The driver of the A6 stopped, but the driver did not drive into the city hall.

"Brother Yang, the A6 stopped and did not drive into the city government."

Tang Xiaolong pressed his phone and reported to Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Tell the little devils to respect the leaders in the car and listen to them carefully."

"I understand." Tang Xiaolong looked at the younger brothers around him and conveyed the order to them.

At this time, Huang Jianzhang looked at Cao Chuang and others, and Cao Chuang left an impression on him.

As the deputy director, he personally opened the way for him.

He is a cadre who knows how to perform.

After a while.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, Huang Jianzhang walked down from the A6 slowly.

As soon as he appeared in the public eye, he seemed to turn on the "leadership mode", and the aura of a superior was naturally released.

It was quiet all around, just like in a theater.

Huang Jianzhang was like the last character to appear. As soon as he appeared, he attracted everyone's attention and controlled their emotions.

Guo Wenjie immediately walked to Huang Jianzhang: "Old leader, with you here, Jinghai has a backbone."

Guo Wenjie had worked under Huang Jianzhang.

Although the time was short, it was appropriate to call him "old leader".

Huang Jianzhang had a blank expression.

Guo Wenjie stopped trying to get close to him or flatter him.

At this time, Chen Xuefeng, He Chaojie, Yu Ruihong, Zhao Lidong and others came over.

"Minister Huang, I'm sorry to trouble you. It's Chaojie's fault."

"Minister Huang, it's my responsibility to disturb your vacation."

Students skipped classes and ran to the door of the city government to "protest", which was naturally a problem in charge of education.

Students were poisoned by food because of the dead pigs, which was a problem of market supervision.

He Chaojie and Yu Ruihong were very smart. They took the initiative to admit their responsibilities.

Huang Jianzhang ignored Chen Xuefeng and others, and then walked towards the parents and students.

Cao Chuang, Li Xiang, Zhang Biao and police officers immediately guarded Huang Jianzhang to ensure that Huang Jianzhang would not be attacked.

Huang Jianzhang walked to a parent of a student. He did not have any leadership airs. He naturally stretched out his hand and gently grabbed the hand of a parent of a student.

"My name is Huang Jianzhang, and I am the Minister of the Provincial Organization Department."

"I'm sorry, I'm late and let the people suffer."

Huang Jianzhang spoke sincerely, which was in line with the image of a good cadre who was concerned about the country and the people.

Huang Jianzhang continued: "If you have any demands, you can tell me on the spot, and I will give you a reply on the spot and make a deal."

Meng Yu brought his colleagues to Huang Jianzhang, and they began to take pictures, film and record Huang Jianzhang.

The parents of the students couldn't believe their senses.

Huang Jianzhang, such a high-ranking official, was so polite.

"Leader, I am the mother of Song Zhe from Class 2, Class 3, Junior High School 11. He usually eats in the cafeteria. One day at noon, I was suddenly notified that my son had food poisoning and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment... Woo woo woo... Although the hospital rescued him in time, he was still in the gates of hell... We went to the school to ask for an explanation, but the school evaded us, so we had to find a reporter to expose it. As a result, on the day the reporter came, the school leaders found our home and told us that if we talked nonsense, my child would not be able to take the exam, go to school, or join the army, and would leave a lifelong file... Woo woo woo... I hope the leaders will severely punish Chen Xuefeng and Chen Jianghua, uncle and nephew, and strictly investigate the issue of interest transfer between departments."

A female parent burst into tears, and she told Huang Jianzhang all the grievances and fears she had felt in the past few days.

"Yes, severely punish their uncle and nephew, as well as the corrupt officials who helped them do evil."

"Severely investigate corrupt officials!"

Several other parents echoed.

Although these parents were forced to come at first, now that they saw Huang Jianzhang appear, they all thought that things had turned around.

Huang Jianzhang looked like a big leader whose words were effective.

"Okay, I have heard all your demands."

Huang Jianzhang patiently said to the parents, "There are two main points now. One is to strictly investigate the Hongyu Meat Processing Plant related to dead pigs, and the other is to explore the interest transfer issues related to the Hongyu Meat Processing Plant."

"Yeah, yeah."

The parents nodded in unison.

"Comrade Lidong." Huang Jianzhang turned his head and looked at Zhao Lidong.

Zhao Lidong immediately came to Huang Jianzhang.

Huang Jianzhang asked, "Did you hear the voices of the masses just now?"

"I heard it." Zhao Lidong replied.

Huang Jianzhang asked, "We are cadres of the people, and our purpose is to serve the people.

Serving the people, so what should we do? "

Zhao Lidong replied: "Minister Huang, I will investigate thoroughly and will never let a bad apple go."

Huang Jianzhang shook his head: "Now, immediately, immediately seal up the Hongyu Meat Processing Plant, and bring the suspect Chen Jianghua here."

Zhao Lidong looked at Guo Wenjie: "Immediately execute."

Guo Wenjie looked at Cao Chuang again.

Cao Chuang said to Li Xiang and Zhang Biao: "You immediately take people to arrest Chen Jianghua and seal up the Hongyu Meat Processing Plant."


Li Xiang and Zhang Biao took the police officers and quickly went to catch people.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

"Good!" "Well done!" "Good job!"

"This is a good cadre and good leader of our people."

"Thank you, leader."

"Thank you, leader."

"Thank you, leader, for making decisions for us ordinary people. "

As soon as Huang Jianzhang appeared, he acted vigorously and decisively, which attracted the applause of the people nearby.

The applause continued.

As the protagonist, Huang Jianzhang was naturally very happy.

Meng Yu was also proud when he saw this scene.

Great job, uncle!

Meng Yu gave Huang Jianzhang a thumbs up.

When Huang Jianzhang received praise from the masses, Chen Xuefeng's face turned pale.

He has now become the target of public criticism.

Moreover, with Huang Jianzhang present, he has nowhere to hide.

Tang Xiaolong took the phone and continued to report: "Brother Yang, this Minister Huang is just like the imperial envoy, which is really gratifying."

Zhang Yaoyang said calmly; "Let the little ghosts cooperate later. If the leader asks you to disband, you should disband and don't cause trouble for the leader."

"Yeah, I know. "Tang Xiaolong replied.

About forty minutes later.

Li Xiang, Zhang Biao and others came back.

Chen Jianghua was taken out of the car by two police officers.

Chen Jianghua now had lost his usual arrogance.

Huang Jianzhang looked at Chen Jianghua and asked in front of tens of thousands of people: "Does Hongyu Meat Processing Plant slaughter dead pigs?"

Chen Jianghua looked at Chen Xuefeng.

Chen Xuefeng shook his head at Chen Jianghua.

Chen Jianghua replied: "Leader, we are a state-owned unit. It is impossible for us to slaughter dead pigs, let alone profit from the health of the people."

Huang Jianzhang saw Chen Xuefeng's small movements from the corner of his eyes, and he asked again: "What's the matter with the dead pigs in No. 11?"

Chen Jianghua replied: "After an internal investigation at our meat processing plant, it was found that a temporary employee was negligent in his work and mistook the sick pigs for healthy pigs. We have now fired him."

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