Lady Spring

Chapter 7.5

Saeun blinked a few times without saying anything, and as if in slow motion, Wooyoung’s warm lips touched hers. Oh, no… She blinked a few times more to resist, but when she felt his tongue slip between her lips, she closed her eyes.


As if welcoming back a long lost lover, Saeun’s tongue accepted him and danced with his tongue. The hot and amazing taste of him… It filled her mouth. His large hand held the back of her head as he leaned closer to her. Wooyoung entered deeper, making Saeun pant and flinch. Feeling him becoming harder between her legs, Saeun shivered in pleasure. 


Saeun cradled his head with both of her hands as he bit her lower lip lightly. His tongue rubbed the roof of her mouth, her teeth, and her tongue before slowly leaving her mouth. Her arms felt weak, so she slowly let them down on the bed and let him go. The silver strand of saliva connected their lips even as they parted, making her blush. When his lower body moved between her legs against her, his hard erection rubbed against her sensitive spot. Saeun moaned quietly.


“Yun Saeun.”


Unlike his singing smooth voice, Wooyoung’s voice now sounded different and rough. Saeun found it hard to face him, and when she spotted his reddened lips, Saeun became red herself again and averted her eyes.


“Yun Saeun, I can’t leave you.”


He held her chin and turned her to face him. Feeling embarrassed to look him in the eyes, Saeun tried to turn away, but Wooyooung refused to let her go. 


“At first, I meant to stay just for a little while, which was why I didn’t sleep with you. I just wanted to pleasure you, and I thought that was going to be enough for me. But it was so hard… In fact, it was an impossible task. The more I saw you, the more I wanted to do it. I… I really just wanted to stay here with you. So when I finally got the nerve to ask you out, you refused me outright. You didn’t even hesitate. Do you know how angry I was? I was furious and I knew that I would never let you go.”


He leaned towards her suddenly and bit her lips hard as if he wanted to punish her. Saeun jolted and tried to push his shoulders away with her hands. 


“Then I come here to find that jerk of a brother hitting you like that! I lost it. I had all the right to beat him up, but you stopped me. You know what that means, right? You owe me, Saeun. A guy like him needs to be taught a lesson. Hitting a woman? His own little sister? Garbage like that needs to be taken out.”

“W…Wooyoung, ahh!”


His hand lifted her butt towards him and he ground his erection into the area between her legs. Both of them were wearing pants, but despite the two thick layers of clothes, Saeun could feel the heat from his swollen flesh. Her own body burned for him.


Wooyoung continued,


“I really can’t leave you. I can’t let some other guy snatch you away either. Just be mine, Yun Saeun. I can’t stop thinking about you. All this week, I couldn’t do anything because everything reminded me of you. I accomplished nothing since I left here, and the guys got so angry at me. Even Sangone kept nagging me that I was being useless. And it’s all your fault.”

“W…w…what did I… A…ahh, stop doing that!”


Wooyoung kept rubbing himself against her mound as he asked,


“Stop doing what? You’re the one who’s driving me crazy, and it won’t do, Class President. As the class president, it’s your responsibility to take care of the others, isn’t it?”


His erection got bigger and harder. Saeun shuddered when she felt her center throb and burn. It felt like her body was boiling from within. She grabbed his shoulders and panted.


“Wooyoung, s…stop…”

“Why would you let him hit you like that…? I can’t leave you alone anymore, so come with me. You need to go with me. We don’t know when that bastard is gonna come back, so you can’t stay here by yourself. You need to come with me, okay?”


He grabbed her butt with both of his hands and continued to rub against her. Saeun closed her eyes and tried to resist, but her body betrayed her as hot sticky honey leaked out from between her legs. She could feel her panties getting wet. When Wooyoung felt her shiver, he kissed her neck and whispered, 


“Tell me I can have you. Tell me you will be mine and mine only. You need to date me, You need to promise me you will be with me. Hurry up. Say you’re coming with me. I can’t go anywhere without you.”

“I… I don’t understand what you’re saying. W…where? G…go where? I… I… Hng!”


When Wooyoung buried his face on her breasts, Saeun’s head fell back and she stopped breathing. She was wearing a thin blouse and to her shock, Wooyoung bit one of her breasts through it. Saeun screamed, 


“Ahh! Ahhhh! Wooyoung, don’t… Ahhh, hng!”


He continued to bite and suck on her breast through the blouse. The sensation of his tongue through the thin fabric made Saeun desire more. She craved so much more… Her blouse was getting wet and her skin felt too sensitive underneath it.


“Tell me now, Saeun.”


When Wooyoung blew on her wet blouse lightly, Saeun quivered. He was making her blouse wet while she was making her own panties wet. Her nub kept flinching and contracting, and the entire area between her legs was burning.


“Please, Wooyoung, please…”

“Say it.”


Her head was spinning. Saeun couldn’t understand what Wooyoung was demanding. All she wanted was for him to take her clothes off and let her feel his bare skin against hers. She wanted… his fingers to enter her and pleasure her deep inside. 


Saeun sobbed,


“Please… Hng… Please, just do something… Wooyoung…”

“What would you like me to do?”


She didn’t know anymore. And she didn’t care. Saeun was beyond feeling embarrassed. Only the unfulfilled desire existed in her head now. She demanded,


“My clothes… Take them off and take me. Do what you did last time!”


Wooyoung’s lips rubbed her neck lovingly.


“Then can I go all the way? Can I make you mine completely?”


He shivered as he spat out the words in a gruff voice. He covered her whole body with his so there was no space between them. His hardened rod pressed on her mercilessly as he said to her,


“You can’t turn back after this. Even if you regret it in the morning, it will be too late. You’re giving your first time to me. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”


Her first time. Her virginity. 


Everyone had their first, right? Saeun knew marriage with Wooyoung was not a possibility, but wouldn’t it be worth it to give it to her first love? The boy she loved so much so long ago?


There was a time when Wooyoung was all she could dream about. Even now, he made her heart jump with passion.




Her whispered consent seemed to have unleashed his desire. Wooyoung roughly ripped her blouse away, and Saeun was only happy to let him take her wherever he wished.

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