The world is full of people, and everyone in the world is for profit.

Wu Jianxin was persuaded by Sun Shengrong. So he planned to be a lobbyist and try to persuade Zhang Yaoyang.

Now Baijinhan is an internal group.

People from outside who want to become members need to be recommended by senior members.

Wu Jianxin is the Jinghai general agent of Mintai Brewery. He and Zhang Yaoyang have known each other for a long time. In Baijinhan, they can talk directly.

The next day.

After Wu Jianxin and Zhang Yaoyang appeared, he took the initiative to find Zhang Yaoyang: "Mr. Zhang, is it convenient now?"

Zhang Yaoyang looked at Wu Jianxin's appearance and said with a smile: "Come to my office to talk."

The two entered the office.

Zhang Yaoyang made a pot of tea and gave Wu Jianxin a cigarette.

"Mr. Wu, just tell me what's going on. We're all acquaintances."

Zhang Yaoyang smiled and lit a cigarette.

Wu Jianxin also lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, I have a friend who wants to apply for Baijinhan membership."

"What's her name?" Zhang Yaoyang asked.

The final approval of Baijinhan membership is still up to Zhang Yaoyang.

As long as you apply, he can see the list.

Wu Jianxin said: "Her name is Xu Rong. She hasn't applied yet, but she should apply today."

"Xu Rong?" Zhang Yaoyang silently repeated the name: "What does she do?"

Wu Jianxin replied: "She is the daughter of Xu Haosen, deputy director of the tax bureau. She is also in real estate and is interested in the project of the commercial building."

"Xu Haosen's daughter?" Zhang Yaoyang frowned and said in surprise: "When did her daughter get involved in real estate?"

Zhang Yaoyang has investigated the family members of officials in Jinghai.

Zhang Yaoyang had also tried to show his goodwill to Xu Haosen, but Xu Haosen didn't give him face.

Xu Haosen's uncle was a senior official, and he himself was an honest official with strong principles.

Wu Jianxin replied: "I just started working."

"Oh, I just started working." Zhang Yaoyang nodded, and he poured a cup of tea for Wu Jianxin, "Then where did she get the money? Did her father give it to her?"

Wu Jianxin smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Zhang, Xu Rong married a Hong Kong businessman as her husband, and the money was given by her husband."

"Oh." Zhang Yaoyang smoked and looked at Wu Jianxin.

Wu Jianxin was a little flustered by Zhang Yaoyang's look.

"Old Wu."


"Tell the truth."

"I have never lied."

"Tell the truth."

Zhang Yaoyang blew out smoke rings and continued: "It was the Hong Kong people who asked you to come to me."

Wu Jianxin answered honestly: "Yes, nothing can be hidden from you."

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "How much money did he give you?"

"No, no, no." Wu Jianxin immediately denied: "Mr. Zhang, I think he has a professional team from the United States who can run the commercial building well. And we haven't even opened a supermarket, we know nothing about this, I think we should find professionals to do professional things."

"Oh." Zhang Yaoyang took another puff of cigarette: "Go on."

Wu Jianxin looked at Zhang Yaoyang smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, we are all doing business. What is the purpose of doing business? Isn't it to make money? Mr. Sun has the resources in this area and can make the Commercial Building profitable in the shortest time. It is good for everyone if we let him join."

"Besides, he married Xu Rong, the son-in-law of our Jinghai people, and is also half Jinghai people. Moreover, joining Bai Jinhan in the name of Xu Rong did not break the rules you set."

"Yeah." Zhang Yaoyang nodded, "It really did not break the rules."

Zhang Yaoyang asked again, "How much does he want to invest?"

Wu Jianxin said, "Mr. Zhang, why don't I ask him to come over and let him talk to you in person."

"Okay." Zhang Yaoyang nodded.

"Then I'll call him." Wu Jianxin immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Sun Shengrong's number.

After the call was connected, Wu Jianxin smiled and said, "Mr. Sun, are you convenient now?"

"Convenient." Sun Shengrong's voice came from the phone.

Wu Jianxin said, "I have informed Mr. Zhang of your idea. Mr. Zhang wants to talk to you in person. If it is convenient for you, then come to Baijinhan."

"Okay, I'll come right over." Sun Shengrong said happily.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Jianxin's smile became even brighter.

The land on the outskirts of the city, 5% of the dry shares, also cost more than 2 million.

This money came so quickly!

Twenty minutes later, Sun Shengrong arrived at Baijinhan in a Mercedes-Benz.

This time, he finally entered Baijinhan successfully.

Although it was daytime, Baijinhan was full of people.

There are many members.

Bai Jinhan has food, drinks, entertainment, and business talks.

In addition, many officials will go to Bai Jinhan for dinner and entertainment.

It is easier to get government information here.

Sun Shengrong was taken to Zhang Yaoyang's office by the manager.

Wu Jianxin immediately stood up and introduced Zhang Yaoyang to Sun Shengrong: "Mr. Sun, let me introduce you to Zhang, the chairman of Hengwan Group and the boss of Bai Jinhan."

"Sit down." Zhang Yaoyang did not stand up, but raised his hand and gestured to Sun Shengrong to sit down.

This is obviously not a way to treat guests.

It is very rude to guests.

Sun Shengrong frowned and felt a little unhappy.

However, Sun Shengrong still squeezed a smile on his face, "Mr. Zhang, I'm glad to meet you."

"To make a long story short, I don't like to talk nonsense." Zhang Yaoyang smoked a cigarette and looked at Sun Shengrong: "How much do you want to invest?"

Is it so direct?

Sun Shengrong said: "I am willing to invest 200 million yuan and hold 50% of the shares."

Sun Shengrong was generous enough and gave an extra 50 million yuan.

When he bid, the bid price was 200 million yuan.

A large part of the 50 million yuan was distributed to Wu Jianxin and others.

This means that Wu Jianxin and others can cash out and get returns as soon as they invest, and the returns are not low.

The other part is for Zhang Yaoyang, which is also a benefit for Zhang Yaoyang.

"The price is quite good." Zhang Yaoyang said: "Tell me the requirements."

Sun Shengrong said: "I need to obtain the operating and management rights of the Commercial Building. Mr. Zhang, don't misunderstand me. I believe Mr. Wu just told you that I have hired a professional team from the United States. They are all professional managers with rich experience and can make the Commercial Building profitable quickly."

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "Are you done?"

"Yes." Sun Shengrong nodded.

Zhang Yaoyang put out his cigarette: "You are from Hong Kong, not Jinghai. If you want to invest, I could have refused you. However, I admire Deputy Director Xu Haosen."

"Hmm." Sun Shengrong smiled.

He knew that his wife could bring him extra income.

Zhang Yaoyang naturally had to give the director face.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "How about this, for Xu Haosen's sake, I will give you 10%."


This is far below Sun Shengrong's goal.

"Old Wu." Zhang Yaoyang looked at Wu Jianxin: "Your share will be transferred to Mr. Sun and cashed in in advance."

Wu Jianxin smiled and said: "Okay."

"By the way." Zhang Yaoyang frowned and said puzzledly: "Don't you want to be Mintai's general agent in Jinghai?"

"Ah?" Wu Jianxin was stunned.

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