The two of them were so scared that they were almost dead.


"Save me! Save me!"

Chen Jianghua was so scared that he lost control of his stool and urine.

In fact, it was not just Chen Jianghua, the staff of the meat processing plant, and the market vendors who were scared.

Even Tang Xiaohu and his younger brothers were scared.

They thought it was just a show to scare Chen Jianghua.

Unexpectedly, Li Tao really cut Chen Jianghua's wrist.

Tang Xiaohu swallowed his saliva subconsciously, his heart beat fast, and he thought to himself: Brother Yang is surrounded by ruthless people!

"Put him down and give him the phone."

Zhang Yaoyang said to Li Tao.

"Yes." Li Tao asked someone to put Chen Jianghua down, then came to Chen Jianghua's side and put the phone next to Chen Jianghua's ear.

"Hello Chen Jianghua, my name is Zhang Yaoyang, have you heard of my name?" Zhang Yaoyang said slowly.

"I have heard of it, I have heard of it." Chen Jianghua was dumbfounded when he heard that it was Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang is now the boss of Jinghai, how could he not have heard of it.

But when did he offend Zhang Yaoyang!

Zhang Yaoyang said again: "Don't be afraid first, I will ask you a few questions, if you answer truthfully, you will survive, do you understand?"

"Brother Yang, if you ask, I will definitely answer truthfully." How could Chen Jianghua not be afraid, he was scared to death!

"Are you afraid of death?"

"Afraid, afraid of death, afraid of death."

"Have you seen anyone who cut his wrists to commit suicide?" Zhang Yaoyang asked.

"No, no, no." Chen Jianghua answered immediately.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Do you know that cutting your wrists can kill you?"

"I know, I know, I know." Chen Jianghua looked at the blood in the stainless steel basin, and he was about to cry.

Zhang Yaoyang still said calmly: "Do you know that cutting your wrists can cut arteries and veins, and there are differences in depth?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Chen Jianghua shook his head and said.

"If you cut an artery, blood will spurt out. If the wound is deep enough, you will die from excessive blood loss within 10 minutes. What is excessive blood loss? When you lose 800 ml of blood, your limbs will become weak. When you lose more than 1500 ml of blood, it will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain and death."

Chen Jianghua's face turned pale when he heard this.

It's over, it's over now.

It's been a few minutes...

It's too late even if you send him to the hospital!

"I know you are anxious, but don't worry, listen to me."

Zhang Yaoyang said in a voice without any emotion:

"Just now, we cut the artery, now let's talk about cutting the vein."

"If the vein is cut, the blood color will be darker, and it will take more than an hour to die. However, if the rescue is not timely, it will also cause nerve death and disability."

"I want to tell you a good news, my people are professional, he just cut the vein, you won't die so soon."

What kind of good news is this!

Chen Jianghua has been scared.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "By the way, after today's matter is over, you won't hate me, right?"

"No, no, absolutely not."

Chen Jianghua didn't dare to say anything harsh now.

He just wanted to go to the hospital to stop the bleeding.

What's more, it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Although Chen Jianghua is not a gentleman, he will remember this account first and find a chance to get it back later.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "I hope you won't, otherwise, I will send someone to cut you again, which is very troublesome."

Chen Jianghua has seen cruel people, but he has never seen someone as cruel as Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person. As long as you stop slaughtering and selling dead pigs in the future, I won't look for you again."

"Brother Yang, don't worry, I swear to heaven, I won't dare to do it again, and I will never dare to deal with dead pigs again in the future."

In order to save his life, Chen Jianghua knelt down and swore on the spot.

"Okay, I believe you this time, and I will give you a chance. Now return the phone to him."

After listening to Zhang Yaoyang's words, Chen Jianghu handed the phone to Li Tao.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Stop the bleeding for him and let him go to the hospital."

Li Tao nodded, and then he said to the female staff: "Bring the first aid kit."

The female staff immediately went to get the first aid kit.

Zhang Tao took out the gauze to cover Chen Jianghua's wound, and then bandaged it with a bandage.

Li Tao said expressionlessly: "Send him to the hospital."

"Hurry up, send me to the hospital." Chen Jianghua hurriedly said to several staff members.

After Chen Jianghua was sent away, Tang Xiaolong pointed to the meat processing factory workers present.

Staff and vendors: "Whoever dares to deal with dead pigs will end up like him, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, I heard it."

The meat processing plant staff and market vendors kept nodding.

They were really scared tonight.

After Tang Xiaolong made a harsh remark, he asked someone to take photos of the dead pigs being slaughtered on the spot, and then he left with his people in a swagger.


At noon.

Zhang Yaoyang went to Meng Dehai's home in the name of delivering photos.

Upon learning that Zhang Yaoyang was coming, Cui Xiaoe took Meng Dehai to buy vegetables, leaving Zhang Yaoyang and Meng Yu at home.

"This is a photo of the dead pigs being slaughtered."

"It's not very professional, don't mind it."

Zhang Yaoyang handed the photos of the dead pigs being slaughtered at Hongyu Meat Processing Plant to Meng Yu.

Meng Yu took the photos. After she finished looking at all the photos, she was surprised and said, "How did you get the photos?"

Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly, "I reasoned with them, and they let me take the photos."

Meng Yu was skeptical: "Really? I thought they were unreasonable."

Zhang Yaoyang said, "Your master's communication method was wrong."

Meng Yu said curiously, "If I had known earlier, I would have gone to see how you communicated."

Zhang Yaoyang kept smiling and did not answer.

"Wait for me, I'll call the editor-in-chief first."

Meng Yu picked up the phone and called the editor-in-chief Wei Hua.

Zhang Yaoyang drank tea by himself.

Soon, the call was connected.

Meng Yu said, "Editor-in-chief, I got the evidence that Hongyu Meat Processing Plant slaughtered dead pigs, and my manuscript can be passed."

Meng Yu said as a matter of course.

In her opinion, Wei Hua had no reason to reject her now.

Now it was Wei Hua's turn to have a headache.

How should he hint to Meng Yu, this ‘stupid’ young lady!

“Editor-in-chief? Are you listening?” Meng Yu asked when Wei Hua didn’t answer her.

Wei Hua had no choice but to use a delaying tactic: “Meng Yu, there are still some places to revise your manuscript. I will help you proofread it first.”

“Oh, OK, thank you for your hard work, editor-in-chief.” Meng Yu didn’t think much about it and hung up the phone. She looked at Zhang Yaoyang: “The editor-in-chief said that there are still some places to revise the manuscript. He wants to help me proofread it. I don’t know if it can be published tomorrow.”

Zhang Yaoyang hummed and continued to drink tea.

I only heard a ‘ding’ reminder sound in my head.

[Triggering task: Help Meng Yu expose the dead pig incident]

[Task reward: 10,000 achievement points]

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