Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 217: The golden body in the relics, seize the body?

Meng Fan showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Such a relic can actually have such a great effect?

Judging from Wu Tian's expression, it doesn't look like he's faking it!

And since it is the relic of an eminent monk who failed to transcend the tribulation and ascend, it is natural that it has some special functions.

"I can lend you this relic to help you cultivate your soul, but now you have to tell me how to improve your swordsmanship and foundation." Wu Tian said to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan's swordsmanship is so much better than others, there is definitely something special about it.

In his opinion, Meng Fan's secret should be extremely shocking!

So he opened his eyes wide and looked at Meng Fan expectantly.

When Meng Fan heard this, he said seriously: "There is a stone tablet of the sword god hidden in the Shushan Sword Sect. Once a sword cultivator comes into contact with this stone tablet, he can gain insights into the way of the sword.

The higher the talent, the deeper the insights gained. It is through comprehending this Sword God Monument that I was able to achieve what I have achieved today!

As long as you lend me this relic first, I will take you to the Sword God Monument!

In the entire Shushan Sword Sect, I am the only one who knows the location of the Sword God Monument, so don’t think of any tricks. "

Meng Fan opened his eyes and told lies, and began to deceive Wu Tian.

Just because Wu Tian was an outsider and didn't understand the Shushan Sword Sect, he could deceive Wu Tian unscrupulously.

However, it cannot be said to be pure deception, half truth and half lie!

The Sword God Monument can indeed make people gain insights.

It's just that only those who are talented enough in swordsmanship can gain enlightenment.

According to Meng Fan's observations, the great monk Wu Tian's swordsmanship talent is actually very strong, even stronger than the swordsmanship disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect!

Perhaps, this guy can really gain some insights from the Sword God Monument.

Of course, there is no comparison with Meng Fan.

No matter how strong this guy's sword talent is, it can't compare to Meng Fan's supreme talent [Sword Communication to the Gods].

"Are you serious? You didn't lie to me?" Wu Tian looked at Meng Fan and asked with some suspicion.

If anyone dared to lie to him, he would beat them to death.

But for Meng Fan, he was really helpless.

Can't beat it!

"I am a disciple of Shushan Sword Pavilion, a direct descendant of Mr. Lin. With my identity here, how could I lie to you?" Meng Fan said sternly: "What's more, if I lied to you, you can also go to Mr. Lin to complain!"

Wu Tian looked at Meng Fan's sonorous and powerful look and began to believe in Meng Fan.

He was holding the relic in his hand and was hesitating whether to give it to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan struck while the iron was hot: "What are you hesitating about? Still don't believe me? If I lie to you, I can just snatch the relic from your hand. You can't beat me anyway, so do I need to lie to you?"

This sentence connected to Wu Tian's channel and thinking.

Wu Tian felt that what Meng Fan said was very reasonable, because he usually behaved this way.

"Okay, I believe you! I'll give you the relic. You take me to the Sword God Monument." After saying that, he handed the relic to Meng Fan.

Meng Fan took the relic with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, the Sword God Monument will definitely benefit you greatly!"

Wu Tian was impatient and immediately asked Meng Fan to take him to the Sword God Monument.

On the way, Meng Fan asked: "To comprehend the Sword God Monument, one hour requires one hundred spiritual stones. Do you have any spiritual stones with you?"

Wu Tian immediately frowned and looked at Meng Fan, wondering: "Didn't you say that you are the only one who knows where the Sword God Monument is? Why do you still need the spirit stone?"

"I do know the location of the Sword God Monument, but there are people guarding it. You must hand over the spirit stone before you can understand it." Meng Fan said in an evasive manner.

Wu Tian was dissatisfied and said, "Then why didn't you say anything just now?"

Meng Fan said seriously: "You didn't even ask. Besides, wouldn't it be enough if you could understand? If you don't have spiritual stones, I'll give you a hundred!"


"It's nothing but, you just need to understand it first and see if it's worth it. If you think it's not worth it, I'll return the relic to you at worst."

"What's the big deal about returning it to me? This relic was originally lent to you. It must be returned to you after you use it!"

"Okay, okay, I know, you go and comprehend the Sword God Monument first."


When it comes to eloquence, the great monk Wu Tian is really no match for Meng Fan who has gone through the nine-year compulsory education.

Soon, Meng Fan took him to the Sword Temple.

Then he told the elder of the Sword Temple that Wu Tian was a disciple of the Sword Pavilion that Mr. Lin had recently accepted, and by the way, he handed over a hundred spiritual stones for Wu Tian.

"I have handed over a hundred spirit stones for you. You can try to comprehend it for an hour first. If you think it is worth it, continue to comprehend it." Meng Fan came back and said to Wu Tian.

"How do you feel about it?" Wu Tian looked at the huge Sword God Monument in front of him with great interest.

"Just put your hand on this Sword God Monument." Meng Fan said casually.

Wu Tian followed his words and walked to the Sword God Monument and put his hand on it.

After dismissing Wu Tian, ​​Meng Fan left the Sword Temple and returned to the Sword Pavilion to take out the relic and start studying it.

With Wu Tian's extraordinary talent in swordsmanship, he should be able to get some insights from the Sword God Monument, so he can't be regarded as a free hand.

Meng Fan sat cross-legged on the bed, placed the relic in the palm of his hand, and then began to touch the relic with his spiritual consciousness.

The moment his consciousness came into contact with the relic, Meng Fan's eyes suddenly went dark.

At the same time, he saw a golden body in his consciousness space.

If you look carefully, you will see that this golden body is not the golden body of Buddha, but an old monk with a very peaceful appearance.

Obviously, this is the owner of the relic.

The eminent monk of Vajra Temple who Wu Tian mentioned failed to escape the tribulation!

Looking at this golden body, I felt a little nervous and apprehensive.

Before, I had only focused on deceiving Wu Tian and did not ask Wu Tian about the specific circumstances of how he relied on this relic to cultivate his soul.

Now that such a golden body appeared in the consciousness space, Meng Fan couldn't help but have some bad thoughts in his mind.

This guy Wu Tian is a fool and doesn't think so much at all.

But Meng Fan was always cautious, and he couldn't help but think of the worst when things happened.

Especially after experiencing the Longquan Village incident and discovering that his uncle Li Sansi had been taken away by people from the Ghost Shadow Sect, Meng Fan had a shadow of the word "seize".

The spiritual consciousness comes into contact with the relic, and then a golden body of an old monk appears in the consciousness space.

This scene made Meng Fan, who was always cautious, have to wonder if this old monk would take away his life.

Although Wu Tian cultivated his soul with the help of relics and there were no problems, Meng Fan was still a little worried.

Based on the principle of caution and stability, Meng Fan prepared to withdraw his spiritual consciousness and no longer touch this relic.

Give it to Mr. Lin to palm the eye first. After Mr. Lin is sure that there is no problem, he will continue to use the power of this relic to cultivate the soul.

Be cautious and safe, this is a good thing and an absolute virtue!

But just when Meng Fan was about to take back his consciousness, an accident happened.

He found that his consciousness was suddenly inseparable from this relic and was being pulled tightly.

At the same time, his conscious body, or soul body, was also pulled towards the golden body of the old monk.

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