The next day, Chen Shuting took Zhang Yaoyang's hand and followed Zhang Yaoyang to Taihu Villa.

At this time, Uncle Tai was fishing by the lake.


"Uncle Tai."

Chen Shuting and Zhang Yaoyang greeted Uncle Tai one after another.

"Sit down." Uncle Tai pointed to a chair beside him and said.

Zhang Yaoyang and Chen Shuting sat down separately.

The secretary asked someone to bring two fishing rods.

Zhang Yaoyang and Chen Shuting each took one and accompanied Uncle Tai to fish.

Uncle Tai held the fishing rod and smiled, "Your performance yesterday was indeed unexpected."

Chen Shuting put down the fishing rod and agreed with a smile: "Godfather, I was also scared yesterday. Customers were like waves. From morning to night, they rushed into the store in waves, vying to buy mobile phones, causing traffic jams."

The secretary watched from the side and smiled secretly.

Chen Shuting was obviously on Zhang Yaoyang's side and spoke well for him.

Uncle Tai is an old fox and knows what Chen Shuting means.

Chen Shuting is telling him: My man is very powerful, godfather, you have to train him more.

At this time, the float sank.

The fish bit the hook.

Uncle Tai could feel the movement of the fish biting the bait from the fishing rod. He smiled and was not in a hurry to reel in the line.

You have to be patient when fishing.

As the saying goes, you have to let the long line catch the big fish.

Be patient.

This is his way of survival.

"It's a big fish. Godfather is really amazing."

Chen Shuting complimented.

Uncle Tai smiled slightly, and then he asked while walking the fish: "Do you know how to fish?"

"No." Zhang Yaoyang replied.

Chen Shuting smiled and said: "Then you must come and learn from godfather often."

Uncle Tai smiled and continued to ask: "What do you think is the most important thing about fishing?"

Zhang Yaoyang pondered for a while, and recalled the sharing of fishermen he had seen on the Internet in his previous life, and replied: "It's resources."

Uncle Tai said: "Yes, the first step in fishing is to correct your mentality and change the idea that 'fishing depends on luck'."

Chen Shuting listened quietly, and the secretary also listened carefully.

"I believe that you can make so much money in a day, and it is definitely not by luck."

Uncle Tai handed the fishing rod to Zhang Yaoyang: "Let's try it."

It's already the stage of walking the fish.

The next step is to wait until the fish has no strength and use a landing net to scoop it up.

However, many people will mess up this process.

Zhang Yaoyang caught the fishing rod.

He remembered that the fisherman's video mentioned that the primary purpose of fishing is to "torment" the fish, not to pull the fish to the shore immediately, but to consume the fish's physical strength until the fish is exhausted.

Zhang Yaoyang bent the rod into a bow shape and controlled the fish's swimming through the toughness of the rod.

Uncle Tai nodded when he saw Zhang Yaoyang controlling the fish in a very good manner.

It took a while until the fish turned over and Zhang Yaoyang began to reel in the line and scoop it up with a scoop net.

"Not bad, you have a strong learning ability." Uncle Tai praised.

Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly.

At this time, Uncle Tai asked: "What do you think is the core of real estate?"

"Speed ​​and land." Zhang Yaoyang replied.

Uncle Tai asked again: "Then what do you think about the future development prospects of real estate?"

Zhang Yaoyang thought about it, and then answered seriously: "It will be a pillar industry in the next 20 years."

"20 years?"

Uncle Tai pondered for a while.

This is different from his judgment, because in his opinion, every industry has a bottleneck period, and real estate also has a bottleneck period.

Sooner or later, there will be overcapacity and oversupply.

Zhang Yaoyang replied: "Land finance is like drugs. Once you taste the sweetness, it is difficult to quit."


Uncle Tai smiled even more, and he nodded frequently, agreeing with Zhang Yaoyang's words.

Seeing this, Chen Shuting took Zhang Yaoyang's hand and smiled.

The better her man is, the happier she is.

Uncle Tai suddenly asked: "Which factory is going to start work recently?"

The secretary came closer and answered: "The machinery factory in Xicheng is going to be demolished."

Uncle Tai looked at Zhang Yaoyang: "Do you want to try?"

"Thank you, Uncle Tai." Zhang Yaoyang replied.


[Complete the task: gain Uncle Tai's trust]

[Get a silver treasure chest*1]

Zhang Yaoyang silently opened it in his heart.

[Get the short stick (great achievement)]

Instantly, Zhang Yaoyang's mind was filled with a lot of images, and his body also gained muscle memory of stick techniques.

This includes 40 traditional martial arts short stick fighting techniques.

It has traditional stick techniques such as lifting, chopping, poking, sweeping, pushing, tapping, picking, blocking, blocking, and blocking.


[Triggering Task: Demolition of Machinery Factory]

[Task Reward: Silver Treasure Box*1]

At this time, Chen Shuting gently pulled Zhang Yaoyang's hand.

The smile on her face disappeared.

Because she had heard of the machinery factory in Xicheng.

It is now a place of trouble!


After leaving Taihu Villa, Chen Shuting said to Zhang Yaoyang while driving: "Not long ago, during the demolition of Xicheng, due to the compensation issue, a large-scale fight broke out. More than 20 people were sent to the hospital, and one of them died due to serious injuries."

"Isn't this normal?"

Zhang Yaoyang said with a smile.

The local government has so much money that it is impossible to increase the compensation standard.

What's more, there are middlemen who want to make a profit.

Real estate developers, demolition offices, and officials at all levels, all of them have to eat meat and drink soup.

Therefore, the money in the hands of ordinary people is naturally less.

You demolished my house, but gave me so little compensation, you must be making trouble.

Chen Shuting said: "It's different. Because someone died, the TV station and reporters from all over the country are watching. If there is another forced demolition, leading to intensified conflicts, the pressure of public opinion will be great."

While watching, Chen Shuting also complained: "Godfather is really a jerk. Why did he give you such a difficult project?"

Zhang Yaoyang said confidently: "I can do what others can't do. This can prove my ability."

"You..." Chen Shuting turned her head and looked at Zhang Yaoyang.

Sure enough, it was the same as the first time she met him.

He was very confident!

Chen Shuting asked: "Then what do you want to do?"

Zhang Yaoyang laughed: "Go and see the situation first, and then decide what to do."

"Okay." Chen Shuting nodded: "I'll find the relevant leaders to accompany you."

"Yeah." Zhang Yaoyang nodded, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Tang Xiaolong's number.

The moment the phone was dialed, Tang Xiaolong answered the phone.

"Brother Yang, what do you want to do?"

At this time, Tang Xiaolong was drinking and playing cards with his friends at home.

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Take people to Xicheng Machinery Factory, wear security uniforms, the more people the better."

"Yes." Tang Xiaolong immediately stood up, and then said to Tang Xiaohu and others: "Hurry up, call people."

"Where to go?"

Tang Xiaohu asked.

Tang Xiaolong said: "Brother Yang asked us to go to Xicheng Machinery Factory and put on security uniforms."

"Okay." Tang Xiaohu and others immediately took out their mobile phones and PHS to dial.

"Cai Tou, Xicheng Machinery Factory, call all your friends, Brother Yang's work."

"Acai, Xicheng Machinery Factory, you and your classmates come, Brother Yang's work."

"Awang, Xicheng Machinery Factory, call all your cousins, Brother Yang's work."

In a short while.

Tang Xiaolong and others gathered hundreds of people.

These people are all gangsters, belonging to the idle people in society. As long as they have money, they can do anything.

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