Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 698 A slap in the face

Demons and devils are launching an unprecedented chaos around a special scene.

The expressions of the demons and demons pushed away by Constantine were twisted and disgusting, as if they had just swallowed a pile of foul-smelling shit.

Although their hearts are full of resentment, they have to give in at this moment.

Because Constantine is now related to whether their new boss can be successfully born.

Gabriel, the majestic and holy archangel, could not help but feel an indescribable feeling of disgust in his heart as he watched Constantine, a scumbag feared by everyone in hell, approaching slowly.

She felt as if she had been unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet such a person in such a place.

At this moment, Gabriel wished he could just leave here without caring about anything.

But she was unwilling to do so. After all, she was an archangel. She wanted to stay away from a mortal?

However, no one expected that Constantine was too arrogant, and this time he fell into a big mess because of his negligence.

He was so confident that he didn't notice the demon slime at his feet, and stumbled to the ground.

This sudden turn of events stunned all the demons and demons present. They stared wide-eyed as they watched the human who had once terrified them fall to the ground in such a state of embarrassment.

Originally, all demons and demons didn't care about this kind of thing. It was just slime, which was considered a rare commodity in hell. After all, in the dry and hot environment of hell, if you still want liquid, the only solution is magma.

As a result, Constantine stepped on it and slipped to the ground.


This loud noise seemed to set off a storm among the demons. Constantine felt as if his spine had been broken, and a heartbreaking pain spread throughout his body.

He grimaced in pain and couldn't help but doubt his life. He screamed like a slaughtering pig, the sound was shrill and terrifying, echoing throughout the hospital.

"It's over!"

The demons and devils were frightened out of their wits by this scene.

They knew that Constantine once said that he had arranged a magic circle on his body. Once he felt pain or something strange, he would explode and die.

And his fragrant soul will attract Lucifer, the Lord of Hell, to pick him up personally. At this moment, they have only one thought in their minds - escape!

If you don’t run now, when will you wait?

For a time, the entire hospital fell into chaos.

The devils and demons fled in all directions, fearing that they would be caught by Lord Lucifer who came after him. What would happen if he wanted to change jobs but was discovered by the big boss?

It must be much worse than the human world.

Now that Constantine has fallen like this, how can they dare to stay?

Even Gabriel and the Son of Hell, Mamen, were trembling with fear and stared at Constantine.

Gabriel clenched the Spear of Longinus in her hand, which was her only support when facing Lucifer. But now, she didn't know what to do.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and both Gabriel and Mamen held their breaths, waiting for what was about to happen next.

However, to their surprise, Constantine did not explode and die, but gradually got up from the ground. He touched his spine. Although the pain was excruciating, it didn't seem to be broken.

At the same time Constantine also realized that he was exposed.

He would never take such a risk with his own life.

The magic circle he arranged was actually just a well-designed cover to confuse those demons and devils who knew little about magic, and more importantly, to deceive the aloof Gabriel.

For this magic circle, Constantine deliberately chose magic that Gabriel could not understand and did not bother to understand.

The effect was as Constantine expected, and Gabriel and the demons were successfully deceived.

He just didn't expect such an accident to happen. He didn't know that such an accident would happen. The main reason was that Luther felt that he was too arrogant and this was not good. In addition, Luther was also very curious about Manmeng, the son of hell, so he let him fall.

Now Constantine just wants to run away.

But it was too late, this scene made all the demons and demons shocked and angry.

They felt that they were being manipulated by Constantine, and this feeling of being fooled was unbearable. So, they gathered one after another and prepared to besiege Constantine.

As an archangel, Gabriel was naturally extremely angry. She had just been frightened by Constantine's magic circle, and now she was even more furious.

"Get out of my way!"

She roared, her voice full of majesty and anger, making all the devils and devils tremble. They did not dare to disobey the Archangel's order and gave way one after another.

When Constantine saw this, although he was nervous, he remained calm on the surface. He tried to take the opportunity to escape, but Gabriel had already grabbed him by the collar. She looked at Constantine's stained face, filled with disgust and anger.

"What else do you want to say?"

Gabriel asked coldly. Her voice was filled with disdain and contempt.

Constantine knew that it was useless to say anything now. He could only bite the bullet and explain: "Gabriel, listen to me..."

However, he was interrupted by Gabriel before he finished speaking.

Gabriel shouted angrily, "I don't want to hear it!"

She grabbed Constantine by the collar and started slapping him hard.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The sound of slaps echoed in the hospital, and each one made Constantine feel extremely humiliated and painful.

His cheeks swelled up quickly, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Even his teeth were knocked out.


Luther said it looked very painful.

It was a slapping sound like a storm.

This sudden change made all the demons and devils stunned. They didn't expect Gabriel to treat Constantine so angrily.

In their eyes, Constantine was just an insignificant human magician, while Gabriel was a high and mighty archangel. This huge contrast shocked and puzzled them.

Gabriel was angry that she was deceived by Constantine. She was an archangel, but she was deceived by Constantine! ! !

Constantine was beaten for more than ten minutes.

Manmon, the son of hell, was very satisfied at first. It was also frightened by Constantine's magic circle just now. Seeing Constantine being punished by Gabriel, it couldn't help but feel happy.

It finally understood why its old father was so concerned about Constantine's soul.

The soul of such a scum must be tortured and treated well!

However, as time went by, Mammon began to feel a little impatient.

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