For Mr. Lin, there are so many divine swords in Jiangge, even fairy swords, that he can use at will.

Naturally, he would not take a Tao sword seriously.

The reason why Meng Fan was allowed to take the sword was because this wind and thunder sword suited Meng Fan very well.

With Meng Fan's training speed, I believe it won't be long before he can control the Dao Sword Level Wind and Thunder Sword.

Meng Fan could naturally see Mr. Lin's good intentions.

A stick of incense later, Meng Fan arrived at Longquan Village.

This village is not big, with only a few dozen households. The neighbors are basically all relatives, and everyone's surname is Wang.

Meng Fan's uncle's surname is Li.

This surname was out of place in Longquan Village. He asked and found out where Li Sansi lived.

Master's information is correct. There is indeed a person named Li Sansi in this village.

From the villagers' mouths, Meng Fan learned that Li Sansi was withdrawn and lived alone in the easternmost part of the village, rarely interacting with others.

Meng Fan came to the door of a thatched house in the east of the village and knocked on the door.

Waited for more than ten breaths.

no response!

"Shushan disciple Meng Fan, on the orders of my master Lin Bianyun, asks to see my uncle." Meng Fan shouted into the room.

He didn't know if there was anyone inside. After all, this was his uncle according to seniority, so it would be rude to use his spiritual sense to explore.

What's more, with my own ability, I probably wouldn't be able to detect it even if I wanted to.

After a few more seconds, there was still no response.

"Uncle Master?" Meng Fan shouted tentatively again.

The next second.


The door opened, but there was no one behind it, as if the door was automatic or electric.

The room was very dark, but now Meng Fan's physique was extraordinary and his eyesight was first-rate, and he almost had the ability to see at night.

So although the light was very dim, he could still clearly see the scene in the room.

A man in a black robe sat cross-legged on the ground, not caring about the dust on the ground.

Even his robes were covered with a layer of dust.

It was obvious that he had been sitting here motionless for a long time.

Not dead, but in retreat!

If you die, the door just now will not open automatically.

"Wait for me for an hour." A rich male voice appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

These words were obviously said by this uncle Li Sansi.

But Meng Fan noticed that Li Sansi's mouth did not move, and the sound did not come from his mouth.

I don’t know what kind of technique my uncle is practicing. Even if he stops, he needs to wait for an hour’s buffer time.

Under such circumstances, if Meng Fan went out for a walk, he would obviously be a little disrespectful to his uncle.

So he thought about it, sat on the ground, and waited silently.

Soon, an hour passed.

Li Sansi twisted his neck and stood up.

Meng Fan stood up.

"Senior brother hasn't contacted me in so many years. It's rare that he can still think of me. Tell me, why did he ask you to come?" Li Sansi looked at Meng Fan's face and said calmly.

It couldn't be called indifferent, but he was clearly emotionless.

Meng Fan took out the jade pendant that Mr. Lin gave him and handed it to Li Sansi.

"This is the token given to me by Master. Let me hand it over to you and then get the Wind and Thunder Sword back from you."

Li Sansi took the jade pendant from Meng Fan's hand, looked at it expressionlessly, and then put it away.

Then, a sword appeared out of thin air in his hand and threw it to Meng Fan.

"Let's go back!"

He waved to Meng Fan and spoke concisely.

Meng Fan took the Wind and Thunder Sword and was a little surprised. Is this the order to expel guests?

However, he didn't want to stay here for a long time. Hearing this, he cupped his hands to Li Sansi and said, "Junior, please retire!"

He wore a red sheep sword on his waist and a wind and thunder sword in his hand, turned around and walked outside the house.

Before, he was still worried whether this uncle might have any malicious intentions, so he wore the Red Sheep Sword on his waist just in case.

After all, if this uncle had no problem, Mr. Lin would not inject a sword soul into the Red Sheep Sword.

But now it seems that Mr. Lin is worrying too much.

Although this uncle seemed to have a weird personality, he still gave the Wind and Thunder Sword to him neatly.

Just when Meng Fan was thinking this, he suddenly felt a sharp aura appearing from behind, full of edge.

At the same time, the Red Sheep Sword at his waist burst into green light.

A phantom appeared from the Red Sheep Sword, standing in the sky with a majestic aura.

Meng Fan looked up and saw Mr. Lin's face in the shadow.

I seem to be a little happy too early!

The moment Old Lin's shadow appeared, the sharp feeling behind him also disappeared.

Meng Fan was not stupid, he knew very well that it was Li Sansi who had just attacked him, and then Mr. Lin's sword soul appeared and defused the opponent's attack.

"Uncle Master, I respect you as an elder, but you are so cruel to a junior like me, and it was a sneak attack. Isn't it too shameless?"

There is no doubt that Li Sansi is stronger than Meng Fan, much stronger than Meng Fan, and can be completely crushed!

It was really shameless to attack Meng Fan under such circumstances.


This is like playing a game. The strongest king is playing solo in Bronze, but his feet are weak and he still writes scripts.


Are there such shameless people in the world?

"You kill my cauldron and destroy my clone. It is only natural that I take action against you." Li Sansi looked at Meng Fan coldly and said expressionlessly.

After saying that, he looked up at Mr. Lin's shadow, his face slightly solemn.

Meng Fan frowned when he heard what this guy said.

Kill his cauldron and destroy his clone?

When did you do this kind of thing?

The next second, he reacted.

Obviously, the old man in black robe whom he killed on the road when he first arrived was the clone of Li Sansi.

His pupils shrank slightly. Could it be that his uncle, himself, was also a member of the Ghost Shadow Sect?

"Disciple, don't call him uncle, he is not your uncle!" Mr. Lin's shadow said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan nodded, thinking that Mr. Lin meant that Li Sansi had fallen into the devil's path and was no longer worthy of being his uncle.

But what Mr. Lin said next made him feel a little shocked.

"What kind of monster dares to take away my junior brother's body!" Mr. Lin looked at Li Sansi coldly and said with a hint of anger in his cold tone.

Meng Fan's expression changed.

My uncle, my master, was actually taken away from him?

【Seize the house】

Meng Fan could often see these two words when he was reading novels on Earth in his previous life.

But when he traveled to this world of cultivating immortals, this was really the first time he heard it.

Moreover, the bodies that were taken away in the legend were all from weak mortals.

My uncle, Li Sansi, is already considered a very powerful being, yet he is still being snatched away from me?

Thinking of this, Meng Fan frowned.

If you are so good, the probability that someone will take notice of you in the future seems very high!

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