The two sides of the river are still in the same boat.

"Become a Jinghai resident? Move your household registration to Jinghai?"

Xie Tiange asked with a frown.

Wu Jianxin smiled and said, "Isn't this an easy thing?"

"Well, it's really easy. Thank you, Mr. Wu. I'll go back and tell Mr. Sun and let him choose for himself."

After Xie Tiange finished speaking, he got up and left.


After Xie Tiange came back, he relayed Wu Jianxin's original words.

After Sun Shengrong heard it, he said to himself, "This is really easy."

Xie Tiange thought Sun Shengrong was going to give up his Hong Kong identity, and hurriedly reminded him, "Mr. Sun, although it is easy for you to apply for a Jinghai household registration, your Hong Kong identity will help you more."

Merchants from Hong Kong and Taiwan are also foreign merchants.

Foreign merchants have privileges in the mainland, and local governments will give them special care.

"Did I say I would give up my Hong Kong identity?" Sun Shengrong looked at Xie Tiange proudly.

Xie Tiange looked at Sun Shengrong in confusion.

Sun Shengrong smiled and said, "Rules are dead, but people are alive. When I was in Hong Kong, I could negotiate with foreigners, let alone in the mainland."

Then, Sun Shengrong said to Xie Tiange, "Go find me a qualified real estate company. I want to acquire it."

Xie Tiange said puzzledly, "Even if you acquire it, you are still a Hong Konger."

Sun Shengrong said, "My wife is from Beijing and Hai, so Zhang Yaoyang can't refuse me, unless he has a problem with money."

Xie Tiange suddenly realized.

"Wait a minute." Just as Xie Tiange turned around to do his work, Sun Shengrong stopped Xie Tiange: "Please make an appointment with Mr. Wu for me. I want to invite him to dinner."

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away."

Xie Tiange would seriously implement everything Sun Shengrong asked him to do.

Because Xie Tiange knew that for a small person like him with no background, the only way to succeed was to follow the right boss.

Looking at Xie Tiange's back, Sun Shengrong was still satisfied.

He had been in Jinghai for half a year from Hong Kong, and the two things that satisfied him the most were:

One was finding a beautiful wife with a government background.

The other was finding an efficient and reliable assistant.


The next day.

Sun Shengrong invited Wu Jianxin to dinner at the restaurant.

As soon as Wu Jianxin entered the private room, Xie Tiange introduced Wu Jianxin: "Mr. Wu, this is Mr. Sun. He heard your name when he first arrived in Jinghai and has wanted to meet you for a long time."

"Really." Wu Jianxin looked at Sun Shengrong.

Sun Shengrong smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with Wu Jianxin.

"Mr. Wu, it's my honor that you can come to me. Please take a seat." Sun Shengrong said with a smile.

"It's also my honor to meet Mr. Sun." Wu Jianxin sat down.

"Mr. Wu, I heard that you used to be in the recycling business." Sun Shengrong said.

"Recycling of renewable resources..." Wu Jianxin was stunned at first, then reacted, "Yes, yes, it made me my first pot of gold."

Sun Shengrong said: "What a coincidence, I used to do recycling of renewable resources. When I was young in Hong Kong, I drove a car a day and worked 17 or 18 hours a day without feeling tired."

Wu Jianxin sighed: "Yes, every day after waking up, I feel full of energy."

Sun Shengrong said: "My wife asked me a while ago, she said I was so busy, wouldn't I be tired? I told her that as long as there is money to be made, I won't be tired at all."

Wu Jianxin laughed: "Yes, yes, yes, I won't be tired if I make money."

The two had the same experience of making a fortune when they were young, so after a few words, Sun Shengrong and Wu Jianxin resonated.

Sun Shengrong said: "Mr. Wu, the future economy of the mainland is inseparable from real estate, especially the urbanization development of the mainland, which will transfer a large number of people to the city. If you can seize the opportunity, there will be endless money to be made in the future."

Wu Jianxin nodded: "I think so too, so I tried to develop with Mr. Zhang and wanted to share some of the cake."

Sun Shengrong said: "Mr. Wu, there is something I don't know whether to say or not."

"Please go ahead, Mr. Sun." Wu Jianxin said while smoking.

Sun Shengrong poured Wu Jianxin a glass of wine: "Although Mr. Zhang is very good at doing business, he may not be suitable for building a commercial building."

"What do you mean?" Wu Jianxin asked while drinking.

He invested 3 million, which is not a small amount.

Sun Shengrong said: "I have investigated Mr. Zhang. It is indeed a miracle that he can have the current industry and scale in less than a year. This proves that Mr. Zhang's personal ability and connections are very strong."


Wu Jianxin nodded.

Zhang Yaoyang is good at both black and white.

Especially when he bought a brewery and then forced sales, Wu Jianxin was shocked.

Later, he got a lot of land and government projects, and Wu Jianxin was so envious.

Sun Shengrong said: "But the commercial building is completely different from the beer business and government projects. It needs a brand new business model to let consumers break the traditional consumption mode. And I observed Mr. Zhang's business style, I don't think he is suitable for this kind of business. After all, this is not selling beer or PHS, and there is no monopoly."

After listening, Wu Jianxin kept nodding, he felt it made sense.

Forced sales and monopoly do make money quickly.

But it is not applicable to all industries.

Unless Zhang Yaoyang can also monopolize this kind of business.

Sun Shengrong added: "Also, Mr. Zhang has never done this type of business before, and Jinghai has no precedent of this kind. Even if Mr. Zhang tries, he can't avoid pitfalls. The cost of pitfalls is not small."

Wu Jianxin said: "Mr. Sun, you are right, professionals do professional things."

Sun Shengrong said: "Mr. Wu, I have hired a professional team from the United States at a high salary. They are professional managers. They have rich experience in the operation and management of commercial buildings, and their performance is excellent."

"Really?" Wu Jianxin became interested.

Sun Shengrong did not answer, but said: "You know I am from Hong Kong. As a Hong Konger, I can enjoy many policy benefits in the mainland by investing in Jinghai."

"Indeed, you foreign businessmen have advantages in this regard, and I am jealous." Wu Jianxin said with a smile.

Sun Shengrong said, "But, Mr. Zhang has restricted my household registration, so I can't invest in the trade building."

Wu Jianxin said in embarrassment, "I can't do anything about it. The rules are set by Mr. Zhang."

Sun Shengrong said, "I know the rules are set by Mr. Zhang, and I won't break them, so I want to use another way."

"What way?" Wu Jianxin asked curiously.

Sun Shengrong said, "My wife is Xu Rong, the daughter of Xu Haosen, deputy director of the Jinghai Taxation Bureau. I want to apply to join the Baijinhan membership in her name, invest in the trade building, and obtain the right to operate and manage."

Wu Jianxin's eyes lit up, and he looked at Sun Shengrong in surprise, "This is a good idea."

Sun Shengrong said, "Mr. Wu, if this works, I will give Mr. Wu 5% of the dry shares after I develop the land in Chengmen."

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