The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

What Chen Jianghua said is a formula that can be applied to anything.

Whenever something goes wrong, a temporary worker is pulled out to take the blame.

The temporary worker did something wrong, so he was fired.

Isn't this enough?

Chen Xuefeng is also a veteran in the officialdom.

Usually, as long as the public opinion is over, the people will not remember this matter.

Huang Jianzhang looked serious: "Is that so?"

Chen Jianghua said seriously: "Leader, I swear to God, if I tell a lie, I will die a miserable death."

"Shameless, too shameless."

Meng Yu was almost angry to death.

She didn't expect Chen Jianghua to lie in front of so many people.

At this time, Chen Xuefeng said: "Leader, although Jiang Hua is my nephew, as a leading cadre, I need to set an example and take the lead. As long as there is evidence that Hongyu Meat Processing Plant slaughtered dead pigs, they must be severely punished."

At first glance, these words sound fair and honest.

However, Chen Xuefeng dared to say this because he believed that Chen Jianghua had no evidence of guilt.

The dead pigs were collected on the same day, slaughtered on the same day and sent to construction sites, schools, and enterprises.

The evidence was eaten up.

Where is the evidence?

There is no dead pig in the warehouse of the meat processing plant.

"There is evidence, I have evidence." Meng Yu took out the photos of the slaughter of dead pigs and handed them to Chen Xuefeng.

Chen Jianghua took a closer look and said, "This is the dead pig that the employee slaughtered when he was negligent."

Chen Jianghua insisted that it was all the negligence of the temporary workers.

The onlookers and the parents of the students at the scene were all stunned.

I thought I could punish Chen Jianghua on the spot, and then follow the clues to find out the transfer of interests and severely punish Chen Xuefeng.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuefeng and Chen Jianghua refused to admit it.

Huang Jianzhang is also an old man. He knows that it is meaningless to continue the stalemate. "The provincial party committee has assigned me to investigate this matter. Since I, Huang Jianzhang, have taken over, I will definitely give the people of Jinghai a satisfactory explanation. In the name of the Minister of Organization, I promise the people that I will investigate it to the end."

"Yes." "Yes." "Minister Huang, we believe you." "Yes, we believe Minister Huang."

The people around responded.

Huang Jianzhang said: "Since everyone believes in me, then I ask everyone to go back first. If I don't find out the truth about this matter, I will never leave Jinghai."

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang said to Tang Xiaolong: "Cooperate with the leaders and let everyone disperse."

"Okay, Brother Yang, I'll let them go back." Tang Xiaolong immediately made arrangements.

"We believe in Grandpa Huang."

"Let's go, let's go back."

The 'students' began to leave.

The students and their parents got the signal and left.

As the troublemakers dispersed, the onlookers also left.

Chen Xuefeng looked at this scene and sneered secretly.

No matter who was organizing and planning this, they wanted to bring him down with a dead pig?

It was simply a fantasy.

Huang Jianzhang watched the crowd disperse, and then said to Chen Xuefeng, Zhao Lidong and others: "Everyone has worked hard for a day, go back and have a good rest."

"Yeah." Chen Xuefeng, Zhao Lidong and others nodded.

"What about me?" Chen Jianghua asked Chen Xuefeng secretly.

Huang Jianzhang said: "Suspend all his work and accept investigation from now on."

Click! Click! Click!

Meng Yu immediately took a picture of this scene and recorded it at the same time.


"Send all the children back."

Zhang Yaoyang called Lao Mo and Zhao Lei.

Lao Mo and Zhao Lei hung up the phone and started to send the children one by one.

A few minutes later.

Zhang Yaoyang's cell phone rang.

It was Cao Chuang calling.

Cao Chuang said, "I'll be at Baijinhan later."

"I'll wait for you." Zhang Yaoyang hung up the phone.

One hour later.

Cao Chuang drove to Baijinhan.

"Why didn't you inform me in advance about what happened today?"

Cao Chuang lowered his voice and asked Zhang Yaoyang as soon as he saw him.

Zhang Yaoyang smiled and said, "Don't worry, Lao Cao, nothing will happen."

Cao Chuang said seriously, "Chen Xuefeng will definitely find you."

Zhang Yaoyang smiled and said, "Investigate? Who will he ask to investigate? Guo Wenjie?"

Now in the Jinghai City Police Department, except for Guo Wenjie and Wang Jun, the rest are all Zhang Yaoyang's people.

Cao Chuang frowned. They are indeed in the same boat with Zhang Yaoyang. Zhang Biao and others helped to cover up. However, he still reminded, "Don't underestimate Chen Xuefeng. He has Secretary Tian behind him.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "With such a big commotion today, did Secretary Tian show up?"

"Secretary Tian went to the provincial government for a meeting, so..."

"It only takes 4 hours to come back from the provincial government by highway. From day to now, it is enough to go back and forth several times."

"You mean..."

"Now that the matter has become so serious, Secretary Tian wants to avoid suspicion. He wants to stay away. Minister Huang happened to be in Jinghai, so the province asked Minister Huang to deal with it."

Zhang Yaoyang said with a smile.

"I see." Cao Chuang thought carefully and it was really the case.

"But, can we really deal with Chen Xuefeng by relying on dead pigs alone? "

Cao Chuang thought about it and felt that this was unrealistic.

Take a step back and say that even if dead pigs were found,

However, Chen Jianghua could fully take responsibility and get Chen Xuefeng out.

As long as Chen Xuefeng was still there, with Chen Xuefeng's power, he could easily get Chen Jianghua out by saying hello to the court and the prison, and he wouldn't even have to go to jail.

Zhang Yaoyang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, this is just the beginning."

"??? Cao Chuang was shocked when he heard this, "Yaoyang, what else are you going to do?"

"Old Cao, just wait and see. "

Zhang Yaoyang smoked a cigarette, his eyes sparkling.

For Zhang Yaoyang, dragging Huang Jianzhang into this "war" meant that the money spent today was worth it.

If Huang Jianzhang didn't help, it would be very troublesome for him to get rid of Chen Xuefeng.

Of course, this is not a physical problem.

Chen Xuefeng is the executive vice mayor. If Lao Mo and Zhao Lei were to kill him directly, it would inevitably lead to a higher-level investigation.

Shoot the mayor?

Zhang Yaoyang hasn't thought about it yet.


Busy all day.

When he returned home, Li Qi fell on the sofa exhausted.

As Chen Xuefeng's secretary.

Li Qi's work pressure is very high.

There are too many things for him to deal with.

Not only that.

Because Chen Xuefeng is infertile, so Chen Xuefeng treats his nephew Chen Jianghua as his own son.

Every time Chen Jianghua gets into trouble, he calls Li Qi directly and Li Qi cleans up his mess.

Education Bureau, Health Bureau, Police Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau...

Li Qi can't remember how many calls he made to the directors.

Now, the trouble is even bigger.

It's not clear what the attitude of Minister Huang in the province is.

All he can do now is to clean up his mess a little bit, so as not to be found out with unfavorable evidence.


The lights went out.

When Li Qi was wondering, a big hand covered his mouth and nose with a towel.

Li Qi tried to struggle, but the big hand was strong and powerful, and there was a strong smell of engine oil.

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