After hearing what Meng Dehai said, Zhang Yaoyang was secretly proud.

Sure enough, the highway project has not yet been approved.

Now that Mang Village has been taken over in advance, the cost to be paid in the future will be much smaller.

As for why Meng Dehai agreed so readily.

Zhang Yaoyang also understood.

Because Mang Village was originally a fishing village with a tough folk style.

Their ancestors were soldiers when they went out and civilians when they came in. They were engaged in the business of robbing and looting, equivalent to pirates, and were grass-roots people.

Later, Mang Village was recruited by the court and the whole village moved inland.

The court was still worried that they would become bandits again, so they stationed soldiers near Mang Village to watch over the village.

Although Meng Dehai has only been in Qinghua District for half a year, he has some understanding of the affairs of Mang Village.

Since ancient times, the imperial power has not been extended below the county level, especially in a village like Mang Village where the people are tough, it is even more necessary to "talk properly".

If Zhang Yaoyang wants to do business in Mang Village, he needs to talk to the village committee.

Therefore, whether the talk can be successful is a matter between Zhang Yaoyang and Mang Village.

Meng Dehai only made a statement, expressing support, that's all.


Zhang Yaoyang left the Qinghua District Government and immediately sent Tang Xiaolong and others to Mang Village to discuss buying land for a resort.

In the Mang Village Committee, Li Youtian was drinking tea and reading newspapers, and his life was very leisurely.

At this time, a black Crown stopped at the door of the village committee.

Tang Xiaolong looked at Mang Village with disgust.

The environment in Mang Village is really terrible, with low houses everywhere and potholes on the road into the village.

Looking at the tires, they were stained with chicken and duck feces. The hygiene was terrible.

"Woof woof woof!"

In the village committee, a black dog tied with an iron chain barked at Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong muttered viciously: "If you bark again, I'll roast you."

Hearing the dog barking, Li Youtian put down the newspaper and walked out.

Li Youtian came out with other cadres from the village committee.

Li Youtian glanced at Tang Xiaolong's Crown car and the way Tang Xiaolong and his group were dressed, and thought to himself: This group of people are gangsters.

Tang Xiaolong and his group now all wore sunglasses, shirts, trousers, and leather shoes. The gold necklaces under their shirts, the gold watches and gold rings on their hands, gave people the first impression that they were not good people.

"Hello, what do you have to do in Mang Village?"

Li Youtian said flatteringly with a smile on his face.

He was not afraid.

The people of Mang Village were proud of the glory of their ancestors, so how could they be afraid of gangsters?

If Tang Xiaolong and others dare to make trouble, Li Youtian only needs to shout on the radio, and the young men in the village will come to support with knives and sticks.

Tang Xiaolong took off his sunglasses, looked around, and then said: "Brother Yang wants to build a resort here, so he sent me to negotiate the price with you."


Li Youtian's eyes lit up, and he said flatteringly: "I'm here to invest, so please sit inside."

With that, Li Youtian smiled and welcomed Tang Xiaolong and others to the office.

As soon as Tang Xiaolong sat down, Li Youtian urged the director of women to pour tea.

After Tang Xiaolong sat down, he naturally took out a cigarette, and Li Youtian smiled and lit it for Tang Xiaolong.

Seeing Li Youtian so flattering, Tang Xiaolong thought to himself: This old guy is quite sensible.

However, the people in the village committee were used to it.

"Another fat sheep."

"You have never known Mang Village, yet you dare to deliver it to your door."

The cadres joked outside.

Li Youtian is not doing this for investment, but for himself.

In recent years, businessmen have come to Mang Village to invest, and Li Youtian has always received them in this way.

The foreign businessmen are very satisfied with Li Youtian's hospitality, and the business is quickly concluded.

However, after the project is implemented, many problems will arise, and then Li Youtian will show his true colors.

At this time, Tang Xiaolong took out the plan that Cheng Cheng had hurriedly made.

Accompanying Tang Xiaolong was Cheng Cheng's assistant Wu Min.

Wu Min took out a map: "We will build a retirement resort here, and the demand for land is relatively large. I hope you can cooperate. Of course, after this project is implemented, it will also have a driving effect on the economy of your village."

Li Youtian said: "That's a good thing. We in Mang Village will naturally support it with all our strength."

"About the price of the land." Wu Min said, and took out the quotation sheet with compensation.

Li Youtian glanced at the price and said with a smile: "The price is fine. I agree on behalf of Mang Village."

So easy?

Is the price too high?

Tang Xiaolong was a little surprised.

Wu Min was also surprised.

Although their prices were based on the market price, the negotiation progress in Mang Village might be too easy.

"However, I have a request." At this time, Li Youtian said to Wu Min.

"Please speak." Wu Min said.

Li Youtian said seriously: "We must start the work as soon as possible, and in terms of employment, we need to give priority to hiring people from our village."

"I will report this matter back." Wu Min nodded. In her opinion, Li Youtian's request was not excessive.

Li Youtian said again: "Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Okay, is there anything else to discuss?" Tang Xiaolong looked at his watch.

Wu Min looked at Li Youtian: "Does Secretary Li have any details to add?"

"No more, no more." Li Youtian said with a smile.

"Then let's go back." Tang Xiaolong stood up and was about to leave.

Wu Min also stood up.

Li Youtian stopped them and said with a smile: "Guests are welcome. You are all here to help our Mang Village develop its economy. As the village party secretary, if I don't invite you to dinner, I will be gossiped about."

Wu Min looked at Tang Xiaolong, who thought for a while, "Then let's have dinner before going back."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to arrange it."

Li Youtian said happily.


Tang Xiaolong and Wu Min were warmly received in Mang Village.

After dinner, Tang Xiaolong and Wu Min went back to report.

After listening to Wu Min's report, Cheng Cheng was very satisfied: "I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

"Yes, their village party secretary is really a good person."

Wu Min had a very good impression of Li Youtian.

Cheng Cheng said: "Their request is reasonable, I can agree to them on behalf of Mr. Zhang."

As the saying goes, trust people when you employ them, and don't employ people if you don't trust them.

Relying on the relationship between Zhang Yaoyang and Cheng Cheng.

Zhang Yaoyang gave Cheng Cheng a lot of power, allowing her to be like a fish in water when carrying out projects.

At the same time.

Tang Xiaolong also came to Baijinhan.

Zhang Yaoyang had just entertained Huang Jianchun who came to give gifts in Baijinhan.

Zhang Yaoyang helped him find his son, so Huang Jianchun was naturally grateful.

Zhang Yaoyang also gave Huang Jianchun a membership card, welcoming him to come often.

Medical resources are in short supply.

Especially the best medical resources in Jinghai City.

With Huang Jianchun's relationship, Jinghai People's Hospital is just like Zhang Yaoyang's own.

After sending Huang Jianchun away, Tang Xiaolong said to Zhang Yaoyang: "Brother Yang, the land in Mang Village has been negotiated."

"Is it so easy?"

Zhang Yaoyang sat in the boss chair and asked while smoking.

Tang Xiaolong smiled and said: "You didn't see it. When they heard that we wanted to invest, they were so flattering. Let me show you."

Zhang Yaoyang watched Tang Xiaolong's performance, and he knew in his heart that Li Youtian was playing Tang Xiaolong like a monkey.

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