The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried in the grave.

"The ancients said that a country cannot be without a king for a day, and a family cannot be without a master for a day."

"Jinghai is the vanguard of Linjiang Province's economic development, and the task of economic development is very arduous."

"After research, the provincial party committee decided to let you take over Chen Xuefeng's job. I hope you don't disappoint the trust of the organization and the expectations of the people."

Huang Jianzhang handled Chen Xuefeng's affairs in the shortest time according to Wei Hongbing and others' wishes, and then let someone replace Chen Xuefeng's job.

There are multiple deputy mayors in Jinghai.

Who should take over not only tests personal ability, but also relationships and background.

In the end, Zhao Lidong stood out.

Now the conversation between Huang Jianzhang and Zhao Lidong is just a formality.

"Please rest assured, I will not disappoint the trust of the organization and the expectations of the people." Zhao Lidong stood up and answered seriously. Huang Jianzhang nodded after listening to Zhao Lidong's words. After Zhao Lidong left, Qian Yimin walked to Huang Jianzhang. "Leader, could it be Zhao Lidong's plan?" Qian Yimin asked curiously. As the saying goes, those who benefit the most are suspicious. Chen Xuefeng fell, and the one who benefited the most was Zhao Lidong, and the people behind Zhao Lidong. Don't think that this is an executive vice mayor of a prefecture-level city. This is real power and a lucrative position. So much money comes out of Jinghai's land every year. How many eyes are watching. When Chen Xuefeng was there, the end point of the benefit transfer was not here. Huang Jianzhang smiled and said, "Does it matter whether it is him or not?"

Qian Yimin said, "But Chen Xuefeng's secretary Li Qi is still missing."

The implication is that if Li Qi is not dead, the people above will not be completely at ease.

"Naturally someone will deal with it."

Huang Jianzhang smiled and looked at the newspaper. The newspaper gave a very high evaluation of Linjiang Province's anti-gang and anti-corruption campaign.

I believe that the people will be very happy and satisfied.

In fact, the people don't care what the truth is.

They only care about how many corrupt officials are dealt with.

As for whether those people are corrupt officials, how much they have embezzled, and how many people will go into it?

The result is satisfactory, and Huang Jianzhang has done a good job.

Besides, if Li Qi really falls into Huang Jianzhang's hands, it will cause trouble for him.


He Liming came to Jinghai to serve as a guidance group to guide Jinghai's work.

At this time, He Liming and Zhao Lidong were drinking tea in a villa in the mountains.

"This time, I spent a lot of effort to make you the executive vice mayor."

He Liming was lying on the sofa, and Zhao Lidong was respectfully pouring tea for He Liming.

On the coffee table, there was a gift from Zhao Lidong to He Liming.

Officialdom is not only about intrigue and deception, but also an ecological chain where big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp.

Zhang Yaoyang gave gifts to Zhao Lidong, and Zhao Lidong gave gifts to He Liming, both of which were for their own needs.

"What is this?" He Liming looked at the brocade box on the coffee table curiously.

Zhao Lidong opened the brocade box.

There was a card in the brocade box.

This is a door card.

Zhao Lidong replied, "There is a talented tea doctor who heard that you have a high level of research on tea ceremony and wanted to learn from you. I took the initiative to arrange time for you."

He Liming looked stern and angry: "Lidong, this kind of thing is easy to cause misunderstandings, you know?"

Zhao Lidong pretended to be regretful and replied, "Leader, I didn't think it through, so I will cancel it now."

He Liming said, "Forget it, it's a good thing that the young comrade is enterprising, but we can't dampen her enthusiasm. Don't do this next time."

"I will definitely remember the leader's admonition." Zhao Lidong replied.

"By the way." He Liming suddenly said, "Li Qi's matter must have a result."

"Leader, please rest assured, I have asked someone to deal with it."

Zhao Lidong replied.

Li Qi is Chen Xuefeng's secretary.

Li Qi knows everything about Chen Xuefeng best.

Now Chen Xuefeng is shut up forever.

However, Li Qi's whereabouts are still unknown.

This makes some leaders in the provincial party committee not very reassured.

Bai Jinhan.

Zhang Yaoyang was chatting with several members.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang's cell phone rang.

Zhang Yaoyang looked down.

It was Secretary Wang.

Zhang Yaoyang said to the members: "I'll go answer the phone, you guys chat."


"Mr. Zhang, you're busy."

The members said with a smile.

"Brother Wang." Zhang Yaoyang

Arriving in his office, he asked, "Brother Wang, is there anything?"

Secretary Wang said, "Yaoyang, are you free now?"

"It's not very busy now, I can spare some time." Zhang Yaoyang replied.

"I'll come to you later." Secretary Wang said.


Zhang Yaoyang nodded.

After a while, Secretary Wang drove to Bai Jinhan.


Secretary Wang came to Zhang Yaoyang's office: "There is an urgent matter for you to do."

Zhang Yaoyang said, "Brother Wang, what is your relationship with me? Just tell me if you have anything."

While speaking, Zhang Yaoyang opened the recorder in his pocket.

"Yes." Secretary Wang said, "Chen Xuefeng has a secretary named Li Qi. I need you to find him and make him disappear forever."

Secretary Wang added, "This is what the higher-ups mean."

Zhang Yaoyang was not surprised.

"In addition, I have good news for you." Secretary Wang said to Zhang Yaoyang with a smile: "Zhao Lidong will be in charge of the economic development of Jinghai in the future."

Zhang Yaoyang pretended to be surprised: "Really!"

"Yeah." Secretary Wang restrained his smile and said seriously: "There must be no mistakes in Li Qi's affairs. The superiors are waiting. They want to see him alive or dead."

"I know."

Zhang Yaoyang said seriously: "He can't leave Jinghai alive."

"I believe in your ability." Secretary Wang said and left.

Watching Secretary Wang leave, Zhang Yaoyang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.


The empty room was filled with the stench of excrement.

Li Qi has lived in this place without sunlight for several days.

Zhao Lei and Li Qi eat and live together.

Until the door was opened.

Zhang Yaoyang walked in. Zhao Lei saw Zhang Yaoyang coming and immediately pulled a chair for him.

Zhang Yaoyang sat on the chair and faced Li Qi.

"Chen Xuefeng is dead."

Zhang Yaoyang said.

Li Qi frowned.

Zhang Yaoyang took out a recorder from his pocket and pressed play: "Chen Xuefeng has a secretary named Li Qi. I need you to find him and make him disappear forever."

Li Qi looked up and closed his eyes.

Cut the grass at its roots.

He should have known that the more he knew, the more miserable his death would be.

Even if Zhang Yaoyang let him go, he would not survive.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Let's make a deal."

"What deal?" Li Qi asked, opening his eyes.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Tell me some people you know about Chen Xuefeng and some things about them, and I will save your life."

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