Lady Spring

Chapter 12.2

When Saeun continued to look at him as if she was bored, Junghoo finally lost his temper. He punched a wall next to him and screamed, “You think I won’t know because you aren’t saying anything? I’ve already done my research! I’m going to put everything I know on the internet, so you better watch it!”


Saeun finally said to him, 


“Stop this nonsense. What the hell are you talking about? Who? Strawberry Fields? Don’t you know that’s the most popular group in this country? And you think I’m dating one of the members? Who? Min Wooyoung? Kim Jaejun? You’ve finally gone mad, haven’t you? If I was dating someone like that, do you think I would be standing here while you tried to extort money from me? You really need to stop drinking. It’s obvious your brain is dead.”


At her condescending tone, Junghoo’s face turned ugly. He walked up to her and grabbed her hand. Shaking her hard, he screamed, 


“Shut up! You think I won’t know just because you deny it? I’m going to spread this information everywhere I can. Let’s see what happens to you then.”

“Think about this, Junghoo. Be smart! Don’t you know what the actress Kim Taehee1 did to the people who spread false rumors about her online? She sued them!2 If you want your life ruined, you can go ahead. But instead, can’t you just do something even worse so you end up in prison for the next 10 years? This will probably only get you to be fined, and that won’t do! You need to disappear from my life!”

“Bitch! How dare you talk that way to your older brother…!”


When Junghoo raised his hand, Saeun screamed sharply,


“If you touch a hair on my body, I won’t give you a dime!”

“You’re threatening me with money now? Gosh, you’re the worst, Saeun.”


He replied angrily, but he took a step back. It was obvious he needed the money badly. Saeun panted and glared at him. She offered, 


“I’ll break the lease on this place and give you 10 million won. 3 Just take that and leave me alone. Please don’t ever come to me again. I’m so sick of you.”

“10 million won? Are you kidding me? What am I gonna do with that? Make it 30 million won4 and I’ll leave you alone for a while.”


Junghoo took out a cigarette and murmured. Saeun stared at him in shock and yelled, 


“I told you before that I don’t have 30 million won! And you told mom you only needed 10 million won!”

“Yeah, but I know you have more money. If you don’t want to give me this money, then don’t. I’ll just spread this story about you and that dude. Let’s see how far I can go. Sure, I might get sued by him, but I’m betting that you and that jerk will end up paying me off in the end. When that happens, I’m going to make both of you beg.”5

“Stop being so unreasonable. He is just a normal man. Can’t you just let me date someone like a normal girl? Why can’t I have just one good thing in my life? Do I have to live the rest of my days suffering from your bullying? You know this isn’t even the first time I’m giving you money! How many times and how much have I given you since I first started working? Can’t you find a job? You graduated from a university, didn’t you? So can’t you just get a job in some company and work like a normal person?”

“How dare you talk to your older brother that way? You keep this up and you’re gonna regret it.”

“If you want to be treated like an older brother, then act like one! Other older siblings normally help their younger brothers and sisters! I’m not even expecting that from you! Just… Just leave me alone! Stop taking my money and wasting it on some stupid business ideas!”


When Saeun screamed like a lunatic, Junghoo’s face crumpled. After staring at her for a few seconds, he kicked her knee. With a scream, she fell to the floor. Her knee throbbed and her butt hurt as well from the fall. 


“Bitch! Do you think I came here to hear you nag? When are you going to give me my money? You think 10 million won will get me anywhere? I have some awesome business ideas, and 10 million won is not going to be enough. Even 30 million won is cutting it close. How dare you try to stiff me?”


Junghoo lighted his cigarette and looked down at her without any guilt. He continued, 


“You know, I need to succeed for this whole family to make it. I’m the only son after all. If you keep acting selfish like this, you’re putting your whole family in danger. When I become successful, I’m the one who’s going to support our parents, right? You can get married when that happens. I mean, when a woman gets married, she basically belongs to her husband, which means you’ll no longer be my family. That means I won’t bother with you anymore then. But for now, you need to be loyal. If I say I need some money, it’s your duty to get me some. That’s a woman’s life. When you get married, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, get me 30 million won. This apartment deposit must be over 30 million won. You have the money, right? Got it?”




This is a real actress in Korea. Known for her beauty and attending the best university in the country.This really happened. ~10,000 USD. ~30,000 USD. Have I mentioned that this guy is THE WORST EVER! 

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