Lady Spring

Chapter 12.5

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Wooyoung became pale. His lips trembled and his hand flinched as he held on to Saeun. He opened and closed his mouth a few times as if his voice wasn’t working. When he could finally speak, Wooyoung begged, 


“Saeun, why are you… That’s not what you told me last night. You said you loved me, right?”

“You were the one who said that. I never did.”


Wow, Saeun was impressed with herself. At this point, there was no way anyone could love her. Sangone tried to stand up, perhaps to say something, but Sehyun stopped him. Saeun didn’t say a word to them. She needed them to witness what was happening here right now. When she left, the other members needed to console Wooyoung, telling him she was a complete bitch and that Wooyoung didn’t need someone like her. They would drink with him and maybe even introduce a nice girl to him…


Wooyoung was going to be okay without her. He had amazing friends of 10 years and he probably had many other friends too. Saeun came from a miserable life, but he must’ve had many well-to-do friends who could console him. Someday, he was going to forget about her completely and meet a nice girl. He was going to have a happy life without her. 


Biting her cheek, Saeun tried her best to maintain her cold face. Wooyoung’s face, on the other hand, looked like it was about to crumble. 


“Yun Saeun… Why are you doing this?”

“Because I’m tired. I thought being a celeb’s girlfriend was going to get me a better life. I thought you could be my way out of my old miserable life, but I was wrong. Anyway, I’m tired of it all. I’m going home now, so don’t stop me. Someone like you should be able to meet other great women easily. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me so far, Wooyoung.”


Wooyoung didn’t stop her. He didn’t even say her name. While she packed her things in her room, Wooyoung didn’t follow her either. She could hear the other members mumbling among themselves, but she didn’t pay any attention. She just focused on packing her things as quickly as possible. 


If she stayed here any longer, she was going to begin sobbing and beg Wooyoung to let her stay by his side. She would end up begging him to make her brother disappear. She might even ask him to kill her brother so she could stay with him. 


Yes, if she stayed, she was going to ruin Wooyoung’s life. She might end up turning him into a murderer. She would, of course, be happy to wait for Wooyoung if he went to prison, but… What the heck was she saying? She must be finally losing her mind.


Laughing weakly, Saeun closed her bag and stood up. When she turned around, she found Jaejun glaring at her. He growled,


“If you ever show your face in this area, I’m going to kill you.”


When Jaejun disappeared, Saeun finally began to walk. She felt envious of Wooyoung for some reason. If she had anyone in her life who would threaten Junghoo like Jaejun did, perhaps her life could’ve been better. Maybe Junghoo would’ve left her alone. If only there was someone in her life…


She needed to stop this. She was talking about something impossible. Besides, it was too late for her anyway. 


When she walked out to the living room, Wooyoung was still standing on the exact same spot. Grasping her bag, Saeun kept her face calm as she walked towards the front door. Sangone, who was standing next to Wooyoung, glared at her as if he wanted to kill her. She must’ve been doing a good job of acting for Sangone to look at her like this. 


On the other hand, Sehyun was watching her with an odd expression. Ignoring him, Saeun continued to walk to the front door. Wooyoung didn’t stop her, but he was watching her intently. 


After putting on her shoes, she turned around one last time to look at them. The month she has lived here has been like heaven to her. She has never felt so at peace and happy in her entire life. And everyone here… She knew she would never see them again except on TV.


Min Wooyoung. The man who made her so happy. 

Saeun was surprised her voice worked at all when she announced calmly,


“Thank you for everything. Take care.”


Saeun wanted to start laughing like a mad woman. She wanted to have a tantrum and scream like there was no tomorrow. But it seemed that she hadn’t changed since high school. No matter how hard her life was, she would never show it to anyone. She would pretend to be perfectly fine.


But this was for the best. She remembered Wooyoung telling her he thought she came from a wealthy family. Saeun needed him to think she was a selfish bitch. 


Her hand shook as she opened the door. Her cheek was bleeding by now from her biting it so hard. Her hand hurt because she was holding her bag so tightly. Her eyes blurred, but she couldn’t cry yet. Not here. She needed to leave as quickly as possible. She would allow herself to cry only after she got into a cab. Just a minute longer…

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