Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 925: The Poison Ninja Village Arrives

However, just as Cardo was planning his blueprint triumphantly, the arrival of an uninvited guest broke his tranquility. That was the man sitting opposite him, covered in bandages—Momochi Zabuza, the rebellious ninja of Kirigakure Village.

"Cado, your information is wrong."

Zabuza's voice was as piercing as ice.

"I've been waiting for so many days, but I haven't even seen the enemy. You'd better give me a reasonable explanation."

Cardo stood by the desk, his hands clenched into fists, and the fine sweat on his forehead looked particularly dazzling under the light.

He knew that although the man in front of him was a rebellious nin, his strength was enough to make the entire country of waves tremble.

He suppressed the dissatisfaction and fear in his heart, and forced out a smile: "Zabuza-sama, please believe me, the Poison Ninja Village has indeed made some moves, but they have always been cautious in their actions, maybe they are still waiting for the best time. But please Don’t worry, as long as they dare to come, I, Kaduo, will fully cooperate with you and catch them all.”

Zabuza sneered, and the laughter was full of disdain and ridicule: "Your guarantee is worthless in my opinion. What I need is results, not empty words. Seven days, this is the deadline I give you. . If I neither see the shadow of Poison Ninja Village nor receive the due commission within seven days, then I will bear the consequences."

"Hmph, a mere traitorous ninja dares to threaten me."

Cardo cursed secretly in his heart, but on the outside he had to pretend to be respectful.

"Of course, of course, I will pay the commission on time."

After saying that, Zabuza stood up, and in a flash, he disappeared into the room like a ghost, leaving Kado alone standing there, with a pale face and mixed feelings in his heart.

Kaduo knew that he had really hit the wall this time.

His original plan was to use Zabuza's power to eliminate the potential threat to the Poison Ninja Village, and at the same time use Zabuza's reputation to deter fishermen and businessmen who were dissatisfied with the monopoly of his shipping company.

However, the delay in moving the Poison Ninja Village made all this complicated.

After walking out of the office, Cardo took a deep breath of the salty sea air, trying to calm his inner irritability. He looked around and saw that there were few ships in the port, and the busy scene of the past no longer existed.

The fishermen either sighed or cursed in a low voice, their eyes full of confusion and helplessness about the future. All of these are the consequences of Cardo Shipping Company's monopoly on shipping and heavy taxes.

"Am I really going to succumb to the threat of this traitorous ninja?"

Cardo thought to himself, but then shook his head. He understood that he had no way out. Zabuza's strength was something he couldn't compete with.

But the Poison Ninja Village actually planned to take action against him.

Venomous Fang, this young genius ninja is from the Kingdom of Waves, and naturally he doesn't want to see his country become bad because of Cardo.

It's just that Venomous Fang still asked Whisker and Alex before taking action.

Wesker didn't take it seriously. Like Dazna, he had already thought that the best way to change the fate of the Country of Waves was to build a bridge to make transportation more convenient.

Of course, the bridge still charges tolls.

But the benefits of doing so are huge.

It will then be easier to trade back and forth.

Therefore, Wesker looked down upon shipping. Cardo got up again. Although Wesker guessed that he might have found a helper, what helper could there be in the ninja world?

It can't be that people from the five major ninja villages are planning to intervene, they are all very careful.

"Fang, if that's the case, then go ahead and kill Cardo."

Wesker agreed to Venomfang's request.

"Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Chief!"

Venomous Fang was very excited, and he brought a group of Venomous Ninjas from the Country of Waves with him.

The current composition of ninjas in the Poison Ninja Village is very complicated. There are wave ninjas, rebellious ninjas, and rebellious ninjas from all over the place. There are also Sanshoyu Hanzo's old subordinates from the Rain Hidden Village. The outside world still doesn't know that Sanshoyu Hanzo is dead. For The defecting Yu Ren had no intention of pursuing him.

There is no bounty. If there is a bounty, we will pursue him.

In order not to reveal the secret of Hanzo's death, the Akatsuki organization sent people to hunt down these traitorous ninjas without bounty.

So after much tossing and turning, these Rain Ninjas arrived at the Poison Ninja Village.

This village, which uses poison as its ninjutsu, is very special in their eyes.

At the same time, Cardo's side.

"You can take the money and leave tomorrow..."

Zabuza's voice was low and powerful, echoing in the empty room, as if it was a promise to himself and to himself.

Since that failed assassination operation, he has been like a lone wolf being chased by hunters, and every breath he takes is accompanied by an aura of danger.

However, this mission went extremely smoothly, and he could enjoy the results with little need for him to do it himself. But behind this relaxation, he was deeply dissatisfied with the needless consumption of time.

"very nice."

Bai said softly, these three words contained too many complex emotions. They were the expectation for the coming relief and the emotion for the difficult years in the past.

However, this tranquility did not last long, as the sudden noise from downstairs instantly broke the silence in the room.

"Bang! Bang!"

The sound of breaking glass, accompanied by the crowd's screams and panic, was clearly transmitted to the ears of Zabuza and Shiro.

Ordinary people may not notice these subtle movements, but for them, who are rebel ninjas and are always vigilant about their surroundings, this is tantamount to an alarm signal.

Zabuza opened his eyes suddenly, and those eyes that were usually full of indifference and murderous intent were even sharper now. He quickly exchanged a look with Bai, and without any need to say anything, the two of them understood.

Shiro's figure flashed, blending into the surrounding darkness like a ghost, while Zabuza stood up slowly, holding the decapitating sword in his hand, ready to deal with the coming crisis at any time.

In the banquet hall, the guests were frightened by this sudden change and fled in all directions before they could recover from the previous joy.

Kado looked even more frightened. He looked at Zabuza, as if grasping the last straw: "Quick, quick... the commission time is not over yet, this person must be here to kill me——"

There was trembling in his words, but the fear in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Shut up!"

Zabuza shouted coldly, and the decapitating sword was instantly placed across Kado's neck. The sharp blade shone coldly under the light.

Cardo suddenly fell silent and could only swallow helplessly. However, at this life-and-death moment, he felt a strange sense of pleasure in his heart.

The ninjas from Poison Ninja Village chose to come on the last day of the commission. This was undoubtedly a provocation to Zabuza and a compensation for the humiliation he had suffered before.

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