The next morning.

Zhang Yaoyang arrived at Cuihu State Guesthouse twenty minutes ahead of schedule.

After Li Tao stopped the car, he couldn't help yawning.

"Brother Yang, this old man is sick, going to climb the mountain so early."

Li Tao began to complain.

Zhang Yaoyang got out of the car, leaned against the car door, took out a cigarette, and threw one to Li Tao.

Li Tao took the cigarette and took a deep breath.

Zhang Yaoyang smoked expressionlessly, "It doesn't matter, he wants to jump off the building and it has nothing to do with us."

Twenty minutes later, an A6 drove out of Cuihu State Guesthouse.

Zhang Yaoyang waved at the A6.

The A6 stopped in front of Zhang Yaoyang.

Huang Jianzhang lowered the window and said to Zhang Yaoyang: "Xiao Zhang, take my car."

"Thank you, boss." Zhang Yaoyang thanked him and said to Li Tao: "A Tao, you follow behind."

"Yes." Li Tao nodded.

Zhang Yaoyang got into Huang Jianzhang's car.

The A6 drove in front, and the Hutouben followed behind.

Soon, the two cars arrived at the foot of Yuanbao Mountain.

After Zheng Yunpeng stopped the car, he immediately got out to Huang Jianzhang

Huang Jianzhang got out of the car, and Zhang Yaoyang also got out of the car.

"It's been 20 years, a full 20 years."

Huang Jianzhang looked in the direction of the mountain and sighed.

Zhang Yaoyang asked, "Has Mr. Huang been here before?"

Huang Jianzhang nodded, "I came here often at that time. I remember every flower and grass here in my heart."

Then, Huang Jianzhang sighed again, "It's a pity that time has passed, things have changed, and time will never come back."

Zhang Yaoyang sighed, "That's why we should cherish the present and the people in front of us."

Huang Jianzhang sighed again and walked straight up the mountain.

Stepping on the bluestone steps, Huang Jianzhang held the handrail with his hands, and his steps were very slow.

Zhang Yaoyang cooperated.

Zheng Yunpeng and Li Tao followed behind.

Zheng Yunpeng was very careful, fearing that Huang Jianzhang would slip.

On the way, they walked and stopped, and it took half an hour to reach the pavilion halfway up the mountain.

Huang Jianzhang walked into the pavilion and sat on the stone chair.

"Xiao Zhang, you sit too." Huang Jianzhang said to Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang sat next to Huang Jianzhang.

Huang Jianzhang asked; "How long have you known Meng Yu?"

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "Almost a year."

Huang Jianzhang said: "Xiao Yu and her father's personality are very similar. Her father was also like this when he was a child. He likes to be serious and is easily stubborn."

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "Environment and time will change a person, make people change and adapt to the environment."

Huang Jianzhang nodded, "That's right. Now he has adapted to the new role and better fulfilled the mission given by the organization and the times."

Zhang Yaoyang hummed softly, "I believe that District Chief Meng will do better and better."

Huang Jianzhang said again: "How much do you know about Chen Xuefeng?"

Zhang Yaoyang did not answer immediately, he pretended to think.

Huang Jianzhang smiled and said, "Don't have any mental burden. Tell me what you know and understand. I want to hear what the public thinks of him."

Zhang Yaoyang replied, "I don't have much contact with Mayor Chen, but from the development of Jinghai over the years, we can see his ability. He is a man who dares to do practical things."

"It seems that he is indeed capable." Huang Jianzhang was more satisfied with Zhang Yaoyang.

Is it possible for the Organization Department not to know whether a cadre has ability?

He asked Zhang Yaoyang about Chen Xuefeng, just to give Zhang Yaoyang a question.

See if Zhang Yaoyang is smart enough.

Huang Jianzhang asked, "I heard that your bar was ordered to be rectified."

Huang Jianzhang learned a lot of things.

For example, Chen Xuefeng proposed in a recent meeting to clean up the evil forces in Jinghai and prevent the evil forces from rebounding.

And Zhang Yaoyang is the largest evil force in Jinghai.

The police also cooperated very well. Within one day, they found multiple casinos and bars.

These places that were swept were all Zhang Yaoyang's territory.

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "Although there are considerable losses, it is right to do so. It must comply with legal regulations. I will take this opportunity to make some corrections and find out the shortcomings."

"It's a good idea for you to have this idea." Huang Jianzhang said with a smile.

Zhang Yaoyang not only did not take the opportunity to throw dirty water on Chen Xuefeng, but also praised Chen Xuefeng.

This is a person who knows how to behave, and knows how to deal with leaders.

Much better than Chen Tai.


Ten o'clock, Bai Jinhan.

Zhang Yaoyang

After climbing the mountain with Huang Jianzhang, they had breakfast together.

When he returned to Baijinhan, Chen Shuting came up to him and asked, "How was the chat?"

Zhang Yaoyang smiled and said, "It's OK, he should be satisfied."

"I know there is nothing in this world that can stump you." Chen Shuting smiled and came behind Zhang Yaoyang and massaged Zhang Yaoyang's shoulders.

Zhang Yaoyang took out his mobile phone and called Tang Xiaolong: "Xiaolong, come to Baijinhan immediately."

"Okay, Brother Yang, I'll be there soon." Tang Xiaolong said and hung up the phone.

More than ten minutes later, Tang Xiaolong came to Zhang Yaoyang.

"Sit down." Zhang Yaoyang asked Tang Xiaolong to sit down, and Tang Xiaolong sat beside Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang poured him a cup of tea.

Tang Xiaolong carefully picked up the teacup and blew the hot air carefully.

In front of Zhang Yaoyang, he was always very restrained.

Don’t think that Tang Xiaolong has many younger brothers now, and everyone calls him ‘Brother Long’.

But he knows his limits.

In front of Zhang Yaoyang, he is always Tang Xiaolong.

Zhang Yaoyang said: “I have something for you to do.”

“Brother Yang, I will do whatever you say.” Tang Xiaolong smiled innocently.

Zhang Yaoyang said: “There are students in No. 11 Middle School who have food poisoning. Invite the parents of those students.”

“Yeah.” Tang Xiaolong nodded.

Zhang Yaoyang said: “By the way, find some young people, let them wear school uniforms, and go to the gate of the municipal government with the parents of the students, and put up the banners of ‘corrupt officials seeking money and killing people’, and let Chen Xuefeng come out to give them an explanation.”

“What if they don’t want to go?” Tang Xiaolong asked.

Zhang Yaoyang looked at Tang Xiaolong: “Don’t worry, I have arranged it.”

“Oh, then I’ll go now.”

Tang Xiaolong immediately got up and went to No. 11 Middle School to find the parents of the students who had food poisoning.

At the same time

At the gate of No. 11 Middle School.

Tang Xiaolong found the parents of the students who had food poisoning.

Unlike Meng Yu's interview a few days ago.

This time, the attitudes of these parents of students changed 180 degrees.

Not far away.

A van was quietly parked under the shade of a tree.

Lao Mo and Zhao Lei were smoking in the car.

In the car, several students were sleeping quietly on the seats.

These students were the protagonists of the food poisoning incident a few days ago.

Because the school warned them, they didn't dare to tell the truth to the reporter.

And their parents didn't want this incident to affect their further studies, employment, or even going abroad.

However, this time the parents of the students had to tell the truth.

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