Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 232: Meng Fan's Instructions, Heavenly Sword Technique

It's just that Meng Fan's soul is defective and has not recovered yet, so even if he cuts out the sword soul, the power is still lacking.

"Junior Sister Yang, your Rain Rain Sword Technique..."

Meng Fan came to Yang Shishi and began to teach her swordsmanship.

From sword moves, to sword rhyme, sword energy, and then to sword intention, he picked it up bit by bit and taught me step by step.

How can Yang Shishi hold up?

For a whole hour, the blush on her face never disappeared, and she was so distracted!

"Yang Shishi!!!" Meng Fan couldn't stand it anymore, he scolded with a straight face.

Seeing Meng Fan getting angry, the charm in Yang Shishi's heart disappeared and she immediately became serious.

Under Meng Fan's guidance, she gained a deeper understanding of Feiyu swordsmanship.

Some of the angles mentioned by Meng Fan were things she had never thought of and could have ignored.

Two hours later, as the sun set, Meng Fan said to Yang Shishi: "Within ten days, I can help you cultivate the Feiyu sword style!"

After these two hours of contact, Meng Fan already had complete directions and routines in his mind.

Just finished it in ten days!

"That's it for today." Meng Fan said to Yang Shishi.

"Okay, Senior Brother Meng."

Yang Shishi raised her head, feeling a little unfinished, but since Meng Fan had said so, she was naturally embarrassed to refuse.

Liu Yanping nodded and said: "Then I will help you find two more enemies tomorrow. Well, I will also help you find two Shushan disciples who have dreams and pursuits and want to improve their swordsmanship."

"Okay, the more, the merrier!" Meng Fan said to Liu Yanping without any politeness.

Meng Fan turned and left. Before leaving, he saw the little guy Shu Changsheng hiding in the corner practicing his sword.

What he practiced was not the ultimate sword drawing technique, nor the blue sea tide sword technique, but the rain rain sword technique!

Meng Fan couldn't help but smile.

This kid is actually stealing from his master!

If this continues, no matter how many people you teach swordsmanship to, this kid will have to learn many swordsmanship secretly.

Unfortunately, without spiritual roots, no matter how much you learn, it is useless!

It's better to spend your energy elsewhere.

Meng Fan sighed and left the alchemy hall.

But when he passed by Ye Qingyu's residence, he stopped subconsciously.

He and Ye Qingyu also share the same sorrow and are considered friends.

Friends should help each other!

But when Ye Qingyu saw Meng Fan, he was not as happy and excited as when friends met each other.

She looked at Meng Fan with a cold face, and said with some surprise: "The elixir has been used up so quickly?"

Calculating the time, the elixir I had helped Meng Fan refine should be enough to last another month.

"Senior Sister Ye misunderstood. I'm not here for the elixir, but to teach you about swordsmanship." Meng Fan quickly made it clear what his purpose was.

Ye Qingyu glanced at Meng Fan in surprise and said suspiciously, "Senior Brother Meng is so kind today?"

It's not surprising that she doubted Meng Fan. After all, Meng Fan did act a little mean when he got along with her before.

These two guys are indeed interesting. Meng Fan calls Senior Sister Ye Qingyu, and Ye Qingyu calls Senior Brother Meng Fan. Everyone has his own business!

Meng Fan said openly and aboveboard: "Senior Sister Ye, I'm short of spiritual stones recently, so I'm offering to teach others swordsmanship for a fee. Tutoring is included, and skills are included. It's definitely worth every penny!"

Ye Qingyu stared at Meng Fan dumbfounded and said in disbelief: "So you came to my place to earn spiritual stones?"

She really couldn't react when the spirit stone was earned to her.

It’s so bizarre!

The key is that she actually accepted it from the bottom of her heart.

Because she knew very well how strong Meng Fan's swordsmanship was, especially when it came to teaching others' swordsmanship, she felt that some elders were not as good as Meng Fan.

Although the swordsmanship of those elders are all very strong, just because they are strong does not mean they can teach others.

She had personally experienced Meng Fan's ability to teach others.

In just a few days, he taught her how to cultivate the Great Destruction Sword Intent!

This kind of ability is really not comparable to that of many elders of the Shushan Sword Sect, even Meng Fan.

"My Great Destruction Sword Technique has just been mastered by Sword Intent. As for the Flame Sword Technique, I have already mastered Sword Intent. It is impossible to master Sword Soul at this stage!" Although Ye Qingyu was tempted, the two sword techniques she majored in were indeed It is difficult to improve.

Meng Fan thought for a while, Ye Qingyu had not cultivated the divine soul, and it was unrealistic to cultivate the sword soul with the Blazing Sword Technique.

As for the Great Destruction Sword Technique, although I have just mastered Sword Intent not long ago, this does not affect my continued cultivation of Sword Power!

From Meng Fan's point of view, there is not much difference between sword power and sword intention. From his perspective, it is normal to complete the cultivation in one day.

"Senior Sister Ye, with two thousand spirit stones, I promise to help you cultivate the Great Destruction Sword Power within a month." Meng Fan said sonorously and forcefully, with a face full of confidence.

This is not bragging, but strength!

He knew Ye Qingyu very well, and he knew the Great Destruction Sword Technique even better. He said that it would be a sure thing for Ye Qingyu to master the Great Destruction Sword Technique within a month.

As for why there are two thousand spirit stones instead of one thousand spirit stones?

No explanation!

Ye Qingyu looked at Meng Fan's face, hesitated for a moment, and said directly: "Okay, if you can help me cultivate the Great Destruction Sword, why not give you two thousand spiritual stones!"

Everyone's ideas and needs are different.

From Ye Qingyu's point of view, if he could really upgrade the Great Destruction Sword Technique to the level of sword power within a month.

Then two thousand spirit stones are worth it!

"Okay, I'll wait for you at junior sister Liu Yanping's yard tomorrow at noon." Meng Fan said to Ye Qingyu with a smile, feeling slightly excited.

I didn't expect it to be so easy to earn spirit stones.

Thinking about it carefully, it turned out that I was too poor, and poverty limited my imagination!

These rich ladies, one thousand spirit stones and two thousand spirit stones, actually took them out as they said.

Especially the little girl Liu Yanping, Meng Fan felt that if he was thicker-skinned, he could even borrow 10,000 spirit stones directly.

"My face is still too thin, it needs to be sharpened!" After leaving Ye Qingyu's residence, Meng Fan murmured to himself in a low voice.

Returning to the Sword Pavilion, Meng Fan was much more energetic.

If nothing unexpected happens, he should be able to earn 10,000 spirit stones in a month.

It mainly depends on the connections of this girl Liu Yanping!

It is indeed easy for Meng Fan to teach others swordsmanship.

Because the swordsmanship practiced by these Shushan disciples is basically below the "heavenly grade".

Below the heavenly grade, in Meng Fan's view, they are all at the same level.

This kind of swordsmanship, he can integrate and master it in a single thought, it is not worth mentioning.

As for the [Heavenly Grade] swordsmanship, even Meng Fan needs to spend some time and energy to study it. It is impossible to learn it in a moment. It will take at least several hours.

This kind of swordsmanship would be a bit troublesome to teach others.

Fortunately, with the level of Liu Yanping's circle, no one should be able to learn the Heavenly Grade Swordsmanship.

For example, in the Shushan Sword Sect, only the swordsmanship of the level of "Heavenly Sword", "Ten Thousand Swords", and "Xiaoyao Divine Sword" are Heavenly Grade Swordsmanship.

Meng Fan only knows these three!

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