Lady Spring

Chapter 9.1

No one was home yet. Saeun entered the living room and put down her bag on the floor. With a deep sigh, she sat down on the sofa. She had extra tasks to finish, so she ended up working late today. Worried Wooyoung might be waiting for her, Saeun hurried back, but she supposed there was no need. On the table, there was a memo from Wooyoung saying he was going to be late because he had a late night shoot. 


Looking down at his note, Saeun giggled. There was no doubt that the ugly writing was Wooyoung’s. 


‘I guess he never got better. I think this is more of a scribble than a writing.’


The house felt very quiet without the four giant guys inside. Well actually, even if all of them were here, the house was never noisy. All the members of Strawberry Fields were rather quiet. But when they were here, it just felt… fuller. 


Saeun still couldn’t believe she was living in Strawberry Fields’ work apartment. No matter how she looked at it, her new living situation felt unreal. It felt like a dream. Still feeling dazed, Saeun looked around the living room. The living room alone was big enough to fit her entire apartment. There were also several rooms here. All the members were very private, so she never had the chance to see their rooms, but she assumed they were big because the spare room she now used was very spacious too. It was more than she needed, especially considering she was now the moocher. 


It has been a week since she moved into this place. Saeun has always believed Wooyoung lived in the agency dorm, but she recently found out he returned to his parents’ home many years ago. Saeun was also surprised to find that the other members also had their own personal apartments. Weren’t idol group members supposed to live together to practice and learn to be a team? But when she asked this question, Wooyoung smiled awkwardly and wouldn’t give her an answer.


“I wonder if there is any cooked rice left. If not, I’m gonna have to make some.”


Even though she was alone, she murmured out loud. Saeun took off her jacket and headed towards the kitchen. She was still getting used to the giant fancy chef’s kitchen. Unfortunately, there were only a few dishes she knew how to make, and the two of the members have already complained about her cooking. 


Well, it probably wasn’t really her cooking they were upset about. Washing the fresh rice in running water, Saeun frowned, remembering the day when she first arrived.




“What? What the hell are you talking about?!”


Behind the closed door, Saeun could clearly hear Jay, whose real name was Jaejun, screaming  at Wooyoung. She hugged her luggage tightly and cringed on the sofa. Sitting across from her and studying her curiously, the two men looked amused every time she flinched. To be exact, it was clear that one of them was having too much fun with her discomfort while the other guy had a blank expression. He looked very doll-like. She tried to remember if this man looked this emotionless when he was singing and dancing on TV, but she couldn’t remember him at all.


Now, who was who? The one who looked very kind but still managed to offend her with the envelope of money that day… He had to be the youngest. The one with zero expression on his face had to be older than Wooyoung. She couldn’t remember any of their names. The “discussion” of her fate was occurring loudly and angrily in the nearby room, so Saeun didn’t feel brave enough to ask the guys in front of her for their names.


“I’ve never asked for anything from you guys, have I? So please! I’m begging you!”

“I don’t want to hear this. The answer is no.”

“Then where is Saeun supposed to go? Some jerk keeps coming to her home to hurt her. Didn’t you see her swollen face just now? The bastard who did that to her keeps stalking her! So how can I leave her there?”

“Then she should’ve been careful not to date a guy like that.”1


Because the door was closed, Saeun couldn’t hear all of their words exactly, but she got the gist of their conversation. It seemed like things weren’t going very well because she heard Wooyoung yelling.


“Is that all you can think of? That it’s her fault she dated the ‘wrong guy’? It was actually her own brother who did that! She’s so tiny and her own older brother beat her up. I can’t let her stay in that place. I’ll never do that!”

“Umm, can I get you some tea or something?”


The youngest looking guy suddenly asked Saeun, jolting her out of her thoughts. He looked sympathetic, but she couldn’t be sure if he was being genuine or was secretly laughing at her.


“Umm, no. I’m fine.”


To be honest, it wasn’t the thirst that bothered her but her throbbing face and aching nether region. But of course, she couldn’t tell him this. All Saeun could do was sit still and wait.


She shouldn’t have come here. She must’ve lost her mind. In her head, Saeun knew this was a mistake even as she followed Wooyoung. But he seemed so sure that she just went with it. By the time she realized what she was doing, she was already sitting in Wooyoung’s car with her luggage. And now, she was here in their apartment.


“Dammit, so why does she have to live in our place where four grown men are staying? If you’re so desperate, just take her to your home, Wooyoung!”


Oh no… Maybe this was really a huge mistake. Maybe she should leave right now?




Hey! Translator of “Spring Lady” here! If you like this story and want to support me, so I can put more time into this novel, please buy me a coffee by clicking below! Thanks!


Not cool, Jaejun. Blaming the victim?! 

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