The two sides have been busy, and the two sides have been busy.

Secretary Tian went to the province for a meeting, and Mayor Qian also went to Pengcheng for an inspection.

As the executive vice mayor, Chen Xuefeng was responsible for the executive work of the municipal government and acted as the mayor during the mayor's absence.

"Comrade Lidong, the current economic development of our Jinghai is time-sensitive and has heavy tasks, especially in terms of social order and stability."

In the meeting room, Chen Xuefeng looked at Zhao Lidong.

Zhao Lidong was confused.

Why did Chen Xuefeng suddenly name him?

Chen Xuefeng continued, "Recently, I have received feedback from some comrades that the evil forces in Jinghai are showing signs of resurgence, which seriously damages the image of the rule of law in Jinghai. This is very detrimental to the economic development of Jinghai and will affect our investment promotion. As the evil nemesis of Jinghai, you must escort the economic development."

Zhao Lidong replied, "This is my job, and I have no choice but to do it."

"Yes." Chen Xuefeng continued to talk about economic development and arranged follow-up work.

The meeting ended.

Zhao Lidong was about to leave.

"Lidong." Chen Xuefeng stopped Zhao Lidong.

Zhao Lidong looked at Chen Xuefeng.

Chen Xuefeng said, "I have something to talk to you about alone."

This scene was seen by Secretary Wang.


After Chen Xuefeng and Zhao Lidong finished talking, Zhao Lidong returned to the office and asked Secretary Wang: "Has Zhang Yaoyang caused trouble recently?"

Secretary Wang knew that Chen Xuefeng must be hinting at Zhao Lidong, so Secretary Wang replied: "Is there such a thing? I haven't heard of it recently."

"Really?" Zhao Lidong sat on the chair, he took out a cigarette, smoked and said: "Chen Xuefeng has been hinting that the evil forces in Jinghai are reviving. Who else can it be except Zhang Yaoyang?"

Secretary Wang moved closer to Zhao Lidong and whispered: "Leader, Could it be that Zhang Yaoyang has taken too many projects recently, causing dissatisfaction among some people?

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Zhao Lidong smiled: "Only the officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps."

Secretary Wang said: "Leader, since Mayor Chen has hinted at you, should we crack down on Zhang Yaoyang and make him keep a low profile?"

Zhao Lidong looked at the "Zizhi Tongjian" on the table, and then said: "Let Cao Chuang sweep away several casinos and bars under Zhang Yaoyang, and give Chen Xuefeng some face."

Secretary Wang nodded.

Zhao Lidong said to Secretary Wang again: "You go and notify Zhang Yaoyang and ask him to cooperate."

"Well, I'll go and notify him." Secretary Wang said.

After Secretary Wang left, Zhao Lidong opened the "Zizhi Tongjian" on the table and took out the watch inside.

Although Zhao Lidong didn't know what happened, he was clear in his heart.

Knowing that Chen Xuefeng wanted Zhao Lidong to deal with Zhang Yaoyang.

However, Zhao Lidong was reluctant to clean up Zhang Yaoyang.

Because Zhang Yaoyang does things cleanly and efficiently, and can also bring fame and fortune to Zhao Lidong.

As the saying goes, one hero needs three helpers.

Zhao Lidong also needs people like Zhang Yaoyang to help him continue to move up.

Therefore, although Zhao Lidong cannot offend Chen Xuefeng openly, he can protect Zhang Yaoyang secretly.

This is what a protective umbrella should do.

Secretary Wang found a corner where no one was and immediately called Zhang Yaoyang.

The call was quickly connected.

Zhang Yaoyang asked, "Brother Wang, is there anything wrong?"

Secretary Wang said, "Chen Xuefeng wants to deal with you in the name of cracking down on gangs and eliminating evil."

Zhang Yaoyang nodded, "How does the leader arrange it?"

Secretary Wang said, "The leader is going to let Cao Chuang sweep out several of your casinos and bars. Please cooperate first."

"Okay." Zhang Yaoyang replied, "I'll arrange it right away."

Secretary Wang said, "Don't worry, the leader is just going through the motions, and you can make up for your current losses in the future."

Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly, "I know, thank you Brother Wang and the leader."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yaoyang called Tang Xiaolong.

At this time, Tang Xiaolong was playing cards in the massage parlor.

He glanced at the phone number.

Seeing that it was Zhang Yaoyang calling, he answered it immediately.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Get ready, the city police are coming to sweep a few places and bars, arrange more people, and make the scene more vivid."

Tang Xiaolong replied: "Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Xiaolong threw away the poker in his hand and said to his brothers: "Get ready to welcome the police to sweep gambling."


Night fell.

Xicheng Road, Changtai Street.

More than ten police cars parked at the door.

Then, a large number of police officers rushed into the game hall.

The police officers ignored the first floor and went directly to the second floor.

There were many slot machines on the second floor.

There was a casino on the third floor.

"Don't move!"

"Everyone squat down and hold your head with your hands."

Li Xiang, Wang Jun and others shouted loudly.

Some gamblers tried to escape, but they were still caught.

Wang Jun checked the third floor. The chips on the gambling table were all small amounts.

One, two, five, ten, fifty or one hundred, very few.

Moreover, many gamblers were very calm.

It seemed like they were waiting to be caught.

Li Xiang also came up.

Looking at the gambling money on the table, he knew what was going on.

They had caught gamblers so many times.

He could estimate the total amount of gambling money by visual estimation.

This time, the gambling money was at most tens of thousands of yuan.

At the Rose Bar on the other side.

More than ten police cars surrounded the bar.

Afterwards, Zhang Biao led a large number of police officers to raid the bar.

The gamblers who were betting on football and buying Mark Six lottery tickets were controlled by the police before they could react.

The whole process was filmed by TV reporters.

All the gambling money was gathered together and placed neatly.

Like the game hall, a small amount of 100 yuan was placed on the top, and below were all small denominations of one, two, five, and ten yuan.

The gamblers who participated in the gambling, as well as the bar staff, were taken to the police car one after another.

Not far from the bar, a black Santana was parked.

Chen Jianghua sat in the car with a smug smile on his face.

Zhang Yaoyang is very arrogant?

Let's see how arrogant he is.

It is said that the people do not fight with the officials.

No matter how powerful Zhang Yaoyang is in the underworld, can he fight against the powerful?

Two days ago, after Chen Jianghua was discharged from the hospital, he contacted his uncle Chen Xuefeng.

Chen Xuefeng was furious when he saw Chen Jianghua's wrists being cut.

However, Chen Xuefeng did not take action immediately, but investigated Zhang Yaoyang's background.

According to Chen Xuefeng's investigation, Zhang Yaoyang had no direct relatives with military and political backgrounds.

So, Chen Xuefeng took action against Zhang Yaoyang.

At this time, the young man in the driver's seat smiled and said, "I thought Zhang Yaoyang was so cruel, but he is just like Xu Jiang and Chen Tai, and he is treated like a grandson by the police."

"Brother Hua, Zhang Yaoyang is a labor camp prisoner who eats soft rice. What level is he? Why should he fight with you?"

The young man in the co-pilot seat also echoed.

One of the two men is called Li Bin and the other is called Zhang Hong. They have been following Chen Jianghua since they were young.

Chen Jianghua said proudly: "If I want to deal with him, it's just a matter of a word."

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