"I can't afford to offend the Shushan Sword Sect, so I can always hide it, right?"

The shadow murmured to himself, his tone extremely weak.

Now that he is in peace, any cultivator from the Tianyuan realm who passes by will be able to "slay demons and eliminate demons" and completely obliterate him.

That's why he didn't dare to show up until so long after Meng Fan left!

The monks of the Ghost Shadow Sect don't have many other methods, but the aspect of ghosts and ghosts is indeed far superior to other sects.

Therefore, even if Mr. Lin's sword spirit used all its strength, it could not be completely wiped out, leaving only a soul body.

This thing is hard to guard against, Mr. Lin is not a professional.

"This body can no longer be used, so just bury it here. Otherwise, once discovered, I will still have to face the pursuit of that Shushan master. I can't afford to offend him!"

“It’s really unlucky, this is an unforeseen disaster!!!”

The shadow murmured and cursed to itself while hiding in the darkness and drifting away.

“But that silly boy named Meng Fan can find an opportunity to take revenge.

This silly boy actually announced his name and family when he saw me. I will remember you.

When I recover, I must refine you into a cauldron and slowly cook it! "

In his current state, it would probably take him thirty or forty years to fully recover.

Thirty or forty years later, I may still be no match for that old guy from Shushan, but I can take revenge on that little guy.

A boy in the Tianyuan realm, even if he is given thirty or forty years to grow up, he still cannot be his opponent! !

Xuying sentenced Meng Fan to death in his heart.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late!

However, he never imagined how terrifying Meng Fan would be thirty or forty years later.



The moonlight is like silver, shining on Li Sansi's grave.

About an hour after the phantom left, the grave mound suddenly moved.

A pale palm was pulled out from the grave.

Immediately afterwards, the tomb was opened by this palm, and a figure climbed out of the tomb.

Li Sansi climbed up to a big tree with difficulty, leaning against the tree and panting like crazy.

"Hong Fei, you are complacent about the rest of your life, but you never dreamed that you are not the only one who will survive the disaster!" Li Sansi's eyes showed hatred.

"I sealed my consciousness and locked my soul in the depths of the soul sea, just waiting for an opportunity!"

"Now, I finally have this opportunity."

"Senior brother, I didn't expect that after so many years, it was you who saved me again, oh..."

Li Sansi struggled to get up and left the place with faltering steps.

Hong Fei, who took away his body, felt that this was a place of right and wrong, and Li Sansi felt the same way.

You have to get out of here first and find a safe place to recover slowly.


On the other side, Meng Fan has no ink marks and is preparing to return to Shushan Sword Sect.

However, he never dreamed that after he buried Li Sansi, so many strange and bizarre things would happen.

It can only be said that the situation is still small. After all, he rarely leaves Shushan and has not seen much of the world.

In this kind of world of immortality, there are really no wonders, and you cannot use your own common sense to challenge reality.

This Longquan Village is not close to the Shushan Sword Sect. If Meng Fan traveled normally, it would probably take him four to five days.

And spending time on the road is naturally not worth it for a time management master like Meng Fan.

He returned to Kongyue Town, bought a carriage, and hired a coachman to drive it.

Traveling day and night, after only two days and two nights, he returned to the foot of Shu Mountain.

Naturally, Meng Fan was too lazy to take the carriage back to the Shushan Sword Sect and gave it directly to the coachman.

Have money and be willful!

Why do you have to buy a carriage instead of renting it?

Have money and be willful! !

Meng Fan went down the mountain alone twice and bought a carriage directly instead of renting one.

The driver drove away happily, while Meng Fan walked to the top of Shushan Mountain and returned to the Shushan Sword Sect.

This time when he went down the mountain, his harvest was very gratifying. He had already made a lot of money from just those magic swords and Taoist swords.

"Senior Brother Meng!"

Just as Meng Fan was about to go up the mountain, he heard a familiar call.

He looked back and saw two girls, Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi.

"Why did you come back?" These two girls obviously came back earlier than me.

Liu Yanping said with a smile: "We didn't drive the carriage when we came back. We traveled slowly all the way, so the speed was a bit slow."

It wasn't that they were too slow, but that Meng Fan was in too much of a hurry.

"Huh?" Meng Fan had a hint of surprise on his face because he saw a little boy following behind the two girls.

The little boy looked about five or six years old and was very small. He was completely blocked by these two girls just now, so Meng Fan didn't notice it.

"Who is this little guy?" Meng Fan asked doubtfully.

"His name is Xiao Hui. He is an orphan we met on the road. His parents died of illness and he was helpless and begging alone. It is almost winter now and the weather is getting colder. I am afraid that he will freeze to death outside. , so I thought of taking him back to Shushan."

Meng Fan nodded, did not say anything, and was noncommittal.

When others do good deeds, no matter what, you at least cannot attack others.

This is goodness!

"Then take him up the mountain quickly and test his spiritual roots first. If he has spiritual roots, he can join Shushan and become a disciple of Shushan. Even if he doesn't have spiritual roots, he will be trained as a handyman, at least he won't starve to death. outside!"

In fact, the Shushan Sword Sect is not a shrine and cannot be accepted by everyone.

But Liu Yanping is the elder's granddaughter after all. Given her status, the handyman and steward will definitely give her face.

After a stick of incense, the four of them returned to the Shushan Sword Sect.

This child named Xiao Hui was so tired from climbing that his legs were shaking, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted without saying a word.

Although he is young, he knows very well that he has met a noble person.

Without the help of these two big sisters, he would really die and not survive this winter.

He wants to live on, no matter how hard or tired he is, he is not afraid!

This kind of strength is not because he has any blood feud or needs revenge.

He simply wants to survive.

Because he could never forget that his mother was lying on the bed before she died, holding his hand and saying the last six words in a weak voice.

"Son, try to live..."

In this world, for some suffering people, just surviving requires all their strength and efforts.

Meng Fan was actually paying attention to Xiao Hui. Although this child said nothing, Meng Fan still admired his character of gritting his teeth and working hard to climb the mountain.

I hope this kid can detect his spiritual roots and start practicing.

If you don't have spiritual roots, you won't be able to practice. This is destined by God.

No solution!

Although Meng Fan has a very poor spiritual foundation, he has a miscellaneous spiritual foundation.

But miscellaneous spiritual roots are also spiritual roots, and they can at least embark on the path of cultivation.

If he doesn't even have miscellaneous spiritual roots, then even if he has the supreme talent of [Swordsmanship and Spirituality], he is destined to be a useless person who cannot practice.

So from this point of view, God has been kind to him!

However, if Meng Fan really had no spiritual roots, he might be able to find a special path.

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