Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 218: Shushan’s reputation and Mr. Lin’s tyranny

The elbows and armpits grew, which was completely beyond Meng Fan's expectation.

In an instant, Meng Fan's heart sank to the bottom, feeling extremely cold.

This situation without independent control made Meng Fan think about the worst.

Could it be that there really is an old monster hiding in this relic, waiting for an opportunity to seize the relic?

But why didn't he seize Wu Tian? Instead, do you want to sacrifice yourself?

After all, Wu Tian is a disciple of Buddhism, so it should be more in line with the old monk's taste.

No, Wu Tian, ​​as far as Mengfan knew, had already committed the precepts of killing and stealing, and he also had the tendency to commit adultery.

Eminent monks may really look down on this kind of Buddhist evildoer!

Meng Fan scolded Wu Tian several times in his mind. This kid is really a pest.

At this moment, his thoughts had been completely dragged into the golden body.

The next second, the scene in front of him changed again.

The surroundings turned into a golden space.

At the same time, in the sword pavilion, Hongqi's shadow floated out from the Hongqi sword.

She and Meng Fan had a mental connection, and instinctively felt that Meng Fan had a fearful emotion.

Although she didn't know what happened specifically, she floated to the second floor of the Jiange without hesitation and shouted to Mr. Lin: "Senior, the master may be in danger, please go down and take a look."

At the critical moment, Hongqi is still reliable!

She did not try to find out Meng Fan's condition on her own, but made a prompt decision and went to ask Mr. Lin as soon as possible.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Lin quickly stood up and appeared in Meng Fan's room in a flash.

Mr. Lin knew something about Hong Qi, and knew that this was the sword spirit of Meng Fan's natal flying sword, and that he had a spiritual connection with Meng Fan.

So he didn't hesitate and immediately came to Meng Fan.

Looking at the relic in Meng Fan's hand, Mr. Lin frowned.

Obviously, the reason why Hongqi is so nervous is because of this relic.

Looking at Meng Fan sitting cross-legged on the bed, Mr. Lin did not hesitate, stretched out a finger and touched the relic.

At this moment, in the golden space where Meng Fan's soul was, he saw an old monk meditating with his eyes closed.

The moment Meng Fan saw the old monk, the old monk opened his eyes and looked directly at Meng Fan.

"After waiting for so long, I finally got a suitable body."

The old monk spoke, and what he said made Meng Fan's heart tremble.

His worst plans came true.

The old monk's tone clearly meant that he wanted to take away his life.

"Why me?" Meng Fan couldn't understand.

Wu Tian had obviously used this relic before, so why was that guy okay?

"Because you are the only person I have met in all these years who is not a disciple of the Vajra Sect. The disciples of the Vajra Sect are all the disciples and grandsons of the old monk. The old monk cannot bear to take action. Amitabha..."

What he said is really kind, and it is truly "my Buddha is compassionate".

Meng Fan couldn't help but laugh angrily.

sneer! ! !

He is not one to sit still and wait to be killed. Although the old monk is chatty and seems to be very capable, in this case, he must be fucked!

Whether you can do it or not is one thing, but you have to at least try hard.

Meng Fan couldn't be captured without hesitation.

His soul body turned into a long sword at this moment.

The sword is born from the heart!

Man and sword unite!

Shushan [Heavenly Sword].

At the same time, various sword energies of different colors appeared in this golden space.

Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect - [Sword Comes]

"Old monk, don't pretend to be a ghost. Since you are just living here huddled here, I will give you the last level and completely redeem you, Amitabha!!!"

Meng Fan was now learning and selling, and he chanted the Buddha's name.

The old monk looked indifferent. Faced with Meng Fan's initiative, two golden lights shot out from his eyes and he rushed towards Meng Fan.

Just when Meng Fan was about to use his sword skills to fight to the death, an old figure appeared in front of him.

Mr. Lin!

"Master..." Meng Fan couldn't help but shout excitedly.

Elder Lin turned around and smiled at Meng Fan, saying, "My good disciple, don't be afraid. In the sword pavilion, in front of my master, is there anyone who can hurt you?"

This is actually a bit... hindsight.

Of course, Mr. Lin arrived just in time, and it couldn't really be regarded as an afterthought.

But if Hongqi hadn't invited him over in time, he really wouldn't have noticed Meng Fan's abnormal state.

After Mr. Lin comforted Meng Fan, he moved his gaze to the old monk.

"Old bald donkey, you can't bear to harm your disciples and grandchildren, so you bully my disciples? Do you know what kind of place this is? If you dare to act wild here, you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

The old monk looked at Elder Lin coldly. Although there was some fear deep in his eyes, his expression was still cold and said: "How high is the sky? I was only half a step away from being able to successfully overcome the disaster and ascend to immortality. In this world, I'm afraid there is no such thing. There are few people who know better than me how high the sky is!"

Elder Lin's face was solemn and gloomy, and he said in a cold voice: "But this is Shu Mountain!

Not to mention a loser who failed to overcome the tribulation, even if a true immortal came to this world, he would not dare to act unscrupulously in our Shushan Sword Sect!

As for your Vajra Temple, it doesn’t even count.

If you offend me, the Shushan Sword Sect, you can remove the Vajra Temple from the world overnight! ! "

Elder Lin's tone was sharp and full of murderous intent.

If he had arrived a moment later, his precious disciple might have encountered something unexpected, and it was not certain whether he would be able to be saved by then.

So he is full of anger at the moment!

The angrier he got, the less he immediately took action against the old monk. He wanted to humiliate him severely.

Take it out! !

Are my disciples not 10,000 times more valuable than your disciples from Vajra Temple?

You old bald donkey can't bear to attack the disciples of Vajra Temple, so you come to attack my disciples...

Can Mr. Lin not be angry?

"Shushan Sword Sect?" The old monk frowned.

His consciousness is sealed deep in the relic, and he cannot sense external events at all.

So he was a little confused at the moment. Shouldn't his relic be in Vajra Temple?

Why did you come to Shushan Sword Sect?

"That's right, if you offend our Shushan Sword Sect, you will have no way to survive! Even because of your fault, it will bring disaster to the King Kong Temple." Elder Lin looked at the old monk coldly, his tone full of murderous intent.

"If you can't give me and my disciple a satisfactory apology, in three days, your Vajra Temple will be wiped out!"

Mr. Lin is exaggerating Haikou. Although the Shushan Sword Sect does have the ability to destroy the King Kong Temple, the Shushan Sword Sect will never do such a bloody thing just because of such a trivial matter.

But the old monk doesn’t know this yet!

He has been dead for thousands of years and knows nothing about the outside world. How does he know what kind of virtue the Shushan Sword Sect is like today?

He only knew that when he was still alive, the Shushan Sword Sect was a behemoth, and at that time it was not something that the Vajra Temple could provoke!

"How do you want me to apologize?" The old monk asked helplessly under pressure.

Mr. Lin's face was cold and solemn.


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