Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 699: Manmon, Son of Hell

The urging voice of the Son of Hell, Manmeng, echoed in the empty hall, like a cold hammer hitting Gabriel's heart. She raised her head, her eyes flashing with a complicated light, which contained both anger and helplessness.

She looked at Constantine, who had been beaten beyond recognition, and felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Why do you feel so happy?

"That's enough, Lord Gabriel. The ceremony has come to an end. Let's torture him later!" Manmeng's voice sounded again, with a hint of impatience.

Gabriel took a deep breath and forced down the anger in his heart.

She glanced at Manmeng coldly.

She left Constantine, who had been beaten into a pig-headed face, and said to the demons and devils: "Watch him and don't let him do anything stupid, such as committing suicide to attract Lucifer. After the ceremony is over, you guys Do whatever you want with him."

Hearing this, the demons and demons all showed ferocious smiles.

They knew that Gabriel's words meant they could torture Constantine to their heart's content after the ceremony without worrying about causing more trouble. They surrounded Constantine and stared at him like wild beasts.

Constantine lay there, unconscious. His face was covered with blood and scars, and his eyes that were once full of wisdom and courage now became empty and desperate.

He knew that he had fallen into a desperate situation and no one could save him.

In the abyss of hell, Manmeng's eyes flashed with a fiery red light. He, the legendary son of hell, has been waiting for too long.

The prosperity, hustle and bustle, love and hatred in the world are all endless temptations for him.

Now, he can no longer suppress his inner desire. He wants to come to the world and use his endless power of darkness to reshape the order of this world.

Manmeng's voice passed through Angela's belly and reached Gabriel's ears. The voice was full of ecstasy and anticipation, as if a carnival was about to take place.

"Hurry up, use the Longinus gun to cut open this woman's belly, and use the divine blood to guide my birth."

His voice was like fire from hell, burning every inch of space.

Gabriel, the former angel, now stands in opposition to Menmeng. She looked at Manmeng's ugly and twisted face, and her heart was filled with disgust.


She said coldly.

She picked up the Longinus gun in her hand, which was a legendary artifact that was said to be able to pierce all evil.

But at this moment, it has become the medium for Manmeng to come to the world. Gabriel took a deep breath, aimed at Angela's belly, and stabbed her hard.

At that moment, the whole space seemed to be still.

Time, space, sound, everything is frozen in this moment.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the belly that was cut open by the Longinus gun, looking forward to the miracle that was about to happen.

However, when the gunhead cut open Angela's belly, there was no baby with the appearance of a little devil inside.

On the contrary, a strong black energy rushed out of Angela's body and quickly filled the entire space.

The black energy contained endless evil and darkness, as if it could swallow all light and life.


Manmeng's laughter rolled in like thunder, echoing in the empty world. His laughter was full of arrogance and pride, as if he had stood at the pinnacle of the world and became the master of all things.

His heart was filled with the joy of victory, and that joy burned like a fire, making his eyes shine with a fiery light.

He succeeds, he will become the new master of this world, the world will open a new chapter, and his name will be engraved in the long river of history forever.

The black gas spread quickly like boiling ink, dyeing the originally blue sky into pitch black.

Against this dark background, the sound of wind tore through the air like the roar of a wild beast, bringing an unprecedented sense of oppression.

The black air began to change. They condensed, twisted, and deformed in the air, as if there were invisible forces controlling them. As the black energy continued to surge, a huge figure gradually emerged.

The figure was tall and terrifying. He had a pair of spiral and twisted horns growing out of his forehead. They curved and circled, as if they could pierce the sky.

His limbs and torso were so high that they seemed to be touching the sky, and every step seemed to crush the whole world. His muscles were knotted and full of explosive power, as if he could cause the earth to collapse with just a slight movement.

His ten fingers hardened into horny claws, flashing with cold light, as if they could tear apart all obstacles in front of him.

Behind him, a pair of huge bat wings spread out. The feathers of the bat wings exude the aura of death, as if just a gentle slap can take away countless lives.

Each feather is as sharp as a black blade. They tremble gently in the air, emitting bursts of black energy.

The black gas gathered into black flowers in the air. They exuded an alluring fragrance, but were also full of fatal danger. Those flowers seemed to be alive. They were swaying in the air, as if cheering for Manmeng's arrival.

Manmeng's true identity was finally fully revealed. He stood there like an insurmountable mountain, making it impossible for people to look directly at his majesty and terror.

He exuded a red heat with a strong smell of sulfur, which burned and twisted the surrounding air, as if to melt everything under his majesty.

The whole space became extremely hot, as if it was in a huge furnace. The air seemed to be boiled, making a hissing sound.

And Manmeng's momentum was so strong that it made people unable to breathe, as if they would be swallowed by his momentum as long as they got a little closer to him.

When he fully released his momentum, the whole sky was rendered red. The red burned like a raging fire, covering the whole world in a blood-red.

The space seemed to be solidified, so heavy that it made people unable to breathe, dizzy, and faintly heard the sound of invisible things breaking in their ears.

His appearance shocked the whole world, as if it was about to usher in an unprecedented catastrophe. Those originally arrogant demons and devils began to tremble under Manmeng's momentum.

They knew that this was the son of hell they had always admired, and they felt extremely honored to witness the arrival of this moment with their own eyes.

They knelt before Mammon one after another, shouting his name, their voices echoing throughout the space, filled with awe and worship.

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