Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 214: Without spiritual roots, the ultimate sword-drawing technique

Liu Yanping was really unwilling to give Xiao Hui the death penalty.

There was obviously hope before...

Deacon Liu had no choice but to take out the first spirit-detecting stone and put it into the spirit-detecting array.

Xiao Hui put his hand up again.

There was nothing unusual this time, and the spirit-testing stone did not light up.

Liu Yanping sighed helplessly. After testing so many times, she was basically certain that there was a light that just lit up, indicating that there was something wrong with the spirit detection array.

Xiao Hui probably has no spiritual roots. He is just an ordinary person and cannot cultivate immortality!

"It's okay. Even if you don't have spiritual roots and can't practice, you will have your sister protecting you in the Shushan Sword Sect, and no one will bully you." Liu Yanping rubbed Xiao Hui's head.

"Thank you, sister!" Xiao Hui nodded and grinned at Liu Yanping.

Meng Fan took out a sword technique from the storage ring and handed it to Xiao Hui.

"Even if you don't have spiritual roots and can't practice, you can still practice swordsmanship. It's also a good thing to keep fit!"

Xiao Hui took the sword technique, his eyes lit up, and he also thanked Meng Fan.

After delivering the sword skills, Meng Fan left and prepared to return to the sword pavilion.

The swordsmanship he gave me was obtained from the memory of a sword wielder before.

The swordsmanship practiced by Ni Feng, the Lord of the Evernight God, since he was a child.

"The Ultimate Sword Drawing Technique"

Coincidentally, when Yongye Shenhou was a child, he was also a poor little beggar.

The encounter was very similar to that of Xiao Hui!

Meng Fan gave Xiao Hui this book "The Art of Drawing the Sword" because he subconsciously had expectations.

Moreover, this Ji Dao sword drawing technique is very simple and suitable for beginners. There is only one action, drawing the sword!

But easy to learn but hard to master!

Although Xiao Hui has no spiritual roots and cannot cultivate true qi, but if he practices the sword drawing technique to the extreme, he can also use this sword technique to develop the ultimate sword qi.

By then, they will at least be much stronger than ordinary mortals, and it will not be a problem for one to defeat ten.

But that's the upper limit. Even if you learn a few more sword techniques and develop a few more sword qi, it won't add much to your strength.

Without spiritual roots, they are just cannon fodder on the road to cultivation.

After returning to Jiange, Meng Fan immediately went to the second floor and found Mr. Lin.

"Master, do you know what happened in Longquan Village before?" Meng Fan asked curiously.

The level of the Sword Spirit is too high, and Meng Fan doesn't understand it.

He didn't know whether Mr. Lin's sword soul was an independent individual or whether it was controlled by Mr. Lin himself.

If Mr. Lin has no memory of Longquan Village, then it proves that the soul of the sword is an independent individual.

If Mr. Lin has the memory of Longquan Village, it proves that the soul of the sword thousands of miles apart is equivalent to Mr. Lin's "clone", possessing all perceptions!

Mr. Lin smiled and said: "There is my sword soul on the Red Sheep Sword. Naturally, I can see everything. That sword soul is controlled by me personally in the sword pavilion."

Meng Fan felt a little envious, this sword spirit was really quite impressive!

Unfortunately, he is still far from it.

"Master, I have chosen a precious land to bury my uncle. Whenever you have time, you can go and see it for yourself."

Mr. Lin nodded and said, "I will go when I have time."

Thinking of this junior brother, he felt extremely sad.

Meng Fan then asked: "Master, I have brought back all the swords belonging to my uncle, do you want to hand them over to the sword pavilion?"

Although he was unwilling to hand it over in his heart, he still took the initiative to ask out of respect for Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin shook his head and said: "This is your own trophy. What does it have to do with the sword pavilion? But take out the wind and thunder sword first, and I will help you refine it again."

"Wind and Thunder Sword? When you were in Longquan Village, didn't you say that Wind and Thunder Sword was fake?" Meng Fan asked in surprise.

"The one that guy gave you was fake! But among the six Dao swords, one is the real Wind and Thunder Sword."

Meng Fan heard this and took out the sword pill.

"Master, the swords and weapons are all here, but you have to pick up the Dao sword yourself."

With his ability, it would be dangerous to take out a magical sword, let alone a Taoist sword.

Elder Lin took the sword pill, and as soon as he thought about it, a Tao sword appeared in his hand.

He was familiar with this sword. It had been his personal sword that he had used many times.

Later I gave it to Li Sansi, but unfortunately...

"When you reach the realm of condensing pills, I will hand over this wind and thunder sword to you.

During this time, I will temper this sword to make it more suitable for you!

With my tempering, when you reach the realm of condensing pills, you should be able to control this sword with the help of the Pure Yang Transformation Thunder Scripture and the Spiritual Wind Mysterious Technique. "

Elder Lin's words immediately filled Meng Fan with surprise.

Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult for a monk in the realm of condensation to be able to control a magic sword. It can be said to be one in a million!

Although Meng Fan is extremely talented in the art of swordsmanship, he does not dare to say 100% that he can control a magical sword in the realm of condensed pills.

Mr. Lin directly asked him to control the Tao sword!

This... is outrageous.

This wind and thunder sword was simply tailor-made for Meng Fan.

He looks like a second-generation cultivator!

"Thank you, Master!" Meng Fan thanked him with great excitement.

Although he didn't know what Mr. Lin was going to do with this wind and thunder sword, he could imagine that it would definitely take a lot of energy!

After returning to the room, Meng Fan began to practice.

In the Jiange, he spent almost all his time on training.

It can be said that Meng Fan is a relatively self-disciplined person, especially compared to his friends of the same age on Earth.

While Meng Fan was practicing, Xiaoqing crawled out from under the bed.

This time when he went to Longquan Village, Meng Fan did not take Xiaoqing with him, leaving him to stay here to protect Li Xuerou.

Although Meng Fan personally observed this girl Li Xuerou last time, she was still a little worried.

After all, she is "my" sister!

So he left Xiaoqing in the Shushan Sword Sect and guarded the girl secretly.

"Master, Li Xuerou has been in retreat these days and has never come out." Xiao Qing climbed onto Meng Fan's shoulder and said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan nodded: "As long as it's okay, I was afraid that something would go wrong while she was in seclusion and no one would find out."

However, what has happened to this girl recently? Why has she been addicted to seclusion and unable to extricate herself?

Is there something on your mind?

Meng Fan shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. Don't guess what girls are thinking!

At this moment, Wu Tian's stupid young man ran into Meng Fan's room.

"We haven't seen you for a few days. My swordsmanship has improved, and I want to learn from you." The bald man ran to Meng Fan and said directly without saying a polite word.

If someone needed a beating, Meng Fan would naturally be happy to accompany him.

I just feel a little itchy!

And he did have something he wanted to "ask for advice" from Wu Tian.

The two came to the open space outside the sword pavilion, and Wu Tian drew the sword from his waist.

It feels a bit inconsistent for a monk to carry a sword on his waist, but Wu Tian himself finds it very pleasing to the eye. He never needs to care about other people's feelings.

"Senior Brother Meng, please take the sword!" Wu Tian slashed at Meng Fan with his sword.

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