As the night fell, the prosperity of Pengcheng shocked Cheng Cheng again. Although Jinghai was already very developed, it was still too backward compared with Pengcheng. After Zhang Yaoyang and Cheng Cheng finished dinner, they took a walk outside. Suddenly, Zhang Yaoyang's cell phone rang. Zhang Yaoyang looked at the caller ID. It was a number from Pengcheng. Zhang Yaoyang smiled slightly, and he guessed who called him. Seeing Zhang Yaoyang stop, Cheng Cheng also stopped. Zhang Yaoyang pressed the call button. Ma Huateng's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Zhang, I'm Ma Huateng from Penguin."

"Mr. Ma, have you discussed it?" Zhang Yaoyang asked.

Ma Huateng said: "We agree to sell 20% of the shares to you, but I hope to sign an agreement with you."

"What agreement?" Zhang Yaoyang asked.

Ma Huateng said: "In the shareholding and dividend agreement, you only have share dividends and do not interfere with management."

This ensures the decision-making power and decision-making power in the hands of Ma Huateng and others.

Ma Huateng's current approach is the same as Jack Ma.

When Alibaba went public, it had reached an agreement with Softbank and Yahoo. They only had share dividends and did not interfere with management, which ensured the decision-making power and decision-making power in the hands of Jack Ma.

Now is the Internet; bubble period, Ma Huateng will also worry about the future, and he naturally does not want to miss the cash flow.

Because the more money in the account, the longer you can survive.

Only after enduring the darkness can you wait for the dawn.

At the same time, Ma Huateng also believes in the future development of QQ, and he hopes that they will control the future direction.

Therefore, Ma Huateng was more cautious and wanted to keep the company's decision-making power.

Zhang Yaoyang was silent and did not rush to answer.

Ma Huateng thought Zhang Yaoyang disagreed, and he said: "If Mr. Zhang disagrees, then we can only sell 5% of the shares."

Selling 5% can still maintain the maximum controlling stake of 55%!

Zhang Yaoyang said: "Okay, I will only distribute dividends and will not interfere with management."

After hearing Zhang Yaoyang's answer, Ma Huateng was very excited!

Although 20% of the shares were sold, the company's autonomy is still in their hands.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for your understanding, we will definitely not let you down, and make Penguin an excellent company, so that you can reap more than ten times and a hundred times the return." Ma Huateng made a promise.

Ten times and a hundred times?

Brother Ma, you really underestimate yourself.

The future Penguin is the first giant in China's Internet, and it is also the top five in the world.

Zhang Yaoyang's face was full of smiles, "I believe you."

Ma Huateng said: "Mr. Zhang, if it is convenient for you, can you come to our company tomorrow? We will start the procedures for equity transfer, etc."

Zhang Yaoyang said: "See you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yaoyang clenched his fists.

The simple penguin is smoother than he thought!

The next step is to acquire the 40% shares held by IDG and Yingke.

"Brother Yang, are we too fast?" Cheng Cheng couldn't help but said when he saw Zhang Yaoyang's excitement.

Zhang Yaoyang is very confident in everything he does.

Confidence is a good thing, but the price behind it is not small!

You know, it takes 6.6 million US dollars to acquire 60% of the shares, which is not a small amount!

"Too fast? I think it's too slow!"

Zhang Yaoyang shook his head and said.

"This is still slow..." Cheng Cheng was stunned.

"Yes, this matter must be done quickly, and every second counts. Otherwise, a lot of money will be spent."

Zhang Yaoyang said seriously.

You should know that MIH, the largest shareholder of Penguin, found Penguin in 2001 and offered $60 million to Ma Huateng, requiring a shareholding ratio of at least 50%.

At that time, IDG intended to withdraw.

After the Internet bubble burst, Yingke was overly excited when it heard such a high offer, but showed hesitation.

Finally, due to various reasons, the two parties finally reached an agreement under MIH's insistence. IDG transferred 12.8% of the shares, Yingke transferred all 20% of the shares, and MIH obtained 32.8% of the shares, becoming the largest shareholder of Penguin.

There is a reason why MIH gave Penguin such a high valuation.

At the end of 2000, Penguin was inspired by Japanese telecom operator NTT and found a business model.

Penguin launched "Mobile QQ" in cooperation with telecom operators to provide information and value-added services to mobile QQ users.

At that time, sending text messages on mobile phones was charged, 1-5 cents per text message.

Mobile QQ users can send messages through the text message platform to achieve real-time communication with computer users, which generates a lot of text message costs.

At the beginning, the ratio of Penguin and telecom operators was 15 to 85, with operators taking 15 and Penguin taking 85.

Since May 2000, Penguin has successively cooperated with China Unicom and China Mobile.

By March 2001, the number of text messages sent by "Mobile QQ" exceeded 30 million, bringing Penguin more than 2 million in monthly income.

By the end of 2001, Penguin achieved total revenue of nearly 50 million yuan and net profit of more than 10 million yuan, becoming the first profitable Internet company in the history of China's Internet.

As for Ali and Baidu, they made profits in 2003, and Jingxi began to make profits in 19 years.

Therefore, based on the net profit of 10 million yuan in 2001, the price-earnings ratio is less than 6 times, and in the face of considerable growth in the future, it is definitely worth buying.

After MIH took over Penguin, it continued to increase its holdings and began to plan for its IPO.

In June 2002, MIH invested in Penguin through convertible bonds. In August, Penguin repurchased the remaining 7.2% of IDG's shares, thus forming a structure in which MIH and the 12 founders of Penguin held 50% of the shares before the IPO.

Zhang Yaoyang was very clear about the development process of Penguin.

Therefore, he had to race against time to acquire Penguin's shares before Penguin made a profit.

If it were next year, Penguin would not be worth the price of cabbage.

At the same time.

Ma Huateng and his companions were also very excited. They opened the red wine and began to celebrate.

"Zhidong, Chenye, prepare the contract."

"Li Qing, contact Lin Huang and ask them to contact IDG and Yingke."

"We must settle things quickly."

Ma Huateng and others were afraid that Zhang Yaoyang would go back on his word.

During the bursting of the Internet bubble, there were investors like Zhang Yaoyang who entered the market to pick up money.

It’s just that most people will regret it.

Because they have a gambler mentality and are here to buy at the bottom.

The same is true for IDG and Yingke.

Moreover, IDG and Yingke have already regretted it.

In order to prevent Zhang Yaoyang from regretting it, Ma Huateng and others are also racing against time.

In their eyes, Zhang Yaoyang is a big victim.

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