Lady Spring

Chapter 7.4

Before she could stop herself, Sauen smirked. Of course, they knew, but it didn’t make any difference. In fact, they’ve known it for a long time and the most they did was to just tell her brother not to be so “mean”.


Perhaps if her parents didn’t know about it, Saeun might have been able to dream that things could get better if she told them. But she knew better. Saeun knew that if she told them about what happened tonight, they would tell her to just give Junghoo what he wanted. They would say the same thing they always told her.


“After all, Junghoo is our only son who is going to carry on our family name.”


Family name? They talked like their family was something to be proud of. There have been so many times when Saeun wanted to murder her brother. The only reason why she didn’t was because she didn’t think it was fair for her to become a criminal because of him.


But of course, Saeun couldn’t tell Wooyoung the truth.


“Well, I’m not going to tell our parents about it…”


When she murmured, Wooyoung smack the floor and yelled, 


“Are you kidding me? Of course, you should tell them that their son hit their daughter!”

“Well… Umm… My parents are very elderly and… I really don’t want them to worry about me, so it’s fine.”


Wooyoung narrowed his eyes and stared for a long time before looking away.


“Fine, what a kind-hearted girl you are. I can’t believe you survived in this scary world for so long.”


Saeun giggled.


“You’re the only one who ever calls me ‘kind’. You’re so weird.”

“That bastard is going to come back, isn’t he?”


Of course he was. He needed money. He was never going to leave her alone.  But this was her problem, not Wooyoung’s. She didn’t want Wooyoung to get involved.


“Umm, just tell me why you came. I’m sure you didn’t come to see me like this.”


When her voice became tense, Wooyoung took out a piece of ice from the towel and began to chomp on it. He looked around the room awkwardly, making Saeun frown.


“Hey, I asked you why you came.”

“Why do you think, Saeun?”


Wooyoung swallowed the ice and glared at Saeun, who shrugged.


“I’m obviously asking because I don’t know.”


Fury filled his eyes as he tapped the floor a few more times. 


“Saeun you are… You’re the worst. Or are you just that slow, huh?”

“What did I do?”

“How can you not know when I’ve shown you so many times? I mean… I’ve never seen such an obtuse woman in my life.”


Saeun began to get annoyed. She was already upset that she got punched by her brother, and she was even more upset that Wooyoung witnessed it. And now… This man she housed and took care of was angry at her? Why was he so upset? What did she do wrong?


Saeun glared at Wooyoung.


“Stop beating around the bush and just spit it out. Why are you here? Are you here to give me money too? Well, I’m not taking it, so you can take it and leave already, got it?”

“What money?”


It was now Wooyoung’s turn to look confused. Saeun pouted in frustration before answering,


“When your friends came by that day, they offered me money. I didn’t check the envelope, but they told me it was for letting you stay here. I told them to shove it up their asses and leave. Didn’t they tell you?”


Wooyoung’s eyes widened in surprise before frowning again.


“And you didn’t take it?”

“Of course I didn’t! Do you really think I let you stay for money?”

“Are you an idiot? You should’ve taken it obviously! They probably got it from the company as a deductible expense! You had to spend money on my clothes and food, didn’t you?!”


Saeun blinked in shock. Shouldn’t he be angry at his friends who offered her money? So why was he yelling at her? Calling her an idiot?!


“You’re a jerk, Wooyoung! I’m not a beggar! Those clothes I bought you weren’t expensive anyway. I got the cheapest ones in the department store, and they were on sale too, so how could I get paid for that… And who do you think I am?”

“You? You’re the girl who makes a package of makeup sample last a whole week, so what more do I have to say?!” 1


Saeun felt her face turn bright red. It was true that she used those single use makeup samples for days at a time, but didn’t everyone do that? Those packages always had too much for a single use. Besides, did he even realize how much makeup costs nowadays? And samples were great because she could try out different brands, so what was wrong with asking for them at the makeup store?


Obviously, rich people like Wooyoung could afford to buy the full priced bottles whenever he wanted, but for her, single use samples were perfectly good enough. This was how a commoner like her lived in the real world.


“What’s wrong with doing that?! I don’t need any fancy makeup. I do my makeup just fine without the expensive stuff. If you came here to give me money, just keep it and leave. I don’t need it!”


Saeun stood up and placed a hand on her waist. She was furious with him for embarrassing her like this. Was he being cruel on purpose?


Instead of standing up himself, Wooyoung remained seated as he pulled her legs towards him, making her fall on top of him.  Within a second, she was safely in his arms. 


Because she fell on top of him, the fall didn’t cause her any pain. But her legs became spread apart and when she fell, his manhood slapped into her thighs. 


Saeun’s body suddenly ignited.


“Saeun, you’re an idiot…”


Whispering softly, he leaned towards her. 

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