The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

"Yaoyang, let me introduce you."

"This is District Chief Li of Haifeng District."

"This is Director Liu of Urban Construction Bureau of Haifeng District."

"This is Director Ma of Funing Street Sub-district Office."

Chen Shuting introduced the leaders of Haifeng District one by one.

Most of Bai Jiangbo's business is in Haifeng District, so Chen Shuting is familiar with the leaders of Haifeng District.

Although it was very busy today, the leaders were willing to give Uncle Tai face and come to meet the new project manager in person.

"Yaoyang has just taken over this project and still needs the support and care of the leaders."

Chen Shuting smiled and dealt with the officials on behalf of Zhang Yaoyang.

"The demolition of the machinery factory is not only related to our Haifeng District, but also to our Jinghai's foreign investment, so it is particularly important."

District Chief Li said seriously.

[Li Changzheng]

Looks like a good cadre who does practical things, but in fact he is a corrupt official who has been corrupted by money.

[Liu Jianjun]

A timid and lustful corrupt official who has long been corrupted by money.

[Ma Guoqing]

Under the gentle appearance, there is a devil-like personality, and his younger brother is a gangster.

After seeing the introduction of the system, Zhang Yaoyang couldn't help but smile.

These people are a group of talents.

Li Changzheng wears a pair of glasses, gentle and capable.

From Li Changzheng's dress, it is also very simple, and it is really hard to tell that he is a corrupt official.

Sure enough, you can't judge a person by his appearance.

Chen Shuting smiled and said: "Don't worry, District Chief Li, we will promote the demolition work as soon as possible."

At this time, Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaohu and others have also gathered.

The people they recruited changed into security uniforms, and each of them held a rubber stick.

"Everyone, stand in line, just like standing in line during military training."

"Everyone, stand in line."

Tang Xiaolong looked at the people in front of him and said, "Listen, as long as Brother Yang is satisfied, everyone will make money."

"Got it!"

Everyone answered in unison.

Yesterday, Yaoyang Communications opened for business.

Each person gets 200 yuan a day, plus a 500 yuan red envelope.

I came to work today, and I got another 200 yuan salary.

You should know that in 2000, the per capita income in Jinghai City was only 784 yuan.

Working for two days can equal working for an ordinary person for a month.

As long as they are paid enough, they can do anything.

Seeing that the team was standing in line, Tang Xiaolong took out his mobile phone and reported to Zhang Yaoyang.

After the call was connected.

"Brother Yang, the brothers are all here."

"Wait for me to arrange it."


Tang Xiaolong hung up the phone with a smile, and then said to everyone, "Wait for me."


Chen Shuting took Zhang Yaoyang's hand and, led by Ma Guoqing, came to the factory area of ​​Jinghai Machinery Factory.

This time, the demolition area was very large, including the factory area and dormitory of the machinery factory.

The road to the factory was blocked, and the workers blocked the road to the site with trucks, tables and chairs, steel bars, etc.

As soon as Zhang Yaoyang and others came, the old man in the guard room rang the bell at the door.

Ding ding ding! ! !

As the bell rang, a group of people rushed over with sticks. There were quite a few of them, at least hundreds of people.

These people were workers in the machinery factory.

After the machinery factory went bankrupt, they were all laid off.

Some of them had gray hair, and even the young ones were over 40 years old.

"This is the situation. The workers are very emotional now and don't want to talk to us at all."

Ma Guoqing said to Zhang Yaoyang.

Zhang Yaoyang looked at the workers in front of him, then picked up the phone and dialed Tang Xiaolong's number: "Bring the people over."


As Zhang Yaoyang gave the order, Tang Xiaolong trotted over with more than a hundred people.

Looking at the more than a hundred young people in front of them, Li Changzheng, Ma Guoqing, and Liu Jianjun all showed a faint smile on their faces.

In their opinion, Zhang Yaoyang was going to use force again.

Last time, Uncle Tai's men fought with the workers once.

Chen Shuting reminded: "I saw the reporter."

"I know."

Zhang Yaoyang nodded, then walked in front of Tang Xiaolong and others.

"Follow me."

After Zhang Yaoyang finished speaking, he led his people straight to the workers.

At this time, Zhang Yaoyang used the [Godfather Experience Card], and his whole momentum changed immediately.

When the workers saw Zhang Yaoyang approaching with his men, they all held their weapons tightly and prepared for battle.

"My name is Zhang Yaoyang."

Zhang Yaoyang said to the workers: "Who is your leader?

? Or, who is the representative? "

The workers looked at a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was about 1.8 meters tall, just a little shorter than Zhang Yaoyang.

The middle-aged man stood up and said, "What do you want to talk about?"

[Lin Guodong]

A veteran with a straightforward character, he doesn't take any soft or hard words, and only believes in justice.

Zhang Yaoyang said, "The demolition is a government project. No matter how you fight, the machinery factory will eventually be demolished, so you can make demands, such as the compensation you need."

The workers looked at each other.

Lin Guodong said, "First, the murderer must be brought to justice."

"Let the murderer pay with his life!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

At this time, the family of the deceased shouted loudly.

"And more."

Zhang Yaoyang asked.

"The injured..."

Before Lin Guodong finished speaking, Zhang Yaoyang said, "Their medical expenses and nutrition expenses, right?"

"Yeah. "Lin Guodong nodded.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "Are there any other demands?"

"The issue of compensation and resettlement for demolition."

Before Lin Guodong could speak, a woman spoke first.

[Zhao Lan]

Lin Guodong's wife, hot-tempered and likes to take advantage of others.

Zhang Yaoyang asked: "Anything else?"

Lin Guodong pointed at Li Changzheng and others in the distance and asked: "Can you represent them?"

At this time, the reporters in the crowd had taken out their recording equipment.

For them, this was all big news.

Zhang Yaoyang said seriously: "Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Yaoyang. I have just taken over the demolition project of the machinery factory. I can only represent myself and my company."

"It's the same as saying nothing."

"You ask District Chief Li to come over."

"Yes, it's useless to tell him these things. "

In the crowd, some workers started to make trouble.

Zhang Yaoyang stared at the troublemakers: "If you think it's useful to talk to them, then you can go find them, just go from here."

The troublemakers seemed to be stared at by a beast, and they shrank back in fear.

Zhang Yaoyang looked at Lam Kwok-tung again: "I hope to resolve the conflict through negotiation, and I don't want any bloodshed. If you think so, then let's sit down and talk."

Lin Kwok-tung looked at the people around him, and the workers nodded.

"Let's see what he says first."

Zhao Lan whispered beside Lam Kwok-tung.

"Okay, I'll talk to you."

Lin Kwok-tung agreed.

"When I came, there was a Hunan restaurant in front, let's talk there."

After Zhang Yaoyang finished speaking, he turned and left.

Tang Xiaolong, Tang Xiaohu and others left with their people.

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