Upon hearing Meng Fan's question, Wu Tian hesitated and did not answer Meng Fan.

"It doesn't matter where I got the spirit stones. What's important is that I don't have any spirit stones now. Can you lend me some?"

Meng Fan smiled and asked, "How much do you want to borrow?"

Wu Tian thought for a while and said casually: "I have to borrow 10,000 spiritual stones anyway. I am still continuing to understand this Sword God Monument. This thing is indeed very useful!"

Meng Fan continued to laugh and sneer.

"Ten thousand spiritual stones, haha, you don't seem to know what ten thousand spiritual stones are!"

His current total worth is only 4,000 spirit stones, and he only asks for 10,000.

Brain problem!

Meng Fan was not a curse, but a true and appropriate description of Wu Tian.

"Isn't it just 10,000 spirit stones? You're stingy!" Wu Tian curled his lips.

Meng Fan rolled his eyes, was too lazy to pay attention to this mentally ill guy, and turned around to leave the Sword Temple.

"Junior Brother Meng, Junior Brother Meng, don't leave." Wu Tian chased after him.

As soon as he walked out of the Sword Temple, Meng Fan took out the Hongqi Sword, looked at Wu Tiandao: "I think you should change your title."

"What's the name?" Wu Tian was a little confused.

"It's Senior Brother Meng, not Junior Brother Meng!" Meng Fan said calmly.

Wu Tian immediately said angrily: "Didn't you say that as long as I lend you the relic, you would call me senior brother?"

Meng Fan said calmly: "Where is the relic?"

"Isn't the relic at your place?" Wu Tian was a little confused.

"Since the relic is here with me, why do I call you senior brother?"

Wu Tian was stunned for a moment and did not react.

After a while, he said angrily: "Okay, you are cheating! Return the relic to me!"

Meng Fan pulled out the Red Qi Sword and looked at Wu Tian calmly.

"Okay, if you beat me, I'll give it back to you!"

Wu Tian was extremely angry and also drew his sword.

He understood the Sword God Monument for ten days and ten nights, and felt that he had undergone earth-shaking changes and was completely reborn.

Just in time, I took the opportunity to teach this Meng Fan a lesson and consolidate his status as "senior brother"!

"Forget it, I'll give you a good beating today so that you can be convinced and call me senior brother!"

Two sword lights bloomed outside the Sword Temple...

After a while, Wu Tian shouted to Meng Fan honestly: "Senior Brother Meng, I was wrong."

"Go back to Jiange, I have something to ask you!" Meng Fan said expressionlessly.

After comprehending the Sword God Monument for a day and a night this time, in addition to the harvest of swordsmanship, Meng Fan also made other discoveries, but it is not suitable to talk about it outside.

Back at the sword pavilion, Meng Fan pulled up a stool and sat down, while Wu Tianze stood opposite him obediently.

"Senior Brother Meng, do you have any questions?"

Meng Fan looked at Wu Tian and thought of his experience of comprehending the Sword God Monument that day and night.

He had already cultivated the Divine Soul, and originally thought that he could easily perform sword skills at the level of the Sword Soul.

But after some deductions in the Sword God Monument, the result was very different from what he expected!

He found that there seemed to be something wrong with the soul he had cultivated.

Although it is indeed possible to display the sword spirit, the process is extremely stiff and the power is extremely limited.

It's not even half as powerful as Meng Fan estimated!

This is obviously not right, there is something wrong...

"Wu Tian, ​​after you cultivated the soul with the help of the power of the relics, did you notice any abnormalities? Also, were there any obstacles when you cultivated the Bingxin Sword Soul before?"

"No problem, no problem. I feel everything is normal." Wu Tian looked at Meng Fan with some confusion.

"Use Bingxin Sword Spirit on me again." Meng Fan said to Wu Tian.

Wu Tian was immediately happy.

It's like saying, come on, give me a slap.

Of course he is very happy!

This kid struck very quickly, and in the next second, an ice heart sword spirit slashed towards Meng Fan.

Meng Fan's expression remained unchanged, he was still sitting there, he raised his hand and waved the same sword spirit.

【Bingxin Sword Soul】

Meng Fan had studied the Bingxin Sword Sutra before and was able to master it immediately.

Now that the soul is complete, it is not difficult to cut out the Bingxin Sword Soul.

The two Ice Heart Sword Souls came into contact, bloomed, and offset each other.

In the end, Meng Fan's sword spirit was completely eliminated, while Wu Tian's sword spirit still had at least one-third of its strength remaining and was slashing at Meng Fan.


With a sword chant, the Hong Qi Sword rushed out, defeating Wu Tian's remaining sword soul power and completely dissipating it.

"Hey, you have also cultivated the Bingxin Sword Soul? But your sword soul is not good, it is weaker than mine!" Wu Tian said proudly.

It was rare to suppress Meng Fan on one side, so he was naturally extremely excited.

Meng Fan looked solemn, this was the problem.

With the same sword spirit, how could Wu Tian's power be stronger than his own?

It seems that my intuition is not wrong, there is something wrong with the soul that I have cultivated.

But the soul was also cultivated with the help of relics, so why did Wu Tian have no problem?

Haha, that old monk really takes care of the disciples and grandsons of Vajra Temple.

Even if he is a villain!

"You go ahead and play by yourself. I want to be quiet." Meng Fan said to Wu Tian uneasily.

"Can you lend me some spiritual stones?"

"No, I won't borrow it, don't even think about it!"

Wu Tian walked away with an angry look on his face, preparing to go back to his room. Then he looked at the dazzling array of swords in the sword pavilion, and his mind began to move.

There are so many swords. If I take some and sell them, wouldn't I have spiritual stones?

When he was at Vajra Temple, he often did this kind of treasure utilization.

Anyway, if the treasure is left there, it will be idle. It is better to use it to train disciples!

"No, the swords on the first floor of the sword pavilion are not valuable. You have to go upstairs and take a look." Wu Tian muttered to himself when he returned to the room.

In his opinion, spiritual stones are like water in the body. If you move more, you can sweat a little, right?

Meng Fan also returned to the room, calmed down, and began to look inward to observe his soul.

After a moment, he opened his eyes helplessly.

Observed this way, nothing unusual can be seen.

"I haven't seen other people's souls. I have to compare them to know if there is anything wrong." Meng Fan walked out of the room and came to Wu Tian's room.

Senior Brother Luo's realm is too low, and Elder Lin's realm is too high.

The only person suitable to be a guinea pig here is Wu Tian.

What's more, this relic was brought out by Wu Tian, ​​and the person who tied the bell had to untie it. Wu Tian had to take the blame and had to pay.

As soon as he opened Wu Tian's door, Meng Fan saw Wu Tian standing in front of the bed. There were many strange things placed on the bed.

Seeing Meng Fan, Wu Tian was frightened and hurriedly put all these things into the storage ring.

"What are you doing?" Meng Fan asked a little strangely.

Wu Tian stared and said, "What do you mean I'm doing? This is my room. You pushed the door in without knocking and asked me what I was doing?"


That seems to be the case.

However, Meng Fan did not apologize. He said to Wu Tian: "There is something I need your help with."

"No help!" Wu Tian refused without hesitation.

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