Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 213 Miscellaneous Spiritual Roots? Divine spiritual root?

Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi took Xiao Hui to test the spiritual roots. Meng Fan had nothing to do, so he followed them.

After all, he was indeed quite interested in whether this boy had spiritual roots.

It feels like watching someone else draw a lottery and open a blind box.

In his previous life, Meng Fan suffered a lot in this regard and wasted a lot of money.

Especially the game lottery...

Even though Meng Fan has now become an immortal, he still has the urge to cry when he recalls it.


Testing spiritual roots is actually a very simple matter, there is no complicated process.

The Shushan Sword Sect has a spirit-detecting array with a spirit-detecting stone in it.

When testing the spiritual root, you only need to check whether the spiritual stone is bright or not.

Then judge the spiritual roots by color and brightness!

Soon, Xiao Hui entered the spirit testing array and began to test his spiritual roots.

"I hope I have spiritual roots!" Liu Yanping stared at the spirit detection array with wide eyes and said to herself nervously.

She brought Xiao Hui back, so she naturally hoped that Xiao Hui would have spiritual roots.

She even hopes to accept Xiao Hui as her disciple and teach him personally.

This girl never thought about whether she would make a mistake!

In the spirit detection array, Xiao Hui placed his hand on the spirit detection stone.

A flash of light flashed.

Liu Yanping's face suddenly showed a hint of excitement and excitement.

The light represents spiritual roots.

"Red?" The excitement on Liu Yanping's face soon turned into a trace of disappointment.

Because red represents miscellaneous spiritual roots.

It is the worst spiritual root, much worse than low-grade spiritual roots, and has no future at all.

Meng Fan was slightly helpless.

He was familiar with this red color, because he originally had a miscellaneous spiritual root, and it glowed red during the test.

The original owner of this body at that time was sad and depressed for a long time.

This child has miscellaneous spiritual roots, so he will not be as lucky as himself.

Doomed to be mediocre and achieve nothing.

"What a pity, but having spiritual roots is better than not having spiritual roots. At least I can practice and settle down in the Shushan Sword Sect." Yang Shishi on the side spoke to comfort him.

However, just when the three of them thought that Xiao Hui was definitely a miscellaneous spiritual root...

The red light on the spiritual stone suddenly turned orange again.

"Hey!" Liu Yanping suddenly made a surprised sound.

Meng Fan and Yang Shishi actually saw the orange light, and their brows wrinkled slightly, with some surprise in their eyes.

On this point, there is quite a tacit understanding.

orange color!

This is a low-grade spiritual root, much better than miscellaneous spiritual roots. There is hope that it can become an outer disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Like miscellaneous spiritual roots, one is usually destined to be a handyman disciple for life, and it is difficult to be promoted to an outer disciple!

"Low-grade spiritual roots, not bad." Meng Fan nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the orange light on the spirit-detecting stone suddenly turned into yellow light again.


Middle grade spiritual root?

Meng Fan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, as if something was wrong.

I haven't heard that when the spirit root is tested, the light on the spirit test stone will keep changing color.

What happened next was indeed as Meng Fan thought, something went wrong.

On the spirit measuring stone, the yellow light then turned into green light, cyan light, blue light, purple light...

Green light represents the best spiritual root.

The blue light represents the spiritual root of heaven.

Purple light represents divine spiritual roots!

Finally, the light dissipated and the spirit-detecting stone was completely dimmed!

This... made Meng Fan and the others confused.

There is no light, which means there is no spiritual root.

But without spiritual roots, why was there light shining just now?

The three of them simultaneously moved their gazes to the face of the deacon responsible for controlling the spirit detection array.

The expression on that deacon's face was even more confused than that of Meng Fan and the others!

He had never seen this happen.

After hesitating for a moment, he said with some uncertainty: "Maybe the spirit-detecting stone is broken. I'll try another one."

After saying that, he took out a new spiritual stone from the storage ring and replaced the spiritual stone in the spiritual array.

Then he activated the spirit detection array again and asked Xiao Hui to put his hand on the new spirit detection stone.

This time, after waiting for a long time, there was no light shining on the spirit stone.

Under normal circumstances, this means that Xiao Hui has no spiritual roots.

But after the scene just now, I don’t know whether it is normal or abnormal.

"Deacon Liu, could it be that the spirit detection array is broken instead of the spirit detection stone?" Liu Yanping asked a little unwillingly.

It was clear that he had spiritual roots just now, and there was hope that they would not be miscellaneous spiritual roots.

The result was that he suddenly had no spiritual roots. This was really disappointing and a bit hard to accept.

Deacon Liu shook his head and said: "The spirit detection array can't be broken. If you don't believe it, you can test it yourself."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yanping walked directly into the spirit-detecting array and placed her hand on the spirit-detecting stone.

Soon, the yellow light shined brightly on the spiritual stone.

Then Yang Shishi also walked over and put her palm on it.

The yellow light is still blooming.

These two girls have middle-grade spiritual roots!

The two looked at each other, a little helpless.

Judging from this situation, there is a high probability that there will be no problem in testing the spirit stone this time and it will be very accurate.

Meng Fan also walked over and placed his palm on the spirit-testing stone.

The next second, red light circulated and began to bloom.

Miscellaneous spiritual roots!

Deacon Liu on the side showed shock and horror on his face.

Miscellaneous spiritual roots?

Isn't it amazing that such a young monk with miscellaneous spiritual roots can cultivate to the Tianyuan realm?

Deacon Liu, who was in the realm of pill condensation, was instantly in awe of Meng Fan!

Because it seems that a monk with miscellaneous spiritual roots has a cultivation level that exceeds that of many peers with more advanced spiritual roots!

What does this mean?

It means that the person in front of you must have put in a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times the effort of others.

Otherwise, it would simply be impossible to do.

How could Deacon Liu not admire such a person?

In addition to Deacon Liu, Yang Shishi on the side was also extremely shocked.

She never dreamed that such an outstanding Senior Brother Meng only had miscellaneous spiritual roots.

Like Deacon Liu, she was immediately in awe of Meng Fan!

She used to admire Meng Fan, but now she respects him from the bottom of her heart.

As for Liu Yanping, she had long known that Meng Fan had a miscellaneous spiritual root.

But the red light glowing on the spirit-detecting stone at this moment still frightened her.

Because Meng Fan was too strong, she had long ignored Meng Fan's spiritual roots. Now that she suddenly thought about it, she realized how terrifying Meng Fan was.

In fact, she could be regarded as witnessing Meng Fan step by step from a newbie who just entered the realm of qi refining to such a powerful state in a very short period of time.

A miscellaneous spiritual root behaves simply more terrifying than a top-grade spiritual root.

evildoer! ! !

"Deacon Liu, why don't you try another spirit-testing stone for Xiao Hui?" Liu Yanping said to Deacon Liu unwillingly.

Deacon Liu smiled bitterly and reluctantly took out another spirit-testing stone and replaced it.

After all, she is Elder Liu's favorite granddaughter, so he must give her face.

The result was the same as before. After Xiao Hui put his hand on the spirit-detecting stone, there was still no light coming on.

Liu Yanping's heart fell to the bottom.

It seems that Xiao Hui most likely has no spiritual roots, not even miscellaneous spiritual roots.

"Deacon Liu, why don't you try replacing the first spirit-testing stone with the flickering light?" Liu Yanping said still unwillingly.

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