Lady Spring

Chapter 3.3

The light was on in her home. Was Wooyoung still there? Maybe he was! Saeun’s heart began to beat faster as she dashed towards the elevator.
But when she stood in front of her apartment door, she suddenly wondered. Could it be that he just left the lights on before leaving?

Yes, that made more sense now. Why would he still be in her home at this hour? Don’t be stupid, Yun Saeun!

Slowly, she took out the cold key to her place. She felt so weak now that she didn’t feel like talking to her friends on the phone anymore. All she wanted was to get home and lie down. Her makeup, which she loved until just a moment ago, now felt sticky. Her shoulders felt heavy and her neck ached for some reason.

She was so tired, and she was so tired of everything. What happened yesterday and this morning had to be just a dream. A dream that briefly brought unrealistic happiness to her ordinary boring life.

But before she could insert her key, the door burst open. Saeun took a step back in shock and looked inside. Against the bright light like a halo, Wooyoung was standing tall to greet her.

“What are you doing? I heard footsteps, so I waited for the door to open, but it didn’t. I thought maybe it was the neighbor, but just in case, I opened it to check. Hurry up and come inside.”

He was still here. Wooyoung was still in her home. Her home wasn’t empty. Bright light… There was a person inside her place. Her heart pounded loudly and her eyes began to water.

No, she shouldn’t cry. She WON’T cry. Why would she cry? This man was a nobody to her. He didn’t matter to her at all. He was just an old classmate, so why should she cry because of him?

Never. She was never going to cry because of him.

Saeun clenched her fists and blinked fast. Wooyoung stared at her and asked in confusion,

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you coming inside?”

Saeun gulped audibly and managed to reply,

“You haven’t left yet?”
“Why do you ask? You want me gone?”

Wooyoung’s voice sounded unhappy. Saeun quickly shook her head and tried to organize her thoughts, but her head turned blank. Thankfully, her mouth spoke on its own, but she could hardly recognize her own voice.
“It’s not that. I just… I mean… You’re busy and we just met by coincidence… You only came to my home because it was raining outside. You have to go now because you have some TV shows and you’re busy, and I’m a nobody…”

After rambling for what seemed like forever, Saeun finally closed her mouth. Her eyes still stung as if tears were going to roll down any minute. Wooyoung seemed speechless as he gazed at her. He then reached out for her and pulled her inside.

“Just come inside first.”

The door closed loudly behind her, making Saeun flinch and blink in surprise. Thankfully, no tears escaped her eyes.

Under the bright light, Wooyoung’s face looked about the same as this morning. Some cuts formed scabs, but they still looked angry and red. All Saeun could do was stare at him. Wooyoung looked back at her as if he was studying an interesting subject. Then suddenly, his face turned determined.

“Let me stay here.”

Saeun asked dazedly. Wooyoung leaned so close to her that she could feel his breath on her face. She could even feel the movement of his lips when he added,

“Let me stay here. I’ll do everything. I will clean, do the laundry, and cook. And…”

He leaned a little more to graze her lips with his own. The cuts on his lips stung her a little, but it still felt pleasant.

“…I will give you all the kisses you need…”

His hand was already grabbing her breast through her thin blouse. She gasped in pleasure as he continued,

“I will touch you everywhere…”

She tried to take a step back, but there was no room. Saeun could feel the cold metal door against her back. Wooyoung was shockingly focused on her as if she was his prey. She couldn’t stop staring at his eyes either. They were so dark like the winter night.

“And I will let you orgasm every night. I will make you scream so much that you become hoarse. I will make you cum uncontrollably like yesterday. I will pleasure you until I bathe in your wet passion.”

N…no. She was getting too close to be seduced by him. Her head bent back against the door as she closed her eyes tightly. Her body was already burning with ecstasy. His hands skillfully undid her blouse buttons and reached inside. Her skirt rode up to her butt and his thigh wedged between her legs persistently. Remembering last night, Saeun’s breath became rough.

“No, no, Wooyoung. Not today, I… Ahh… Ngh!”

As if he couldn’t hear her, Wooyoung moved his leg to stimulate the most sensitive part of her body. His hand gently caressed her skin underneath the blouse and his lips left a trail of hot kisses on her neck. Saeun felt dreamy. Just like last night, all her senses were focused on one spot in her body. Her lower tummy felt tight and shocking waves of pleasure appeared between her legs. She couldn’t take it anymore.

“Stop, stoppp! Wooyoung…”

When she began to sob, Wooyoung chuckled quietly in her ear. It was the laugh of a smug man. His thick hard thigh continued to rub the area between her legs as it moved up higher and higher like a swing.

“No, no, ahh!

Grabbing his shoulders tightly, Saeun gave a short sharp scream. Her body tightened before relaxing suddenly. She could feel a distinct stream of warm fluid down her legs. When she leaned against him to pant, Wooyoung hugged her and patted her back as if she was a baby needing a nap.

“Good job. You did well. You’re so cute. So cute that I never want to let you out of my sight.”

She could hear a smile in his voice. Saeun wanted to become angry, but she could barely speak.

“Now, dinner is ready, so go and wash up. I thought about preparing a bath for you, but I didn’t know when you were gonna be home. I didn’t want the bath to get cold.”

A bath? Did he know how much hot water costs nowadays? She managed to detach herself from him. With a frown, she said to him,

“If you’re going to stay here, you can’t take baths. If you need to, you can go to the public bathhouse, okay?”
“Okay, but why?”

She couldn’t tell him that it was because she couldn’t afford it. So instead, she murmured,

“Because the bathtub is broken. I don’t use it at all, so just don’t.”
“Of course, Mistress. I will obey you since I am just a poor bum.”

When she narrowed her eyes at him, Wooyoung laughed shamelessly.

“Don’t be like that. I’m paying rent with my body, right?”

She rolled her eyes and began to walk towards the bathroom. But when she heard Wooyoung’s next words, she jumped.

“When you get better at this, I will wash you myself. It’s a promise, okay?”
“Min Wooyoung!”

When she turned around, Wooyoung was already behind her to give her a quick kiss. He then chuckled and walked towards the kitchen stove.

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