When they returned to Jiange, the door was still open. It was obvious that Senior Brother Luo had left the door open specially for Meng Fan.

Meng Fan closed the door and returned to his room.

This day was fulfilling, but actually it was a bit of a waste of time for Meng Fan.

After all, teaching others swordsmanship will delay your own cultivation.

It was impossible for him to comprehend anything from these low-level swordsmanship.

If it weren't for the spirit stone, he wouldn't have wasted his time even if he was beaten to death.

"Senior Brother Meng, are you back?" Meng Fan suddenly heard a cry from outside the room door.

It was the voice of that boy Wu Tian.

Meng Fan, who was about to practice, reluctantly opened the door and asked Wu Tian, ​​"Is something wrong?"

Wu Tian said with a smile: "Senior Brother Meng, I just realized a sword technique, and I want to discuss it with you."

"Bang!" Meng Fan swung the door open and closed it.

"Do not have time!"

After spending all day sparring and giving advice to others, he finally had time to practice, but he was too lazy to bother with Wu Tian.

Besides, although Wu Tian's swordsmanship is in a good category among Shushan disciples.

But compared with Meng Fan, it is more than one and a half stars behind.

Meng Fan couldn't learn anything from sparring with him.

It's just plain cruelty, meaningless.

"Disciple, go and spar with him. This guy made a sword this afternoon. It's quite interesting. You might as well take a look!"

At this moment, Elder Lin's message appeared in Meng Fan's mind.

Meng Fan was a little surprised when he heard this message.

Mr. Lin's intention was clearly to praise Wu Tian.

Moreover, Mr. Lin felt that he needed to experience Wu Tian's sword.

This is interesting!

Mr. Lin doesn't make mistakes without aim. It seems that Wu Tian has indeed created something special.

"Let's go!" Meng Fan opened the door and said to Wu Tian.

There was a hint of surprise on Wu Tian's face. He had just slammed the door and refused, so why did his face change again in the blink of an eye?

Meng Fan is really moody!

After a while, Wu Tian and Meng Fan came to the open space outside the Jiange.

"Senior Brother Meng, I won't be polite. Just watch, I will draw the sword first!" Wu Tian pulled out the sword from his waist and said straightforwardly, without any trace of ink.

He knew that his swordsmanship was not as good as Meng Fan's, so there was no need to be humble at this time.

A sword light bloomed under the night moon.

The sword light was penetrating and extremely bright, but within the brightness, there was a hint of scarlet.

Meng Fan raised his brows slightly. From Wu Tian's sword, he actually felt a little bit of... demonic nature.

Another person might not have such an obvious reaction.

But Meng Fan once practiced the "Seven Absolute Demonic Sword" and "Eternal Night Sword Technique".

The Seven Ultimate Demonic Sword is a demonic sword technique.

The Evernight Sword Technique, especially the Demon Realm Sword Technique, can only be activated by demonic energy!

Meng Fan rarely used these two sword techniques and almost never used them against enemies.

Because the magic sword is not the right way after all, and there is a risk of going too far.

What's more, these two swordsmanships are not considered to be top-notch swordsmanship by Meng Fan, so Meng Fan is naturally too lazy to use them.

If one cultivates the Red Blood Scripture to the realm of condensing pills and condenses demonic energy, it can match these two sword techniques and exert special divine power.

But now, the power of these two swordsmanships in Meng Fan's hands is still a bit inferior.

To be precise, the power of these two sword techniques cannot even be ranked in the top ten among the sword techniques that Meng Fan has learned!

[How did this kid Wu Tian come into contact with the demonic swordsmanship? 】

Meng Fan frowned as a strange question came to his mind.

Facing this sword, he calmly summoned the Red Qi Sword.

The Hongqi Sword is now a genuine magic sword. Taking it out to compete with Wu Tian, ​​to be honest, it is a bit bullying.

But Meng Fan didn't care, since he wasn't the one being bullied anyway!

The Hongqi Sword flew into the air and slashed forward.

Eternal Night Sword Technique!

The red blood mantra in Meng Fan's body was circulating, and a wisp of demonic energy was about to be activated, but he quickly dispersed it.

This is the Shushan Sword Sect. If he uses demonic energy openly, that would be a bit too much and he may get into trouble.

So he dissipated the demonic energy in time and replaced it with pure yang thunder energy, which he slashed with one sword.

The Yongye Sword Technique combined with the Pure Yang Transformation Thunder Qi is somewhat nondescript.

But Meng Fan's sword still suppressed and crushed Wu Tian!

When it comes to swordsmanship alone, the gap between Wu Tian and Meng Fan is still huge!

Wu Tian was at a disadvantage with his sword, feeling a little frustrated and standing there as if he was a little distracted.

But after a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Meng Fan excitedly and shouted: "Senior Brother Meng, you are so powerful, you can actually combine good and evil to create this sword.

I was thinking before that my sword had flaws and was not perfect, but I couldn't find the flaw.

I didn’t expect you to find the loophole at a glance. It’s so powerful!

Senior Brother Meng, I was not convinced by you before, but now I am really convinced. You are so awesome! ! "

Wu Tian shouted as he ran back to Jiange, leaving Meng Fan standing there with a confused look on his face.

What did I do?

I didn't do anything!

What's wrong with this kid Wu Tian to suddenly give himself a rainbow fart?

It’s just baffling…

Meng Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head, then returned to his room in Jiange.

"The sword that Wu Tian used just now was obviously demonic, and it also had the shadow of Bingxin Sword Scripture. The Bingxin Sword Scripture, the sword technique of clearing the mind and calming the spirit, was turned into a magic sword by him!"

"That's why Elder Lin asked me to see Wu Tian's sword technique."

Meng Fan muttered to himself. He recalled it carefully and felt that Wu Tian's sword just now still had some special and magical features.

A proper sword technique can be trained into a magic sword.

Then can a magic sword also be trained into a righteous sword technique?

Between righteousness and evil... it seems that it is not necessary to draw such a clear line!

Meng Fan had a vague understanding, and he connected it to the great way of sword of [Yuanshi], which embraces everything.

And the "Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Origin" he created.

Perhaps, whether it is the righteous way or the evil way, they can all return to the same path.

Such an idea popped up in Meng Fan's mind. Whether it is the righteous way or the evil way, or even the demon way, ghost way, and even the immortal way, to put it bluntly, they are all a form of energy.


Everything returns to Yuanshi!

Meng Fan had a vague feeling about his future path.

He suddenly felt that his "Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Origin" was still too narrow.

He even felt that not only could the Ten Thousand Swords return to the Origin, but the Ten Thousand Techniques could also return to the Origin.

He couldn't help but wonder if "Spiritual Wind Mysterious Art", "Pure Yang Transformation to Thunder Sutra" and "Red Blood Sutra" could also be melted into one?

If Spiritual Wind Qi, Pure Yang Transformation to Thunder Qi and Red Blood Demon Qi were melted into one kind of Qi.

It seems a bit...


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