The two sides of the border were in chaos.

Secretary Tian stood up and went outside to answer the phone.

Zhao Lidong smiled slightly when he saw this.

This was all under his control.

To be precise, it was Zhao Lidong who made it happen.

It was he who contacted He Liming and asked He Liming to report these things to the provincial leaders.

After a while, Secretary Tian came back.

After Secretary Tian came back, he no longer hesitated and decided to let Zhao Lidong preside over the special anti-gangster and anti-evil operation.

Afterwards, Secretary Tian kept Zhao Lidong.

Secretary Tian said to Zhao Lidong: "The provincial leaders attach great importance to the evil problems in Jinghai."

Zhao Lidong said seriously: "Secretary Tian, ​​don't worry, this time we will definitely strike hard and give the leaders and the masses a satisfactory answer."

Secretary Tian nodded: "Let's do it."


The area of ​​the science and technology park project covers 4 villages.

In the future, this will be the place for Jinghai's technological innovation and investment attraction.

The Jinghai Municipal Government attaches great importance to it.

Therefore, the demolition speed must be fast.

In order to complete the demolition as soon as possible, all departments in Jinghai City have given the green light and cooperated with the demolition.

However, the compensation for demolition will inevitably cause dissatisfaction.

Therefore, nail households are bound to exist.

One side wants to finish the demolition early, and the other side wants to drag it out and ask for a sky-high price.

The contradictions and conflicts between the two sides are becoming more and more intense as time goes by.

Today, Xiao Wanhua went to the scene on purpose. He watched from a distance and waited for a call.

As long as Zhang Yaoyang sent a signal, he would order a big fight.

Today we need to see blood, we need rivers of blood, we need a big scene!

At this time, Xiao Wanhua's cell phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number.

Xiao Wanhua answered the call.

Zhang Yaoyang's voice came from the phone: "Do it."

Xiao Wanhua's eyes were cold, and he said sternly: "Uncle Tai has an order, we must flatten it today!"


"Uncle Tai will help us if something happens!"

With Xiao Wanhua's order, the gangsters found by the Construction Group rushed forward with sticks.

Behind them, there was a bulldozer.

At this time, the news car of the TV station hurriedly arrived, and they immediately set up long guns and short guns and began to film the situation at the scene.

"Beat them to death!"

"Uncle Tai has an order, beat them to death!"

Xiao Wanhua asked his men to continue shouting.

The villagers were beaten and bleeding.

Not only that, Xiao Wanhua also asked people to throw gasoline bottles into the villagers' houses.

Bang! Bang!

The gasoline bottle exploded and a fire broke out instantly.

The fire spread very quickly, and thick smoke was visible to the naked eye.

This tragic scene was comparable to a war!

Upon seeing this, Xiao Wanhua immediately retreated with his confidants and confidants, leaving only those who fought for Uncle Tai.

And soon after Xiao Wanhua retreated.

The sirens whistled.

Cao Chuang arrived with the police officers.

Cao Chuang stood at the front, and the attention of the reporters was also attracted by him.

Cao Chuang shouted sternly: "Catch all these gangsters!"


Li Xiang, Zhang Dabiao and others rushed to the front.


When the secretary walked to Chen Tai, Chen Tai was reading a newspaper.

The secretary said in a panic: "Chairman, I just received news that a fire broke out during the demolition. Hundreds of residents were beaten and hundreds of people were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment."

"What is Lao Xiao doing?"

Chen Tai frowned.

He thought Xiao Wanhua used violent means to demolish the house as soon as possible.

Although Zhang Yaoyang had used these methods before and they worked well.

The secretary said: "Chairman, many reporters are here now and the police have also been dispatched."

Chen Tai frowned, picked up his mobile phone and called his friend.

However, the call was delayed.

"What's going on?"

Chen Tai noticed something strange, "Is he in a meeting?"

Thinking of this, Chen Tai called other people again.

It's just that the calls that can be dialed normally are all abnormally unanswered.

Until Chen Tai called again, finally one call was dialed.

"Chen Tai, the province has already made the decision on your case because the evidence is irrefutable."

"Go ahead, maybe you can still make it."

The phone was hung up.

When Chen Tai called back, the phone was no longer connected.

Chen Tai changed several other phones.

Still, none of them worked.

"What happened!"

Chen Tai suddenly felt a palpitation, an ominous feeling

A premonition came to his mind.

As the saying goes, when a wall falls, everyone pushes it; when a drum breaks, everyone beats it.

Chen Tai never dreamed that he would fall one day.

Moreover, this day would come so quickly and so suddenly!

Chen Tai felt dizzy.

Just then, Gao Yuan ran in and said to Chen Tai: "Uncle Tai, our people at the construction site have been arrested, and now the police are coming to arrest you."

"What!" Chen Tai was stunned.

He remembered that his old friend asked him to leave Jinghai.

Chen Tai understood.

It turned out that his ending had been determined!

He could only leave now!

"Go prepare the car!" Chen Tai said to Gao Yuan.

"Yes." Gao Yuan immediately picked up the intercom.


Chen Tai quickly took the elevator to the first floor and left the Construction Group with Gao Yuan and others.


The black Tiger Head Mercedes drove out of the urban area of ​​Jinghai and came to an abandoned pig farm in the suburbs.

This is the escape route that Chen Tai left for himself.

This place is sparsely populated, and no one will come here at all.

Behind the farm is a dense mountain. As long as you bring food and water, you can hide for a while.

Chen Tai got out of the car and walked into the farm.

The farm was overgrown with weeds.

Chen Tai frowned.

Gao Yuan said to Chen Tai: "Uncle Tai, someone must be messing with you!"

Chen Tai waved his hand: "It's meaningless to say all this now."

Winners take all.

From the moment he escaped from the Construction Group, Chen Tai knew he had lost.

As for who it was?

Chen Tai already knew.

It must be Zhang Yaoyang!

This mad dog!

No wonder I don't see him usually, it turns out that he is secretly arranging everything.

Sure enough, the Yangtze River's back waves push the front waves, and the front waves die on the beach.

"Uncle Tai, what should we do next?" Gao Yuan asked.

Chen Tai said, "Go contact the boat and go to Hong Kong tonight."

"Yes." Gao Yuan nodded.

Gao Yuan knew the meaning of taking a boat to Hong Kong, and it seemed that he was going to leave here completely.

However, just when Gao Yuan contacted the ferry, a police siren sounded outside the farm.

"Zhang Yaoyang, are you going to kill us all?"

The moment Chen Tai heard the police siren, he guessed that his car had been tampered with.

It must have been equipped with a locator, which allowed the police to track him all the way here.

"Go up the mountain."

Chen Tai didn't want to sit and wait for death before he reached the end of the road. He didn't want to go to jail, and he wanted to run.


Gao Yuan and others and Chen Tai immediately ran up the mountain.

However, just as they climbed out of the yard, gunshots rang out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Tai was shot three times in the back.

Gao Yuan and others sensed it.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots were heard behind them.

Gao Yuan and others were also shot dead.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang and Lao Mo came out.

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