The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Saturday morning.

"Meng, go to the market and buy some seafood."

Early in the morning, Cui Xiao'e said to Meng Dehai.

"What are you buying seafood for? Is it for the festival?"

Meng Dehai asked in confusion.

Cui Xiao'e replied, "I'm going to treat Xiaoyu's friends to lunch at noon."

"Xiaoyu's friends?" Meng Dehai was about to get up when he suddenly thought of a name. He asked hurriedly, "Could it be Zhang Yaoyang?"

"Yes." Cui Xiao'e replied, "The young man is a good person, Xiaoyu is not young anymore, and they get along well."

After hearing Cui Xiao'e's words, Meng Dehai frowned, "No, it can't be Zhang Yaoyang."

"Why not?" Cui Xiao'e asked back.

"No reason, I said no, then no." Meng Dehai replied.

Zhang Yaoyang is now very 'famous', Meng Dehai heard that Zhang Yaoyang has replaced Xu Jiang and become the new boss of Jinghai.

How could Meng Dehai let his daughter marry a gangster?

"Okay, okay, then I'll go buy it." Cui Xiao'e walked into the room and prepared to change clothes to go out.

Seeing his wife going out, Meng Dehai sighed, "Don't bother, I'll go buy it. You've just gotten better, don't run around."

After that, Meng Dehai reluctantly went out.

Seeing Meng Dehai go out, Cui Xiao'e went to knock on Meng Yu's door again.

"Knock, knock."

"Get up, don't sleep."

After a while.

Meng Yu came out of the room in pajamas, yawning.

"Mom, why are you calling me so early?"

Meng Yu was still sleepy.

"Get up and clean up the house and the room."

Cui Xiao'e said to Meng Yu.

"Oh." Meng Yu replied weakly.


Zhang Yaoyang gave Li Tao a day off, and he drove to the downstairs of Meng Dehai's house.

"Park the car here." Meng Yu waited for Zhang Yaoyang downstairs and pointed out the parking space to Zhang Yaoyang.

After Zhang Yaoyang parked the car, he took the prepared souvenirs out of the car.

"It's okay if you come, why bring gifts." Meng Yu pretended to be unhappy.

Zhang Yaoyang smiled and said, "How can you come to visit empty-handed."

Meng Yu said, "I'm afraid someone will report you for bribing my dad later."

"These are all local specialties." Zhang Yaoyang raised the bag in his hand.

It was packed in the red cooked bag of the vegetable market, and it contained sea cucumbers, bird's nests, shark fins, life, deer antlers and other items.

It was just because the packaging was too simple, so the gifts inside looked a bit 'low'.

Meng Yu saw the red plastic bag and thought it was an ordinary specialty, so he didn't think much about it.

Zhang Yaoyang and Meng Yu entered the Meng family.

Cui Xiao'e was busy in the kitchen, and Meng Dehai was helping Cui Xiao'e.

"Mom and Dad, Yaoyang is here." Meng Yu shouted towards the kitchen as soon as she entered the entrance.

"Let's go to the living room to make tea first." Cui Xiao'e turned off the gas, glared at Meng Dehai, and then went to the living room.

Zhang Yaoyang saw Meng Dehai and Cui Xiao'e, and took the initiative to greet them: "District Chief Meng, Aunt Cui."

"Xiao Zhang, you're here, why do you bring so many things." Cui Xiao'e frowned at first when she saw the two red plastic bags Zhang Yaoyang brought.

She thought Zhang Yaoyang was a boss after all, why was he so cold.

Meng Dehai felt relieved when he saw the two bags in Zhang Yaoyang's hand.

It is estimated that the things in the bags would not be very valuable.

In this way, there is no need to worry about someone saying that he accepted bribes.

After Zhang Yaoyang put away his things, Meng Dehai and Zhang Yaoyang sat together to drink tea, and Meng Yu was called by Meng Dehai to help in the kitchen.

"Do you and Xiaoyu keep in touch often?" Meng Dehai asked, drinking tea.

Zhang Yaoyang replied, "We usually keep in touch by text message."

"Oh." Meng Dehai breathed a sigh of relief.

If they kept in touch by text message, then at most they were just pen pals.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang said, "District Chief Meng, I want to make some investments in Qinghua District."

"Investment?" Meng Dehai was excited. He just wanted to improve the economy of Qinghua District.

Zhang Yaoyang said, "I plan to build a food factory in Qinghua District to produce some instant noodles, glutinous rice balls, dumplings, and beverages. The initial plan is to recruit about 1,000 people."

"This is a good thing." Meng Dehai's eyes lit up.

A food factory with a scale of 1,000 people can solve the employment problem of 1,000 people.

Moreover, this is not only the employment of 1,000 people, but also related to 1,000 families!

Not only that, these 1,000 families will have purchasing power, which will bring about related industries such as food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Barber shops, car repair

Shops, restaurants, clothing stores, etc.

It is to revitalize the economy of a region!

Zhang Yaoyang said: "However, there is no suitable venue at present."

Meng Dehai heard this and said, "That's easy, the district will help you arrange it."

"Thank you very much, District Chief Meng." Zhang Yaoyang replied.

"This is my duty." Meng Dehai said seriously.

"Meng, Zhang, stop chatting and come to eat."

At this time, Cui Xiao'e came over.

"Yes, yes, let's eat."

Meng Dehai stood up and warmly entertained Zhang Yaoyang.

The attitude towards Zhang Yaoyang was completely different.

This scene fell into the eyes of Cui Xiao'e and Meng Yu, and they both felt incredible.

Meng Dehai just took a bite of food and couldn't help but mention the investment: "Yaoyang, I will solve the problem of the site for you in the next two days. You can come to the district government next week."

Zhang Yaoyang said: "District Chief Meng, that's great. I like efficient leaders like you."

Meng Dehai said: "When governing a place, nothing can be delayed."

Zhang Yaoyang echoed: "Yes, speed is of the essence. Now in the market economy, nothing can be delayed."

Meng Dehai said: "Have you prepared all the funds? If you have any difficulties, the district can help you contact the bank."

"Meng, talk less about work."

Cui Xiaoe reminded.


On Monday, Zhang Yaoyang went to the Qinghua District Government.

Zhang Yaoyang greeted Meng Dehai in advance, and Meng Dehai asked his secretary to wait for Zhang Yaoyang at the door.

Led by his secretary, Zhang Yaoyang entered the district chief's office.

"Come and see, how is this piece of land?"

At this time, Meng Dehai called Zhang Yaoyang to the map.

An area was marked on the map.

"This land used to be wasteland, belonging to Dongyue Town, right next to the highway, one kilometer away from the town government, with convenient transportation and easy recruitment..."

Meng Dehai introduced it seriously.

Zhang Yaoyang also thought it was good after listening, but he was concerned about another piece of land.

"If you are willing to set up a factory here, then I can find Mayor Liu and ask him to assist you to get the food factory on the ground as soon as possible and start production."

Meng Dehai said seriously.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Thank you, District Mayor Meng, I want to fight for another piece of land."

"Which piece of land?" Meng Dehai asked.

Zhang Yaoyang glanced at Mang Village, then pointed to the map: "I want this piece of land, and I plan to build a holiday center here."

"Mang Village." Meng Dehai looked at the map, hesitated for a while, and agreed happily: "No problem, as long as you can reach an agreement with the village committee, the district is supportive of investment."

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