"You have to help even if you don't want to help!"

Meng Fan looked at Wu Tian coldly, holding a red sheep sword in his left hand and a red sword in his right hand.

An incomplete magical sword, and a serious and complete magical sword.

The Hongqi Sword absorbed so much sword essence that it evolved into a magic sword last time and became the strongest sword that Meng Fan could control.

Even the Red Sheep Sword is much weaker in front of the Hongqi Sword!

Meng Fan pulled out the two magical swords at the same time, which frightened Wu Tian's heart.

The reason why Wu Tian came to Shushan Sword Pavilion was to get a magical sword from Mr. Lin, and Mr. Lin had indeed promised him before.

But until now, not only has he failed to master the magic sword, but he has also been bullied every day...

So angry!

How miserable!

"What do you want to do? Return the relic to me first, and then talk about other things." Wu Tian said helplessly to Meng Fan.

"You do me this favor first, and I will return the relic to you!" Meng Fan said seriously, with a very convincing expression.

Wu Tian frowned. After these two incidents, he vaguely noticed that Meng Fan did not seem to be a very honest person.

He said to Meng Fan with a straight face: "I don't believe you now."

Meng Fan still said with a serious face: "If you don't believe me, you should believe Mr. Lin. If I lie to you, you can go to Mr. Lin for justice."

Wu Tian hesitated for a moment, thought carefully, and was convinced by Meng Fan.

Although Meng Fan was not trustworthy, Mr. Lin was still very trustworthy in his mind.

"Okay, after I've done you this favor, if you don't return the relic to me, I'll go find Mr. Lin. I'm not the kind of person who likes to complain. This is what you asked for!"

In Wu Tian's view, it was a shameful thing to complain to an elder. Only a little girl would do such a shameful thing.

Men's affairs should be solved with their own hands!

But since Meng Fan made the request, it can't be said that he complained behind his back.

"No problem. If I lie to you, just go find Mr. Lin." Meng Fan said sonorously.

Wu Tian looked helpless and said with a wry smile: "Tell me, what do you want to do again?"

Meng Fan came to Wu Tian, ​​brought a stool and sat down face to face.

"I want to see your soul." He said straightforwardly.

Wu Tian's expression changed, and he looked at Meng Fan with some surprise, and then quickly refused: "Shenhun? How can you see such a private thing like me if you want? You can't just look at this!"

"Do you still want the relic?" Meng Fan asked angrily.

Wu Tian gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Why are you so ignorant of taboos?"

Meng Fan said nonchalantly: "We are all grown men, what is there to be shy about? It's just for a look, we can't cultivate both soul and spirit!"

Then after some coercion and inducement from Meng Fan, Wu Tian finally closed his eyes helplessly and compromised.

Soon, Meng Fan's consciousness entered Wu Tian's sea of ​​consciousness and saw Wu Tian's soul.

"What's so good about the soul? Now that you've seen it, are you satisfied?" In the sea of ​​consciousness, Wu Tian's soul villain opened his mouth and said to Meng Fan with some dissatisfaction.

Meng Fan ignored Wu Tian's words. He watched Wu Tian's consciousness attentively, meticulously and with concentration.

After a long time, his consciousness exited Wu Tian's body.

At this moment, Meng Fan frowned and his mood was obviously negative.

Wu Tianke didn't care whether Meng Fan was in a good mood or not, he directly asked: "You have seen the soul, please return the relic to me quickly!"

Meng Fan glared at Wu Tian coldly, his eyes were cold and a little scary, and then turned and left.

Wu Tian was a little panicked by Meng Fan's glare and did not dare to chase after him to ask for the relic.

In fact, he wouldn't be able to use the relic for the time being. If Meng Fan beat him again for this, the gain would outweigh the loss.

After Meng Fan left, Wu Tian said to himself angrily: "This is the first time in my life that I have suffered so much at the hands of the same person.

Meng Fan, just wait for me. When I get the spirit stone, I will go to the Sword God Monument to retreat for a few months. When I come out, I will beat you until you don’t even recognize Mr. Lin! ! ! "

Meng Fan turned back to his room, feeling a little heavy.

He had just carefully observed Wu Tian's soul, and it was indeed very different from his own soul.

Compared with Wu Tian's soul, his soul was obviously smaller, and it was a little blurry and not solid enough!

The most important thing is that Wu Tian's soul has a faint golden light on the surface, but his own soul does not.

This difference is already very obvious!

"Why is this?" Meng Fan was puzzled.

It was obvious that both he and Wu Tian had souls cultivated through this relic, so why was there such a big difference?

Just because you are not a Buddhist disciple?

This kind of thing is beyond Meng Fan's understanding, and it is naturally impossible to understand it.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

"Why? Of course it's because I'm helping this guy Wu Tian."

The moment he heard the sound, Meng Fan's hair stood up and he was startled.

This is the voice of the old monk among the relics!

Wasn't this old monk already forced to commit suicide by Elder Lin, and was reduced to ashes?

It seems that this old bedbug who has lived quietly for thousands of years is really reluctant to die!

However, it is not easy for this old monk to escape from Elder Lin's eyes without dying.

In Meng Fan's sea of ​​consciousness, in front of Meng Fan's soul, stood the shadow of an old monk.

The old monk's shadow was easier to blur than Meng Fan's soul, and was far less solid than the relic.

"You old bald donkey, you are really good at surviving in an ignoble way!" Meng Fan's soul looked coldly at the old monk's shadow.

"I have been in the world for hundreds of years and am almost invincible. I am only half a step away from successfully overcoming the tribulation and ascending to immortality. If I don't want to die, who can kill me?"

The old monk looked aloof and condescending, and continued: "Boy, you should have discovered that your soul is defective. I can give you a chance to make your soul grow stronger than Wu Tian's soul. Even stronger than everyone else’s soul!”

"Haha, then I want to hear it. What kind of opportunity do you want to give me?" Meng Fan's soul sneered.

"Actually, it's very simple. I only need you to provide me with spiritual stones, and I can help you. This is a very good deal. Otherwise, I will take away your body now and let you completely disappear from this world!"

The old monk said in a sharp tone, which sounded a bit threatening.

Meng Fan smiled, looked at the old monk's shadow with a sneer, and called out.


The next second, a red light flashed.

A sword appeared in the hand of Meng Fan's soul.

Red sword!

As Meng Fan's natal flying sword, Hongqi now transformed into the soul sword in Meng Fan's soul body.

"Your deal is actually very exciting. I am really happy to be able to use some spiritual stones to solve the flaws in my soul.

Unfortunately, I don't like your attitude!

Do you really think I can't see how strong you are at the moment?

Rather than following your suggestion, I would rather have you kneel down and call me grandpa.

Or, let you really disappear into smoke and ashes! ! "


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