Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 924 Cardo

Although White Zetsu said that he was very uncomfortable, Black Zetsu felt that Uchiha Obito's chakra stabilized all of a sudden.

"Take him back!"

Black Zetsu did not dare to neglect it. Although Obito's condition was stable, he had not woken up yet. He did not know what kind of poison was so overbearing that even White Zetsu could not completely eliminate it.

Is there really such an outrageous poison?

"Do you want to chase him?"

Alex asked Wesker.

With the connection of the black light virus, it is very easy to catch up with Uchiha Obito. As long as he is still on this planet, he will not be able to escape from under his nose.

"Not necessary for the time being. Your virus can be suppressed and eliminated by the other party. It seems that this world is not simple."

Wesker tried to use his own virus to invade Alex, but was swallowed by Alex's black light virus.

So he knew very well how terrible the black light virus was, but the black light virus could not do anything to the people in this world.

Although that person was not an ordinary person, it at least showed that this world was not as they imagined that they had no resistance in the microscopic field.

Originally, Wesker was planning to release the T virus to infect the whole world and create a large number of zombies, but now he has cancelled this idea.

Since this world has the means to deal with attacks in the microscopic field, Wesker will not give the enemy the opportunity to understand him, study him, and target him.

In the land of Wave Country that has been eroded by the sea breeze for many years, the former overlord "Cado" is now curled up in his secret shelter, full of anxiety and uneasiness.

This simple secret room is located next to a seemingly ordinary dock of the Cardo Shipping Company, surrounded by carefully arranged traps and surveillance systems. However, these seem insignificant in front of the invincible power of the Poison Village.

Cardo's face is gloomy, and his eyes are flashing with complex emotions-both nostalgia for past power and deep fear of the current situation.

He knows very well that the reason why he can build his own empire in this barren land is entirely due to his absolute control over shipping.

Although the number of residents of Wave Country is small, the survival of more than 50,000 people is extremely dependent on the input of materials from the outside world, and shipping is the throat of this lifeline.

Recalling the past, Cardo couldn't help but sneer.

At that time, he relied on tough means and determination at all costs to gradually squeeze out all competitors and make his shipping company the only shipping giant in Wave Country.

He not only controlled the price of materials, but also indirectly controlled the economic lifeline of the country. Even the daimyo had to bow to him and grant him exclusive shipping authorization.

This honor and power once made him think that he could always sit firmly on the top spot of Wave Country.

However, the sudden intervention of the Poison Village was like a sudden storm, which completely broke his dream.

Those mysterious ninjas, who acted ruthlessly and had sophisticated means, not only easily took over the shipping business that originally belonged to him, but also eliminated his subordinates, whether they were mafia or hired ninjas.

Now, Kado seemed to be a lost dog, and could only survive in this dark secret room.

"I asked you to find a stronger ninja to protect me, did you find one?"

Kado's voice was a little hysterical, he could not tolerate himself waiting for the judgment of fate passively.

The subordinates looked at each other, and finally, a brave one stepped forward and tremblingly handed over a stack of bounties.

These bounties were collected by them through various channels, and they recorded the information of some powerful but independent rebels in the ninja world, hoping that there would be a capable person who could become Kado's savior.

Kado took the bounty and read it carefully one by one, with greed and hope in his eyes.

He knew that although these rebels were notorious, their strength should not be underestimated. If he could get the help of any one of them, he might still have a chance to turn things around.

"Hmph, 15 million taels...Kito Zabuza..."

When Cardo's eyes fell on a bounty of 15 million taels, he couldn't help but sneer.

Kito Zabuza, this name is well-known in the ninja world. He is known for his ruthlessness, and the big sword in his hand, the "Beheading Sword", has made countless ninjas terrified.

Although it is rumored that he is eccentric and difficult to control, Cardo believes that as long as enough price is given, even the hardest stone can be melted.

"Hehe, Kito Zabuza...If you are willing to work for me, then what is the Poison Ninja Village? The entire Wave Country will be in my pocket again!"

Cardo secretly calculated in his heart, with a crazy light flashing in his eyes.

Kito Zabuza quickly agreed to accept the employment, so Cardo began to be full of confidence.

The strong return of Cardo Shipping Company is like a greedy beast, opening its bloody mouth and ruthlessly devouring every drop of economic vitality on this land.

The days when fishermen used to go out to sea to fish and sell seafood have now become extremely difficult and even full of unknown dangers.

The sun shines on the sparkling sea, which should be a busy and hopeful moment for the fishermen, but now they can only look at the waterway controlled by Cardo Company in the distance, feeling unwilling and helpless.

The ships that once freely shuttled between the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire are now forced to fly the flag of Cardo Shipping. Every trip is accompanied by heavy tolls, like a bird bound by shackles, losing the freedom to fly.

"How do you think we can live like this?"

A fisherman with rough and dark skin blown by the sea breeze sat on the shore, holding a worn-out pipe in his hand, his eyes full of confusion.

"We used to work hard, but we could always get food and clothing for our family. Now, the price of fish has fallen, and the cost has risen. It's really getting worse and worse."

Next to him, several fishermen also echoed, their faces full of despair for life and dissatisfaction with Cardo Company. But in this country firmly controlled by Cardo, their voices seemed so weak, like a drop of water in the waves, instantly drowned.

And the initiator of all this, Cardo, was sitting in the living room of his luxurious villa at this time, with a barely perceptible sneer on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that what he did had aroused public indignation, but he didn't care. In his opinion, as long as he can consolidate his position and gain more benefits, everything else is secondary.

"Humph, these fishermen and merchants are just ants."

Cardo thought to himself.

"When I completely control the economic lifeline of the Wave Country, the whole country will surrender to me."

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