Land Sword Immortal's Sword Pavilion has guarded the sword for eighty years

Chapter 237: Is there such an outstanding person in Shushan?

How could Liu Changyuan withstand Meng Fan's deception?

Especially after Meng Fan moved Ye Qingyu out again, Liu Changyuan immediately became determined. He mustered up his courage and prepared to rush to the level of sword power in a month.

What Ye Qingyu can do, Liu Changyuan will naturally do too!

Otherwise, he felt that he was not even qualified to secretly like Ye Qingyu.

Afterwards, Liu Changyuan left happily with longing for the future.

Just when Meng Fan felt that he was done and was about to return to Jiange.

Yang Shishi walked out of the corner with her head lowered. She came to Meng Fan and whispered to him: "Senior Brother Meng, you haven't given me any advice yet."

Meng Fan glanced at Yang Shishi in surprise, he had completely forgotten about this girl.

I have to say, this girl’s sense of presence is really low!

"Okay, don't stand in the corner all the time. I've forgotten about you." Meng Fan said directly, without any evasion or embarrassment.

After all, he is a teacher!

Yang Shishi nodded, and then Meng Fan began to teach her the Feiyu sword technique.

This girl's Feiyu Sword Technique has long been practiced to the level of Sword Intention and has been immersed in it for a long time.

Meng Fan estimated that it would only take half a month at most for him to teach Yang Shishi how to master the sword technique, which was much easier than the others.

Half an hour later, the sunset had faded and the sky was completely dark.

"Okay, you go back first and think about it yourself. Tomorrow, uh, you can come over later..." Meng Fan said to Yang Shishi.

This girl's sense of presence is a little low. According to today's rhythm, she will probably be the last one to receive advice tomorrow.

If you come early, you are just waiting, so you might as well come later.

Yang Shishi didn't think so. She felt that it would be a pleasure to spend more time with Meng Fan, even if she just looked at Meng Fan quietly.

She won't come here later!

How could Meng Fan imagine such a little girl's mentality?

But even if I thought about it, I wouldn't care.

Now everyone is gone, only Liu Yanping and Shu Changsheng are left.

"Changsheng, come here!" Meng Fan waved to Shu Changsheng.

This little guy actually has a lower sense of presence than Yang Shishi. He has been hiding in the corner, secretly watching Meng Fan teach others how to use swordsmanship.

Things like sword intention and sword power were too advanced and he had not been exposed to them yet, so he didn't understand them at all.

But every time Meng Fan practiced swordsmanship with those guys, this kid could learn something from it, and this kind of gain made him addicted.

"Show me what you learned this afternoon." Meng Fan smiled and rubbed Shu Changsheng's head.

After Shu Changsheng heard this, he immediately pulled out his wooden sword and started practicing swordplay in front of Meng Fan.

From the "Aurora Sword Technique", to the "Great Destruction Sword Technique", to the "Spring Thunder Sword Technique", and finally to the "Feiyu Sword Technique".

He is not proficient in any of these four swordsmanships, but he can get a little bit of practice in each one.

Although the word "fur" doesn't sound good.

But just through this kind of secret viewing, without sword manuals and systematic study, it is extremely difficult to learn something superficial.

"Very good. Today I will teach you the Feiyu sword technique first. If you learn well, I will continue to teach you several other sword techniques in the future."

Then, Meng Fan began to teach Shu Changsheng Feiyu sword technique one move at a time.

There is a saying that the child Shu Changsheng is actually very lucky. Meng Fan can teach him swordsmanship for free, which is something no one can ask for!

Meng Fan knew that the boy Lai Shu Changsheng had a talent for swordsmanship, but after teaching him once, he was still a little surprised.

Because this kid only learned it once, and he has already demonstrated the entire set of "Rain Rain Sword Technique" in a decent manner.

The most amazing thing is that there are almost no flaws between the moves!

This is not easy even for Yang Shishi, who has practiced Feiyu swordsmanship for many years.

To be honest, if Shu Changsheng had spiritual roots, Meng Fan would want to accept him as his disciple.

With Meng Fan's current level of cultivation, there is absolutely no problem in accepting a child of such an age as his apprentice.

Unfortunately, as I said before, this kid has no spiritual roots. Even if Meng Fan accepts him as his disciple, there is no way to cultivate him.

have no choice……

"Great, I will teach you the Spring Thunder Sword Technique tomorrow!" Meng Fan patted Shu Changsheng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Meng!" Shu Changsheng shouted with excitement.

Among the four sword techniques, his favorite is Chun Lei Sword Technique.

Because when he saw Liu Changyuan slashing out this sword in the afternoon, there was a sound of thunder.

When the sword was slashed out, there was thunder!

In Shu Changsheng's little mind, he thought this was something extremely cool and handsome.

Just when Meng Fan was about to leave, Liu Yanping also appeared and blocked Meng Fan's way.

"What's wrong?" Meng Fan glanced at Liu Yanping in surprise.

Liu Yanping said: "Senior Brother Meng, you just said that my brother is no worse than my cousin and Senior Sister Ye. You strongly recommend that he learn sword skills from you."

Meng Fan looked at the girl, wondering what the girl meant by her words, and waited for the next sentence.

"I don't think I'm any worse than them. I also want to learn the Sword Power from you! It's been quite some time since I've cultivated the Blue Sea Tide Sword Power. I think I can hit a wave of Blue Sea Tide Sword Power!"

Not what you think, but what I think!

Meng Fan raised his head and looked directly at Liu Yanping. He felt that the girl was swollen.

A rookie at the Zhenwu realm, who is still far away from the Tianyuan realm, wants sword power?

She thought her surname was Meng?

Or is his surname Shu?

If Liu Yanping had the qualifications of Shu Changsheng, Meng Fan would be confident that she would be able to master the sword skills in the True Martial Realm.

It's a pity that she didn't...

"Junior sister Liu, what state of cultivation are you at now?" Meng Fan asked Liu Yanping.

He was actually asking questions knowingly. With his ability, he could naturally see through Liu Yanping's cultivation.

Liu Yanping replied: "Me? The fifth level of Zhenwu."

Meng Fan nodded, and then said: "As far as you know, in the entire Shushan Sword Sect, is there anyone who has mastered sword skills at the fifth level of Zhenwu?"

Liu Yanping thought for a while, then said firmly with a firm face, "Yes!"

Meng Fan looked at Liu Yanping in surprise. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to hit this girl and stop her from inflating.

Unexpectedly, there are such outstanding people in Shushan.

"Who?" He asked Liu Yanping curiously.

"You!" Liu Yanping said firmly, with a look of certainty on her face.

Meng Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Well, he forgot about the excellent person he is.

"Me? Okay, do you think you can compare with me?" Meng Fan said angrily: "Whenever you step into the Tianyuan realm and cultivate your divine consciousness, you can then think about cultivating your sword power!"

With Liu Yanping's qualifications and abilities, allowing her to forcibly practice sword skills at the fifth level of Zhenwu would be playing with fire and self-immolation, causing hundreds of harms but no benefit.

Really destroying seedlings and encouraging growth!

Meng Fan left Liu Yanping's residence and prepared to return to Jiange.

It was already dark, and the sword pavilion was probably closed.

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