Thinking of this, Meng Fan silently told himself again to keep a low profile!

He originally thought that he seemed to understand the world very well, but now it seems that the world is more dangerous than he imagined.

"A soul dares to act rampant in front of me!" Li Sansi looked indifferent and looked at Mr. Lin with disdain.

Such an arrogant attitude made Meng Fan a little frightened. He wondered if Mr. Lin's sword soul was a match for Li Sansi.

The backup plan left by Mr. Lin was prepared for his uncle Li Sansi.

Now that the uncle's body has been taken away, no one knows who is in this body.

So will the soul of the sword left behind by Mr. Lin turn over?

Meng Fan is really worried!

"Wha~~~" A long sword suddenly flew out of Li Sansi's body and slashed at Mr. Lin's shadow.

Although this guy is a bit shameless, he is obviously a ruthless character who doesn't talk much. He takes action when he is told and doesn't hesitate at all.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of people are often difficult to deal with.

"Disciple, sword!" Elder Lin's voice sounded in Meng Fan's mind.

Meng Fan quickly threw the wind and thunder sword in his hand to Mr. Lin.

"Idiot, I'm talking about Qingyun Sword. This Wind and Thunder Sword is fake. Do you really think he will give it to you?" Mr. Lin's angry voice sounded in Meng Fan's mind again.

Hearing this, Meng Fan was originally quite embarrassed, but there was no time for embarrassment at this time.

Qingyun Sword didn't listen to him and kept hiding in the sword pill. He could only throw the sword pill whole to Mr. Lin.

Elder Lin's shadow flickered, and while avoiding Li Sansi's long sword, he took Meng Fan's sword pill.

"Haha, it is indeed the shadow of the soul. It is so light and can hide quickly enough!" Li Sansi sneered.

If you can dodge one, get a few more!

He waved his hand, and dozens of long swords suddenly flew out from around him, all slashing at Mr. Lin.

This method seems to have the elegance of the Danjianxian.

Among these long swords, there are fully six Dao swords, and the rest are all magic swords!

Even Meng Fan could only envy this row of noodles.

If Mr. Lin's sword soul can kill this Li Sansi, then these swords will all be his.

It’s quite cool to think about it!

However, if Mr. Lin's sword soul couldn't kill Li Sansi, then he would probably die here today.

[Master, please don’t let your guard down! 】

Meng Fan silently prayed in his heart.

Just when those long swords were overwhelming the sky and swarming towards Elder Lin's phantom, a green light suddenly rose into the sky from the sword pill in Elder Lin's hand.

The Qingyun Sword, which Meng Fan could not move, obeyed Mr. Lin's instructions and rushed out of the sword pill.

The blue light broke through the sky, its momentum was unparalleled.

The dozens of magic swords and Taoist swords put together were eclipsed by the green light emitted by the Qingyun Sword.

"Although my junior brother is an abandoned disciple of Shushan, he is still my junior brother after all! No matter who you monster is, if you dare to take my junior brother's body, I will kill you today to avenge my junior brother!" Elder Lin's tone was cold and ruthless, full of emotion. Killing intent.

This was the first time Meng Fan saw Mr. Lin looking so murderous.

But it’s normal!

Senior brothers who grew up together are no different from real brothers.

No matter how many twists and turns occur, at least the past feelings will not remain in the depths of memory and cannot be erased.

Now that Li Sansi's body has been taken away, his soul has dissipated, and he was completely killed by the person who took his body.

Mr. Lin has hatred, anger, and revenge, and it is only natural!

[Master, please work harder. If you cannot avenge your uncle, then your apprentice will also die. You will always have to avenge yourself again. What a trouble! 】

At this time, Meng Fan did not dare to speak to influence Mr. Lin, and could only think wildly in his mind.

As for helping, that's even more unnecessary.

Meng Fan still knew that helping was adding trouble.

In a battle of this level, Meng Fan simply had no ability to intervene.

The Qingyun Sword's sword energy tore through the sky, and even the space around Mr. Lin was vibrating, with faint ripples in the space.

If the sword energy were stronger, it would seem that even the space would be cut and shattered!

Mr. Lin pointed simultaneously, moving forward a little.

【Shushan Swordsmanship】

Qingyun Sword faced dozens of long swords on the opposite side and pressed forward.


Ding-ding-dong-dong sounds were heard, and swords fell to the ground from time to time.

Soon, dozens of long swords fell to the ground one by one.

Meng Fan looked at these swords with burning eyes.

As long as Mr. Lin can kill this Li Sansi, these swords will be his, because Mr. Lin will definitely not fight with him!

"How dare a sword master dare to be so presumptuous in front of me! I want to see if you Shushan sword cultivators are as strong as the rumors say!"

Li Sansi shouted angrily, formed seals with his hands, and then a dark shadow appeared in front of him.

This phantom was obviously different from Mr. Lin's phantom of the soul. Not only was it pitch black, but it also exuded an eerie and terrifying aura, which made one's heart tremble at a glance.

Seeing this dark shadow, Meng Fan frowned, and he faintly felt a slightly familiar aura.

He recalled carefully...

The next second, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He had felt this aura in the sword pavilion.

It is the aura carried by the [Black Spring Sword].

Ghost Sword of the Underworld!

Meng Fan was shocked. The aura emanating from this black shadow seemed to be... ghostly aura.

Thinking of this, Meng Fan couldn't help but feel nervous.

Because he remembered that Mr. Lin said that the human world, the devil world and the demon world are the same world.

The fairy world and the underworld are worlds at a higher level.

The aura on this black shadow seemed to be that of ghosts from the underworld, which made him nervous.

If Meng Fan was able to guess something, Elder Lin would certainly not be able to recognize it.

Mr. Lin frowned and looked at the dark figure in front of Li Sansi with a serious look.

"You are able to condense ghost shadows, at least at the level of elders of the Ghost Shadow Sect. Who are you? Why did you take the body of my junior brother?"

Mr. Lin actually didn't know that Meng Fan had killed a disciple of the Ghost Shadow Sect before, nor did he know the relationship between Li Sansi and the Ghost Shadow Sect.

But when I saw this ghost figure at this moment, I recognized the identity of the elder of the Ghost Shadow Sect at a glance!

"If you want to know, you'll have to come here in person. Just a sword soul is not worthy!" Li Sansi sneered. He pointed at Meng Fan, and then the ghost in front of him rushed towards Meng Fan.

This guy had done something like sneak attack on Meng Fan before, which was totally shameless.

It is not unusual for him to turn his gun around to ignore Mr. Lin and turn to deal with Meng Fan!

Meng Fan was extremely nervous when he saw that the opponent did not deal with Mr. Lin after he used his powerful move, but instead dealt with himself.

Although he has practiced the third level of the Azure Dragon Holy Body, he probably has no ability to resist this kind of attack.

He quickly called for help from Mr. Lin.

"Master, save me!"

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