Lady Spring

Chapter 12.4


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“You’re late, Saeun. Why didn’t you answer my call? I was worried,” Wooyoung exclaimed as Saeun entered the group apartment. He was nagging her, but it was clear he was happy to see her. Saeun didn’t say a word as she walked to the living room. 


There, she saw that all the members of the Strawberry Fields were gathered together. Even their manager Jingyu was present. Saeun wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. 


Wooyoung asked, 


“Did something happen? Where have you been? Did you have to work late?”

“It’s nothing,” replied Saeun quietly. 

“You’re lying. Look at your face. Something must’ve happened,” Wooyoung insisted as he stopped Saeun from entering her room. He studied her face and frowned, 


“Look at you. You look so thin and pale. Are you tired?”


When she tried to turn away from him, Wooyoung held her face and turned it towards him worriedly. Finally, Saeun exploded. 


“Just stop it already! You’re annoying me!”


When she screamed, Wooyoung took a step back in shock. He murmured,


“Yun Saeun…”

“Do I have to tell you every time I go somewhere? Why are you nagging me like this? Can’t you leave me alone?!”



When she panted and glared at him, Wooyoung looked confused. He gaped and opened his mouth to say something before closing it. The other members and the manager on the living room sofa stared at the couple.


Wooyoung finally gave Saeun an awkward smile and replied, 


“Saeun, you must be really tired. I’m really sorry. You should go and rest. I’ve been really annoying you lately, haven’t I? I’m sorry, I…”


Saeun swallowed and clenched her teeth. It was too late to go back now. She couldn’t stop at this point. She had to do the right thing. Saeun said angrily, 


“You’re always like this. You pretend you care, but… you always do what you want. Even last night… I was so tired, yet you insisted on doing it all night. I said I was worried about other people hearing us, yet you refused to let me go. You know I have to go to work everyday, right? Unlike you, I’m not free to do what I want. Yet you’ve been jumping me every single night. Don’t you think you’re being selfish?”


It seemed Wooyoung couldn’t understand what Saeun was saying. It was no wonder since Saeun couldn’t understand herself either. It was obvious she loved being with him last night, yet here she was, angry about what happened. 


Saeun knew that she was saying unreasonable things, but she had to push on. She needed to make sure that everyone watching her now thought she was a total bitch. 


Saeun continued,


“I’m so sick of you, Min Wooyoung. I thought if I was with you, my life would get easier. But I can’t do this anymore. It’s so hard being with you every night. I’m going home now. I can’t stay here any longer. I don’t like living with other people either. I have my own home, so I don’t know why I’m still here.”


When she was about to walk out, Wooyoung hurriedly grabbed her arm. The other members of the group, still in the living room, watched with interest as if they were watching a movie.


Wooyoung stammered, 


“S…Saeun, what’s wrong?! Why are you doing this? Did I make it hard for you? Is that it? Then I won’t ever do it again. I… Dammit! I thought you liked it too. I’m so sorry. I really didn’t know you were that tired. I was wrong. I was being stupid. I’m really really sorry. I’ll apologize as many times as you want. I’ll never tire you out all night again. Dammit! Dammit! If you hate it here, I’ll go live in your apartment. How about that? It has been really uncomfortable for you because of the other members, right? Yes, that must be it! I understand, and I’m sorry. I should’ve lived in your apartment with you. Like last time, right? We had a lot of fun then. You’re right. I’ve been so selfish. We’re having a group meeting right now, but it’s almost over. Just pack your things and I’ll go with you, okay? Could we do that? I’ll be really quick.”


Why did this man love her? Watching Wooyoung hurt and confused, Saeun had to bite her lips so as not to cry. If she cried now, she was going to ruin her plan. Right now, Saeun needed to be the most selfish bitch this world has ever seen. 


With a sigh, Saeun replied, 


“No thanks. I don’t want you to follow me. I can’t do this anymore. I mean it. I hate the fact that I have to be so careful just because you’re a celebrity. We’re dating, yet we can’t even go out on a date outside. Our schedules are so different too. I want to meet someone who has the same lifestyle as I do. I think that will be best for me. It’s true that I never got to have many romantic relationships until I met you, but I think I can do better from now on. Besides, I think I deserve to meet at least a few men before getting married. After all, I’m just 28. I want to enjoy my life a little more before getting married. I thought I should tell you this before it gets too late. I know you wanted something different for us, but I can’t do this. I’m sorry. You need to let me go.”

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