Lady Spring

Chapter 9.2

More screaming continued. When the young guy saw Saeun flinch again, he waved his hand reassuringly.

“Don’t worry too much about this. Jay likes to scream, but he isn’t a bad dude. He won’t really make you leave. And it’s not like Wooyoung does something like this often.”

Not often? But it did happen sometimes? Saeun couldn’t understand what he meant by this. She also didn’t have the courage to ask for clarification, so Saeun just smiled awkwardly. The voices inside the room quieted down again. Unfortunately, she couldn’t hear a thing anymore.

The blank-faced man suddenly stood up, making her cringe again. She tried to look calm, but it was impossible. Saeun felt extra nervus, and she wasn’t sure if it was because these were famous people she only got to see on TV. Or was it because there were too many men here? Or perhaps it was the fact that she was in a situation where she was begging to live in a strangers’ home. 

“Sehyun has always been a little gruff and quiet. He’s probably even more blunt than Jay. But Sehyun would never yell just because he’s angry. I think among everyone here, Sehyun is probably the kindest.”

With that blank face? How was that possible? With his short hair and expressionless look, the guy looked like a mannequin from a department store. In fact, he hasn’t said a word since she entered this house.

Hugging her luggage again, Saeun sighed. The young guy looked like he wanted to talk to her further, but he turned around when the blank-faced man returned. Saeun jumped when the mannequin man handed her something.

“U…umm, y…yes?”

“For your face.”

The man’s voice was surprisingly smooth. She expected a husky voice from him, but it was actually very similar to Wooyoung’s. She awkwardly accepted the gel pack. Feeling the icy coldness, Saeun realized it was an ice pack.

“Umm, thank you.”

He shrugged nonchalantly. When the scream match began again inside the room, the blank faced guy headed towards it. When he disappeared into the room, the young guy smiled.

“Since Sehyun went inside, it will be over soon. Put that pack on your face. You looked very swollen.”

Saeun nodded and did as he suggested. The sudden coldness did help the pain instantly. Feeling embarrassed, but knowing she had to ask, Saeun hesitantly stammered,

“Umm… I… I don’t know your name…”

When Saeun finally asked him, the young guy sighed in disappointed and replied,

“You know, I’m a member of THE SFields, so I can’t believe you don’t know my name. I’m really sad about that.”

SFields? Oh, it must’ve been short for Strawberry Fields. What an odd abbreviation… But without saying anything, Saeun waited quietly for his answer.

“My name is Kang Sangone.”

“Oh, okay. I’m Yun Saeun.”

“Yeah, nice to meet you. I guess we’re gonna be living together from now on, so I hope we get along.”

Sangone offered his hand, and even before she could wonder if she should shake his hand, the door opened and the three men walked out. Sehyun was the first one to leave followed by displeased Jaejun. Wooyoung was the last to walk out. 

Wooyoung himself didn’t look happy, but when his eyes met Saeun’s, he put his thumb up for her. Automatically, Saeun stood up.

Sehyun disappeared into his room without a word. Jaejun, who clearly looked upset with her, stared at Saeun. When Wooyoung poked him from his back, Jaejun finally coughed and said to her,

“I guess you can stay here for a while. We do have a spare room. Whatever. Get Wooyoung to clean out that room and you can use it if you want. Make sure to not bother any of us and don’t interfere with our work. Wooyoung is busy too, so if you plan on keeping him to yourself, don’t even try.”

Sehyun was at least half a head taller than Wooyoung. With such a tall man looking down at her sternly, Saeun wanted to crawl on the floor in fear. If someone like him hit her, just a single punch was going to send her to the hospital. 1 But Saeun glanced at Wooyoung as she reassured herself that this man wouldn’t dare to do that in Wooyoung’s presence.

Jaejun glared at Wooyoung before dashing to his own room. Sangone smirked and walked up to them.

“I knew things were gonna work out when Sehyun went inside that room. What did he say?”

“Since we have a spare room, Sehyun told Jaejun to just drop it. Anyway, so we’re gonna use that corner room. You better not come inside, Sangone. Make sure the other guys don’t come near it either.”

Wooyoung warned Sangone with a glaring look and grabbed Saeun’s hand. Saeun quickly picked up her luggage and followed him.

The spare room was filled with books and instruments, but it was still plenty big enough for her to live inside. Wooyoung opened the windows and looked at her apologetically. 

“It’s a little dirty here, right? I will clean it all up, so don’t worry. It’s not too bad, right? Are you alright?”

Saeun nodded, but to be honest, she felt so confused. Except for Wooyoung, she couldn’t tell at all what other guys were like, and the prospect of living in this place seemed daunting. This had to be a mistake. She wasn’t supposed to be here. She got carried away because Wooyoung was being so pushy, and for a moment, it all seemed like a good idea…

“You know, Wooyoung… I think maybe I should go back home.”

When she hesitantly murmured, Wooyoung stiffened. 

“Don’t even say that. Do you have any idea how angry I get every time I look at your face?”

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