The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Li Qi looked at Zhang Yaoyang.

He had investigated Zhang Yaoyang and knew a lot about him.

Zhang Yaoyang said to Zhao Lei: "Shitou, untie Secretary Li's rope and take him outside. The air here is not good."

Zhao Lei nodded, he squatted down and untied the ropes on Li Qi's hands and feet.

Li Qi moved his hands and feet to restore blood circulation in his hands and feet.

"If you don't want to, you can leave directly. After all, I promised." Zhang Yaoyang said with a smile.

Li Qi stood up and walked outside.

No wonder the house was quiet.

It turned out to be in the mountains.

It is almost impossible for anyone to come to this old house hidden in the mountains.


Li Qi opened his arms and shouted towards the distance.

I have been locked up for so many days without seeing the sun.

Venting out the depression in my heart.

Zhang Yaoyang came out.

Li Qi asked: "They want me to die, how can you save my life?"

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "This is not an easy thing."

Li Qi knew it was not easy.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "But I can hide it from the world."

Li Qi was silent for a while, "Okay, I believe you."

For Li Qi, although the world is big, but if he offends them, there is no place for him in this world.

And he can only gamble once now.

"Chen Xuefeng is actually a puppet, or a pig raised, he is just helping others make money." Li Qi said.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yaoyang asked curiously.

This is the first time I heard of corrupt officials being compared to pigs.

Li Qi said expressionlessly: "Where did the stolen money that Chen Xuefeng embezzled go?"

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "It was transferred overseas, or given to the people above through the means of interest transfer."

Li Qi nodded, "Everyone thinks so, and with the death of Chen Xuefeng, will the stolen money be recovered?"

"Some of it can be recovered." Zhang Yaoyang remembered that in his previous life, corrupt officials not only transferred money abroad, but also hid it at home.

Some corrupt officials also have a lot of real estate, antique calligraphy and paintings, gold and silver jewelry, etc., which can all be recovered.

Li Qi said: "The recovered stolen money has three main destinations: first, it is handed over to the state treasury, second, it is returned to the original unit or the person involved, and third, it is used to supplement the case handling funds."

"You mean..."

Zhang Yaoyang widened his eyes.

Sure enough, he did not understand the game of officialdom deeply enough.

Li Qi smiled and said, "You are very smart. You should have guessed that after the funds are paid to the state treasury, they will be remitted back to the case-handling units by the financial department. However, no local government has made public a clear and unified standard and amount for the remittance of case-handling funds."

Zhao Lei was stunned.

Zhang Yaoyang took out a cigarette and lit one: "The key is not to disclose it."

Not disclosing it means that you can report as much as you want.

Embezzlement? No, it is the legal and compliant use of funds.

You don't even need to launder the money.

"Yes." Li Qi said, "Wherever the money flows, there is corruption. Moreover, they only need to change one person, and they still have endless money. Whether it is Chen Xuefeng or Zhao Lidong, anyone can do it."

Zhang Yaoyang hummed and sighed, "It seems that some things really can't be put on the table, at least not now."

He used to think that He Liming had problems, but now it seems that what can be seen is just the tip of the iceberg.

Li Qi said: "I don't know who Chen Xuefeng's backer is. They want to get rid of me, but they are just worried that I will know something they shouldn't know. But... I know that one of them likes to play badminton very much. Chen Xuefeng specially asked a coach to learn it just for the holiday to accompany that person to play badminton, and he played very well."

"Well, I'll remember it." Zhang Yaoyang nodded and remembered it secretly in his heart.

"Can you give me a cigarette?" Li Qi asked.

"Do you smoke?" Zhang Yaoyang looked at Li Qi's fingers, which were very white and did not look like a smoker.

People who are addicted to smoking have long-term contact with tar on their fingers, which is easy to turn yellow.

"I haven't smoked before, let's try it." Li Qi said.

Zhang Yaoyang took out a cigarette and handed it to Li Qi, and gave Li Qi a lighter.

Li Qi lit the cigarette and took the first puff of his life.

There was no cough, it passed through the lungs naturally, and he exhaled slowly, and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

Just like an old smoker.

Li Qi said: "I like to observe and learn. I have seen many people smoking. It is not difficult. In fact, politics is like smoking. It is not complicated. As long as the interests can be clearly distributed, it will be a peaceful and prosperous era.

This is true for all dynasties. The rise and fall of dynasties are all due to the uneven distribution of benefits. It's a pity that I was born too late and have no right to share the cake. "

"Are you saying your last words?" Zhang Yaoyang asked.

Li Qi replied: "Although I don't want to die, I have thought that you can save my life, but the possibility is very low."

"Low possibility does not mean impossible, but..." Zhang Yaoyang deliberately paused.

Li Qi asked: "But what?"

Zhang Yaoyang took out the prepared bone chopping knife.


Li Qi's eyes widened.

Although he was prepared to be killed, he was still afraid.

"It will hurt a little." Zhang Yaoyang said.

"Ah! "

A shrill scream was heard in the forest, and the frightened birds flew around.

The blood dyed the open space in front of the old house red.

Jinghai Workers' Stadium.

A sanitation worker was rummaging through a mineral water bottle next to a trash can.

At this time, she found a black leather bag.

Every bag may contain valuables.

So the sanitation worker opened the bag.

There were pieces of meat in the bag.

Some of the half fingers were particularly obvious.

Another dismemberment case!

The sanitation workers have experience!

So the sanitation workers immediately called the police.

Jinghai City Police Department.

"Captain Li."

A female police officer came to Li Xiang.

"What's wrong?" Li Xiang put down the documents in his hand.

The female police officer replied: "The sanitation worker at the Workers' Stadium found body parts in the trash can."

"What! "Li Xiang stood up at once.

This year's dismemberment case has not been solved yet, and now it has become a headless case.

Now another one has happened?

Is there a connection?

"Go to the scene."

Li Xiang said to everyone.

Zhang Biao, Wang Jun and others quickly left their positions and followed Li Xiang to the Workers' Stadium.

With the arrival of the police, the Workers' Stadium was blocked by isolation tape.

The criminal police began to investigate and questioned the people nearby.

The forensic doctor took the body parts back for examination.


Bai Jinhan.

Secretary Wang walked into Zhang Yaoyang's office.

Half an hour ago, Zhang Yaoyang notified Secretary Wang that the matter had been completed and asked Secretary Wang to come for inspection.

"Brother Wang." Zhang Yaoyang handed a box to Secretary Wang.

Secretary Wang took the box, opened it, and found a finger.

Secretary Wang was startled and fell back.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "This is Li Qi's finger. Didn't you say that you want to see the person alive or the body dead?"

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