Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 231: Immortal is no more than three generations old

Liu Yanping immediately rolled her eyes and said helplessly: "Senior Brother Meng, don't be joking.

"You asked Changsheng to call me uncle, but you asked Changsheng to call you sister, then you are not allowed to call me uncle?" Meng Fan said seriously.

Of course, in Liu Yanping's opinion, this was obviously prudish.

"What does this have to do with it? We all have our own discussions. Besides, even if I am willing to call you uncle, my grandfather probably won't be happy to have such a big boy like you out of thin air!" Liu Yanping found the right angle and started to fight back.

I have to say, this angle is really good!

Meng Fan stopped teasing Liu Yanping and changed the topic.

"I came to you because I wanted to ask you for a favor." Meng Fan said to Liu Yanping with a serious look on his face.

"What are you busy with?" Liu Yanping asked immediately.

He always asked Meng Fan for help, but Meng Fan didn't ask him for help many times.

The only time was when I introduced Senior Sister Ye Qingyu to Meng Fan.

It is worth mentioning that Senior Sister Ye later expressed "thank you" to herself more than once.

"I am short of spiritual stones and want to..."

Meng Fan originally wanted to ask Liu Yanping to help introduce a few people to do business, but Liu Yanping thought that Meng Fan came to borrow spiritual stones from her.

"How much do you want?" Liu Yanping waved her hand and interrupted Meng Fan's words.

This gesture is extremely domineering, and she is indeed a well-known young rich woman of the younger generation in Shushan.

Even Meng Fan didn't expect Liu Yanping's reaction. His original intention was not to borrow the spirit stone.

He didn't expect this girl to be so generous. Although he couldn't resist the kindness, Meng Fan didn't hesitate and said openly: "Ten thousand spiritual stones."

When Liu Yanping heard this, she was stunned and stood on the spot, staring at Meng Fan blankly.

"Ten thousand spiritual stones? Are you trying to steal money?"

This is a huge amount of money, and even Liu Yanping is a little reluctant to part with it.

It’s not that I can’t bear it, it’s that I can’t bear it!

Ten thousand spirit stones, if she could find a way to get them together, she would indeed have them.

But she was really reluctant to lend such a large sum of spiritual stones to Meng Fan for nothing, and she didn't dare!

What if Meng Fan doesn't pay back?

Well, even if she reluctantly believed that Meng Fan was not this kind of person!

But what if you can’t afford it?

This is ten thousand spiritual stones!

It is true that her friendship with Meng Fan is worth thousands of dollars. No, it’s worth a thousand dollars!

But 10,000 spirit stones are worth countless thousand gold, which is hard to count.

"Junior Sister Liu, actually you misunderstood, I didn't come to you to borrow the spirit stone." Seeing this, Meng Fan could only continue to talk about his original plan.

"I do need spiritual stones, but I don't want to borrow them from you.

I'm looking for you because I want you to help introduce a few disciples who have spirit stones. Then I can teach them swordsmanship and receive spirit stones as a reward.

You know my swordsmanship. Instruct them in swordsmanship and collect some spirit stones. They will definitely not lose money! "

Meng Fan said seriously and his tone was extremely calm.

If another person said this, Liu Yanping would definitely laugh at her for being out of her mind. Are you worthy of that?

But Meng Fan...

Is there such a good thing?

Being able to get Meng Fan's guidance on swordsmanship is definitely a blessing!

"That's no problem. There are a lot of idiots around me who have no shortage of spiritual stones but poor swordsmanship. If you are willing to teach them swordsmanship, I guarantee that they will take out the spiritual stones obediently!" Liu Yanping hurriedly patted her chest and said.

Meng Fan smiled, he was right.

In a rich woman's circle, she must be surrounded by rich people!

"Then what do you think is the best way to charge for this spiritual stone?" Meng Fan asked humbly.

After all, Liu Yanping is obviously more professional in understanding the financial resources of these people.

"A thousand spirit stones alone!" Liu Yanping looked determined and opened her mouth.


Meng Fan asked cautiously: "Is it a bit expensive?"

"It's expensive, you're worth it!" Liu Yanping was more confident than Meng Fan himself.

Meng Fan actually felt that he was worth the price, but after all, he had just started this business, did he think he should get a discount?

After all, he is still too small!

He worked so hard that it took him so long to earn thousands of spirit stones. It is hard to imagine that someone could take out a thousand spirit stones just to improve some sword skills!

Liu Yanping saw Meng Fan's expression, thought for a moment, and then said: "Senior Brother Meng, how about this? For a disciple who has not yet cultivated Sword Intent, you can guide him to cultivate Sword Intent for 500 spiritual stones.

For a disciple who has not yet mastered sword skills, you can teach him to master sword skills for a fee of 1,000 spiritual stones.

As for those who haven’t even mastered sword energy, they are too cheap and we won’t accept them! "

Meng Fan nodded and said, "Okay."

Liu Yanping, this girl, is quite business-savvy, so this idea is indeed a good one.

"Let me first introduce you to someone to practice with and familiarize yourself with the process." Liu Yanping said very efficiently, and the introduction was about to begin.

"Who?" Meng Fan asked curiously.

With such great speed, it seems that he found the right person.

"Isn't this ready-made, Yang Shishi! Don't look at Shishi, she is like a boring gourd on weekdays. She talks very little and seems to be quite easy to bully.

But whoever dares to bully her will be in trouble!

Because Shishi’s grandfather is Elder Yang of the Law Enforcement Hall.

As for spiritual stones, there is no shortage of poems.

Although she is not as rich as me, she still doesn't care about five hundred thousand! "

Hearing Liu Yanping's words, Meng Fan suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart.

How come the people I know are all the third generation immortals of the Shushan Sword Sect!

No wonder there is a famous saying in the world of immortality: Immortality cannot last more than three generations.

If you look at the mediocre third generation like Liu Yanping and Yang Shishi, you will know why.

After a while, Liu Yanping brought Yang Shishi and Shu Changsheng back.

Yang Shishi had obviously heard Meng Fan's thoughts from Liu Yanping. She said to Meng Fan with a little trepidation: "Senior Brother Meng, I have a "Feiyu Sword Technique", but I have never been able to practice it to the level of sword power. I am willing It costs a thousand spiritual stones, please give me some advice!”

This girl could never let go in front of Meng Fan.

Meng Fan didn't take it seriously. Many women couldn't let go in front of their male gods. He could understand.

Blame him for being so handsome and outstanding!

"Feiyu Sword Technique, please practice it with Junior Sister Yang first." Although Meng Fan has been exposed to most of Shushan's sword techniques, there will always be fish that slip through the net.

He had no impression of the Feiyu sword technique mentioned by Yang Shishi.

Next, Yang Shishi started practicing her sword in front of Meng Fan.

After reading it over and over again, Meng Fan simulated it in his mind, with a faint smile on his face.

He stretched out his index finger and moved it slightly forward.

A sword force appeared in the direction pointed by Meng Fan, and there seemed to be faint raindrops falling in the mid-air.

Meng Fan was too strong, and his knowledge of swordsmanship was astonishing. Coupled with the supreme talent of [Swordsmanship and Spirituality], he had already mastered this level of swordsmanship just by seeing it once.

Not only the power of the sword, but even the soul of the sword can be cut out for you if you want!

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