove his brain lobe.

But they still have emotions.

For example, Gunther and his wife did not want to abandon their emotions, so they left Oa and founded the Blue Lantern Corps (but later Gunther came back).

During the Infinite Crisis, the position of Oa deviated, and the Guardians felt fear.

In the N52 New Guardians, the members of the Yellow Lantern Corps materialized the appearance of betrayers. Although they said they had no fear, they still showed fear for a moment.

This is why some Guardians tried to control the Parallax Monster.

Although they claim to have knowledge of the entire universe, they obviously have blind spots.

At this time, Hal stood aside and watched the scene in front of him. He could not understand what was happening in front of him at all. This monster that once made the Green Lantern Corps helpless is now so vulnerable in front of the Galactic Supervisor. He looked at Luther, his eyes full of admiration and confusion.

Luther retracted his palm, smiled faintly and said: "Okay, the problem has been solved."

His voice was full of confidence and calmness, as if all this was expected by him.

Hal did not expect that the monster that had troubled the Green Lantern Corps for so many years, the source of fear that the Green Lantern Corps avoided, turned a blind eye to, and turned a deaf ear to, was solved just like that.

Is the Galaxy Supervisor so powerful?

"Supervisor, why didn't you take action to solve the Parallax Monster before?"

Hal couldn't help asking when he thought of this.

The Green Lantern Corps was created by the Guardians of the Universe, recruiting the most brave and fearless people in the universe to become members of the Corps, defending peace and maintaining order throughout the universe.

According to the continuity of the DC Universe, the Green Lantern Corps has existed for 10 billion years and has survived wars of all sizes.

With Oa as the center, the entire universe is divided into 3,600 sectors, and each sector has at least one Green Lantern assigned to it, so it is estimated that there are more than 7,200 Green Lanterns serving the Green Lantern Corps.

But Hal had never heard of the existence of the Galactic Supervisor.

Therefore, when Hal saw the Supervisor Luther display that awesome power, his inner shock could not be described in words.

After witnessing the power of the Supervisor, Hal no longer had any doubts about Luther's identity, but what followed was a deeper doubt.

Hal wondered, since the Galactic Supervisor had such a powerful power, why did they sit back and watch the Parallax Monster destroy one planet after another in the past without helping?

The Green Lantern Corps paid a huge price to eliminate the Parallax Monster, and many brave Green Lanterns died for it. If the Supervisor could take action, all these tragedies might not have happened.

Facing Hal's doubts, Luther looked at him with a smile and asked:

"Hal, your question touches the deep veil of the universe. First of all, I want to ask you, in what capacity do you ask me this question?"

Hal was caught off guard by Luther's sudden question.

He paused slightly, as if thinking about how to answer.

He had never thought that such a deep meaning would be hidden behind a simple question.

He raised his head in doubt and looked at Luther: "Is there a difference?"

Luther nodded slightly, and his eyes became more determined: "Of course. If you are an ordinary earthling, an ordinary person who is curious about the universe and wants to explore, then I might answer you in another way. After all, your understanding of the universe is still too limited, and many things are too far away and profound for you."

"But if you ask as a green lantern messenger, it will be different."

Luther's voice was full of solemnity and seriousness.

"As a member of the Green Lantern Corps, you are responsible for maintaining the peace and order of the universe. Your vision should be broader and your thinking should be deeper."

Hal took a deep breath and felt the weight of Luther's words.

He understood that he was not only an earthling, but also a green lantern messenger who carried the heavy responsibility of peace and order in the universe.

He answered solemnly: "I ask as a Green Lantern messenger."

Luther nodded and began to speak slowly: "We have different perspectives and different angles of view. For you Green Lantern Corps, Parallax is an enemy that must be eliminated. Because you believe that its existence will destroy the peace and order of the universe and bring disaster and pain to each planet."

"However, for us supervisors, the existence of Parallax has another meaning."

Luther's voice became deeper.

"It is like the degradation and decay in the natural environment of your earth. Although it will bring pain and destruction, it is also part of the balance of the universe. Every planet, every galaxy, and even the entire universe has its own life cycle. When they cannot repair themselves, Parallax will appear, accelerate the process, and allow some planets and galaxies that cannot repair themselves to be reborn."

"We supervisors, as observers and guardians of the universe, have always adhered to the principle of 'observation without intervention'. We respect the natural laws of every life form and planet, and do not intervene easily. Because once we break this balance, it may lead to more serious consequences."

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